
Defines functions mutate_tbl.default mutate_tbl mutate_columns mutate_datasets mutate_locations mutate_params mutate_data .update_rows update_columns.default update_columns update_params.default update_params update_locations.default update_locations update_datasets.default update_datasets x_columns.default x_columns tbl.mudata tbl_columns tbl_columns tbl_datasets.default tbl_datasets tbl_locations.default tbl_locations tbl_params.default tbl_params tbl_data_wide.default tbl_data_wide tbl_data.default tbl_data src_tbls.mudata distinct_columns.default distinct_columns distinct_datasets.default distinct_datasets distinct_locations.default distinct_locations distinct_params.default distinct_params

Documented in distinct_columns distinct_columns.default distinct_datasets distinct_datasets.default distinct_locations distinct_locations.default distinct_params distinct_params.default mutate_columns mutate_data mutate_datasets mutate_locations mutate_params mutate_tbl mutate_tbl.default src_tbls.mudata tbl_columns tbl_data tbl_data.default tbl_datasets tbl_datasets.default tbl_data_wide tbl_data_wide.default tbl_locations tbl_locations.default tbl.mudata tbl_params tbl_params.default update_columns update_columns.default update_datasets update_datasets.default update_locations update_locations.default update_params update_params.default x_columns x_columns.default

#' Get distinct params, locations, and datasets from a mudata object
#' @param x A mudata object
#' @param table The table to use to calculate the distinct values. Using
#'   the "data" table is safest, but for large datasets that are not
#'   in memory, using the meta table (params, locations, or datasets)
#'   may be useful.
#' @param ... Passed to other methods
#' @return A character vector of distinct parameter names
#' @export
#' @examples
#' distinct_params(kentvillegreenwood)
#' distinct_locations(kentvillegreenwood)
#' distinct_datasets(kentvillegreenwood)
distinct_params <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname distinct_params
#' @export
distinct_params.default <- function(x, table = "data", ...) {
  as.character(sort(.distinct_vector(x[[table]], "param")))

#' @rdname distinct_params
#' @export
distinct_locations <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname distinct_params
#' @export
distinct_locations.default <- function(x, table = "data", ...) {
  as.character(sort(.distinct_vector(x[[table]], "location")))

#' @rdname distinct_params
#' @export
distinct_datasets <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname distinct_params
#' @export
distinct_datasets.default <- function(x, table = "data", ...) {
  as.character(sort(.distinct_vector(x[[table]], "dataset")))

#' @rdname distinct_params
#' @export
distinct_columns <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname distinct_params
#' @export
distinct_columns.default <- function(x, table = names(x), ...) {
  all_names <- lapply(x[table], colnames)
  sort(unique(unlist(all_names, use.names = FALSE)))

#' @rdname distinct_params
#' @importFrom dplyr src_tbls
#' @export
src_tbls.mudata <- function(x, ...) {

#' Access components of a mudata object
#' @param x,src A mudata object
#' @param which Which tbl to extract
#' @param key,value Passed to [spread][tidyr::spread]
#' @param ... Passed to other methods
#' @return The appropriate component
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tbl_data(kentvillegreenwood)
tbl_data <- function(x) {

#' @rdname tbl_data
#' @export
tbl_data.default <- function(x) {

#' @rdname tbl_data
#' @export
tbl_data_wide <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname tbl_data
#' @export
tbl_data_wide.default <- function(x, key = "param", value = "value", ...) {
  key_quo <- enquo(key)
  value_quo <- enquo(value)
  x %>%
    tbl_data() %>%
      one_of(c("dataset", "location", "param", x_columns(x))),
      !!key_quo, !!value_quo
    ) %>%
    tidyr::spread(key = !!key_quo, value = !!value_quo, ...)

#' @rdname tbl_data
#' @export
tbl_params <- function(x) {

#' @rdname tbl_data
#' @export
tbl_params.default <- function(x) {

#' @rdname tbl_data
#' @export
tbl_locations <- function(x) {

#' @rdname tbl_data
#' @export
tbl_locations.default <- function(x) {

#' @rdname tbl_data
#' @export
tbl_datasets <- function(x) {

#' @rdname tbl_data
#' @export
tbl_datasets.default <- function(x) {

#' @rdname tbl_data
#' @export
tbl_columns <- function(x) {

#' @rdname tbl_data
#' @export
tbl_columns <- function(x) {

#' @rdname tbl_data
#' @importFrom dplyr tbl
#' @export
tbl.mudata <- function(src, which, ...) {

#' @rdname tbl_data
#' @export
x_columns <- function(x) {

#' @rdname tbl_data
#' @export
x_columns.default <- function(x) {
  attr(x, "x_columns")

#' Add documentation to mudata objects
#' @param x A mudata object
#' @param datasets One or more datasets to update
#' @param locations One or more locations to update
#' @param params One or more params to update
#' @param tables One or more tables to update (columns table)
#' @param columns One or more columns to update (columns table)
#' @param ... Key/value pairs (values of length 1)
#' @return A modified version of x
#' @export
#' @examples
#' kentvillegreenwood %>%
#'   update_datasets("ecclimate", new_key = "new_value") %>%
#'   tbl_datasets()
update_datasets <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname update_datasets
#' @export
update_datasets.default <- function(x, datasets, ...) {
  if (missing(datasets)) {
    datasets <- distinct_datasets(x, table = "datasets")
  # find rows to update
  rows <- x$datasets$dataset %in% datasets
  if (any(rows)) {
    .update_rows(x, "datasets", rows, ...)
  } else {
    bad_datasets <- paste0("'", datasets, "'", collapse = ", ")
    abort(glue::glue("Zero rows were found for dataset {bad_datasets}"))

