
context("Testing setup of .onLoad()")

# for coverage, we run in this session
# If the package namespace is locked (e.g. during R CMD check) .onLoad errors
# when trying to make the class, so test that that is the error (as evidence
# that the code is being executed)
# During devtools::test() the package is not locked, so we must check for that.
if (environmentIsLocked(asNamespace("dbtest"))) {
  # the environment is locked, this should error
    "class .*DBIMockSQLiteConnection.* has a locked definition in package .*dbtest.*"
} else {

test_that("set_driver_class is no-op for a non-existent package", {
      pkg = "notApackage",
      mock_conn = "superFakeClass",
      real_conn = "superRealClass"
  expect_error(getClass("superFakeClass"), "is not a defined class")

# Test with callr, in a separate function to ensure that the behavior of .onLoad
# is what we expect.
test_that(".onLoad add custom classes for all drivers that are available.", {
  # standard, all packages installed
  callr::r(function() {
    custom_connections <- c("DBIMockSQLiteConnection")

    # ensure they have all been removed
    for (class_name in custom_connections) {
      expect_error(getClass(class_name), "is not a defined class")

    # load the package

    # now we have them all back
    for (class_name in custom_connections) {
      expect_is(getClass(class_name), "classRepresentation")
pachamaltese/dbtest documentation built on Dec. 3, 2019, 11:08 p.m.