
Defines functions param.discrete param.real param.fixed param.distributed param.distr.int param.normal param.normal.int is.param as.param random.value random.value.param.discrete random.value.param.real random.value.param.distributed random.value.param.distr.int random.value.param.fixed initial.value initial.value.default initial.value.param.fixed is.param.valid is.param.valid.default is.param.valid.param.discrete is.param.valid.param.real is.param.valid.param.distributed is.param.valid.param.distr.int is.param.valid.param.fixed

Documented in as.param initial.value initial.value.default initial.value.param.fixed is.param is.param.valid is.param.valid.default is.param.valid.param.discrete is.param.valid.param.distributed is.param.valid.param.distr.int is.param.valid.param.fixed is.param.valid.param.real param.discrete param.distributed param.distr.int param.fixed param.normal param.normal.int param.real random.value random.value.param.discrete random.value.param.distributed random.value.param.distr.int random.value.param.fixed random.value.param.real

#' Deifine a Discrete Parameter
#' @param choices A vector of valid choices. Can be any type.
#' @param initial The initial value (must be one of \code{choices} or NULL). See \link{initial.value}.
#' @param weights Probability weights for each choice (must be of same length as \code{choices}).
#' @param ordered TRUE if order matters, FALSE otherwise.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be used in optimisation methods
#' @return An object of type 'param.discrete'
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # regular discrete parameter
#' param.discrete(c("inside", "outside", "I don't care"))
#' # ordered discrete parameter
#' param.discrete(c("disagree", "somewhat agree", "agreee"), ordered=TRUE)
#' # create a parameter that is a loaded coin
#' param.discrete(c(TRUE, FALSE), weights=c(0.75, 0.25))
param.discrete <- function(choices, initial=NULL, weights=NULL, ordered=FALSE, ...) {
  if(is.null(choices) || !is.atomic(choices)) stop("Choices must be an atomic vector")
  if(!is.null(initial) && !all(initial %in% choices)) {
    stop("Argument 'initial' must be one of ", paste(choices, collapse=", "))
  ordered <- as.logical(ordered)
  if(is.na(ordered)) stop("Ordered could not be coerced to type 'logical'")

  structure(list(choices=choices, weights=weights, ordered=ordered, initial=initial, ...),
            class=c("param.discrete", "param"))

#' Define a Real Parameter
#' @param bounds A vector of length 2 describing the upper and lower bounds for the parameter.
#'   Some optimisation algorithms can handle values of \code{c(-Inf, Inf)}, but most cannot.
#' @param initial The initial value (must be within \code{bounds}), or NULL. See \link{initial.value}
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be used in optimisation methods
#' @return An object of type 'param.real'
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # unbounded real parameter (may not work in all optimisation algorithms)
#' param.real(c(-Inf, Inf))
#' # bounded real parameter
#' param.real(c(0, 100))
param.real <- function(bounds, initial=NULL, ...) {
  bounds <- range(bounds)
  if(any(is.na(bounds))) stop("Bounds cannot be NA")
  if(any(!is.finite(initial))) stop("Initial value must be finite")
  if(!is.null(initial)) {
    if(any((initial < bounds[1]) || (initial > bounds[2]))) {
      stop("Initial value must be NULL or between ", bounds[1], " and ", bounds[2])
  structure(list(bounds=range(bounds), initial=initial, ...),
            class=c("param.real", "param"))

#' Define a fixed parameter
#' @param value The value of the parameter, always.
#' @return An object of type 'param.fixed'
#' @export
#' @examples
#' param.fixed(5)
#' # can be a complicated value
#' param.fixed(list(a=1, b=2, c=4))
param.fixed <- function(value) {
  structure(list(initial=value), class=c("param.fixed", "param"))

#' Define a parameter with a known probability distribution
#' @param type The type of probability distrubtion. This is used to call the functions
#'   'rTYPE' and 'dTYPE' (e.g, rnorm and dnorm), which are used by various optimisation
#'   algorithms.
#' @param args A named list of arguments to pass to rTYPE and dTYPE (e.g., mean, sd).
#' @param initial The initial value or NULL.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be used in optimisation methods.
#' @seealso \link{param.normal}, \link{param.real}
#' @return An object of type 'param.distributed'
#' @export
#' @examples
#' param.distributed("norm", args=list(mean=12, sd=2))
#' # is the same as
#' param.normal(mean=12, sd=2)
param.distributed <- function(type=c("norm", "beta", "binom", "cauchy", "chisq", "exp", "f", "gamma",
                                     "geom", "hyper", "lnorm", "logis", "multinom", "nbinom", "pois",
                                     "signrank", "t", "unif", "weibull", "wilcox", "birthday",
                                     "tukey"), args=list(), initial=NULL, ...) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if(!is.list(args)) stop("Argument 'args' must be of type 'list'")
  if(!is.null(initial) && !all(is.finite(initial))) stop("Argument 'initial' must be finite or NULL")

  structure(list(type=type, args=args, initial=initial, ...),
            class=c("param.distributed", "param"))

#' @rdname param.distributed
#' @export
param.distr.int <- function(type=c("norm", "beta", "binom", "cauchy", "chisq", "exp", "f", "gamma",
                                   "geom", "hyper", "lnorm", "logis", "multinom", "nbinom", "pois",
                                   "signrank", "t", "unif", "weibull", "wilcox", "birthday",
                                   "tukey"), args=list(), initial=NULL, ...) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if(!is.list(args)) stop("Argument 'args' must be of type 'list'")
  if(!is.null(initial)) {
    if(!is.numeric(initial)) stop("Argument 'initial' must contain only integers")
    intvals <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(initial))
    if(!all(is.finite(intvals))) stop("Argument 'initial' must be finite or NULL")
    if(any(intvals != initial)) stop("Argument 'initial' must contain only integers")
    initial <- intvals

  structure(list(type=type, args=args, initial=initial, ...),
            class=c("param.distr.int", "param"))

#' Define a real parameter with a normal distribution
#' @param mean The mean of the distribution
#' @param sd The standard deviation of the distribution
#' @param initial The initial value or NULL
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be used in optimisation methods.
#' @return An object of type 'param.distributed'
#' @seealso \link{param.distributed}, \link{param.real}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' param.distributed("norm", args=list(mean=12, sd=2))
#' # is the same as
#' param.normal(mean=12, sd=2)
param.normal <- function(mean, sd, initial=NULL, ...) {
  param.distributed("norm", args=list(mean=mean, sd=sd), initial=initial, ...)