#' @rdname update_datasets
#' @export
update_locations <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname update_datasets
#' @export
update_locations.default <- function(x, locations, datasets, ...) {
  if (missing(datasets)) {
    datasets <- distinct_datasets(x, table = "locations")
  if (missing(locations)) {
    locations <- distinct_locations(x, table = "locations")
  # find rows to update
  rows <- (x$locations$dataset %in% datasets) & (x$locations$location %in% locations)
  if (any(rows)) {
    .update_rows(x, "locations", rows, ...)
  } else {
    bad_locations <- paste0("'", locations, "'", collapse = ", ")
    bad_datasets <- paste0("'", datasets, "'", collapse = ", ")
    abort(glue::glue("Zero rows were found for locations {bad_locations} (datasets: {bad_datasets})"))

#' @rdname update_datasets
#' @export
update_params <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname update_datasets
#' @export
update_params.default <- function(x, params, datasets, ...) {
  if (missing(datasets)) {
    datasets <- distinct_datasets(x, table = "params")
  if (missing(params)) {
    params <- distinct_params(x, table = "params")
  # find rows to update
  rows <- (x$params$dataset %in% datasets) & (x$params$param %in% params)
  if (any(rows)) {
    .update_rows(x, "params", rows, ...)
  } else {
    bad_params <- paste0("'", params, "'", collapse = ", ")
    bad_datasets <- paste0("'", datasets, "'", collapse = ", ")
    abort(glue::glue("Zero rows were found for params {bad_params} (datasets: {bad_datasets})"))

#' @rdname update_datasets
#' @export
update_columns <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname update_datasets
#' @export
update_columns.default <- function(x, columns, tables, datasets, ...) {
  if (missing(datasets)) {
    datasets <- distinct_datasets(x, table = "columns")
  if (missing(tables)) {
    tables <- x$columns %>%
      dplyr::select("table") %>%
      dplyr::distinct() %>%
  if (missing(columns)) {
    columns <- x$columns %>%
      dplyr::select("column") %>%
      dplyr::distinct() %>%
  # find rows to update
  rows <- (x$columns$dataset %in% datasets) & (x$columns$table %in% tables) &
    (x$columns$column %in% columns)

  if (any(rows)) {
    .update_rows(x, "columns", rows, ...)
  } else {
    bad_columns <- paste0("'", columns, "'", collapse = ", ")
    bad_datasets <- paste0("'", datasets, "'", collapse = ", ")
    bad_tables <- paste0("'", tables, "'", collapse = ", ")
        "Zero rows were found for columns {bad_columns} (datasets: {bad_datasets}; tables: {bad_tables})"

.update_rows <- function(x, tbl, rows, ...) {
  # assign vals, check that it is one row
  vals <- tibble::tibble(...)
  # no rows mean there is nothing to update
  # this gets handled by wrapper functions
  if (nrow(vals) == 0) {
    return(x) # nocov

  if (nrow(vals) != 1) {
    abort("values to update must all be of length 1")

  # bind vals to end of table with dummy dataset, to ensure types are correct
  # and all columns exist
  new_tbl <- dplyr::bind_rows(x[[tbl]], dplyr::mutate(vals, .dummy_variable. = TRUE))
  new_tbl[c(rows, FALSE), names(vals)] <- vals
  # one more cmd hack
  .dummy_variable. <- NULL
  x[[tbl]] <- new_tbl %>%
    dplyr::filter(is.na(.dummy_variable.)) %>%

#' Modify mudata tables
#' @param x A mudata object
#' @param tbl The table name to modify
#' @param ... Passed to [mutate][dplyr::mutate]
#' @return A modified mudata object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(lubridate)
#' second_lake_temp %>%
#'   mutate_data(datetime = with_tz(datetime, "America/Halifax"))
mutate_data <- function(x, ...) {
  mutate_tbl(x, "data", ...)

#' @rdname mutate_data
#' @export
mutate_params <- function(x, ...) {
  mutate_tbl(x, "params", ...)

#' @rdname mutate_data
#' @export
mutate_locations <- function(x, ...) {
  mutate_tbl(x, "locations", ...)

#' @rdname mutate_data
#' @export
mutate_datasets <- function(x, ...) {
  mutate_tbl(x, "datasets", ...)

#' @rdname mutate_data
#' @export
mutate_columns <- function(x, ...) {
  mutate_tbl(x, "columns", ...)

#' @rdname mutate_data
#' @export
mutate_tbl <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname mutate_data
#' @export
mutate_tbl.default <- function(x, tbl, ...) {
  x[[tbl]] <- dplyr::mutate(x[[tbl]], ...)
paleolimbot/mudata documentation built on Oct. 3, 2023, 10:03 a.m.