#' @rdname param.normal
#' @export
param.normal.int <- function(mean, sd, initial=NULL, ...) {
  param.distr.int("norm", args=list(mean=mean, sd=sd), initial=initial, ...)

#' Test if an object is a param
#' @param x An object
#' @return TRUE if the object is a 'param', FALSE otherwise
#' @export
#' @examples
#' is.param(4) # false
#' is.param(param.discrete(c('heads', 'tails'))) # true
is.param <- function(x) {
  return(inherits(x, "param"))

#' Coerce an object to type 'param'
#' @param x An object
#' @param warn TRUE if warning should be thrown if object is not of type param
#' @return An object of type 'param'
#' @export
#' @examples
#' as.param(param.discrete(c('heads', 'tails')))
#' as.param(NULL)
#' as.param(5)
#' as.param(rnorm, warn=FALSE)
as.param <- function(x, warn=TRUE) {
  if(is.param(x)) {
  } else {
    if(warn) warning("Object x coerced to type 'param.fixed'")

#' Generate a random parameter value
#' @param param An object of type 'param'
#' @param n The number of values to generate
#' @param seed The random seed
#' @return \code{n} valid random parameter values
#' @export
#' @examples
#' p <- param.discrete(c('heads', 'tails'))
#' random.value(p)
#' random.value(p, n=10)
#' p <- param.real(c(0, 100))
#' random.value(p, n=10)
#' p <- param.normal(50, 10)
#' random.value(p, n=10)
#' p <- param.normal.int(50, 10)
#' random.value(p, n=10)
random.value <- function(param, n=1, seed=NULL) {
  # seed for replicability
  if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)


#' @rdname random.value
#' @export
random.value.param.discrete <- function(param, n=1, seed=NULL) {
  param$choices[sample(length(param$choices), prob=param$weights, size=n, replace=TRUE)]

#' @rdname random.value
#' @export
random.value.param.real <- function(param, n=1, seed=NULL) {
  runif(n=n, min=param$bounds[1], max=param$bounds[2])

#' @rdname random.value
#' @export
random.value.param.distributed <- function(param, n=1, seed=NULL) {
  do.call(paste0("r", param$type), c(list(n), param$pargs))

#' @rdname random.value
#' @export
random.value.param.distr.int <- function(param, n=1, seed=NULL) {
  round(do.call(paste0("r", param$type), c(list(n), param$args)))

#' @rdname random.value
#' @export
random.value.param.fixed <- function(param, n=1, seed=NULL) {
  if(is.atomic(param$initial) && (length(param$initial) == 1)) {
    # probably in most cases the output will be a simple vector of length 1
    rep(param$initial, n)
  } else {
    rep(list(param$initial), n)

#' Generate an initial parameter value
#' @param param An object of type 'param'
#' @param n The number of initial values to generate
#' @param seed The random seed
#' @return A vector of length \code{n} with valid parameter values
#' @export
#' @examples
#' p <- param.discrete(c('heads', 'tails', 'edge of coin'),
#'                     weights=c(0.45, 0.45, 0.1))
#' initial.value(p, n=10)
initial.value <- function(param, n=1, seed=NULL) UseMethod("initial.value")

#' @rdname initial.value
#' @export
initial.value.default <- function(param, n=1, seed=NULL) {
  if(is.null(param$initial)) {
    random.value(param, n=n, seed=seed)
  } else {
    rep_len(param$initial, length.out=n)

#' @rdname initial.value
#' @export
initial.value.param.fixed <- function(param, n=1, seed=NULL) {
  # random.value implementation already takes into account NULL initial values, etc
  random.value.param.fixed(param, n=n, seed=seed)

#' Validate parameter values
#' @param param An object of type 'param'
#' @param value A vector of values to validate
#' @return A logical vector indicating if \code{value} was valid.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' p <- param.discrete(c('heads', 'tails'))
#' is.param.valid(p, 'heads') # true
#' is.param.valid(p, 'tails') # true
#' is.param.valid(p, 'neither heads nor tails') # false
is.param.valid <- function(param, value) UseMethod("is.param.valid")

#' @rdname is.param.valid
#' @export
is.param.valid.default <- function(param, value) {
  rep_len(FALSE, length.out = length(value))

#' @rdname is.param.valid
#' @export
is.param.valid.param.discrete <- function(param, value) {
  value %in% param$choices

#' @rdname is.param.valid
#' @export
is.param.valid.param.real <- function(param, value) {
  is.finite(value) & (value >= param$bounds[1]) & (value <= param$bounds[2])

#' @rdname is.param.valid
#' @export
is.param.valid.param.distributed <- function(param, value) {

#' @rdname is.param.valid
#' @export
is.param.valid.param.distr.int <- function(param, value) {
  ifelse(is.finite(value), ((value %% 1) == 0), FALSE)

#' @rdname is.param.valid
#' @export
is.param.valid.param.fixed <- function(param, value) {
  mapply(identical, param$initial, value)
paleolimbot/easyoptim documentation built on May 24, 2019, 6:12 p.m.