
#' @description \code{\link{wastdr}} is an R Client for the ODK Central API.
#' The 'WA Sea Turtle Database' 'WAStD' is a 'Django' web app with a 'RESTful'
#' 'API' returning 'GeoJSON' 'FeatureCollections'.
#' \code{\link{wastdr}} provides helpers to retrieve data from the 'API',
#' and to turn the received 'GeoJSON' into R 'tibbles'.
#' \code{\link{wastdr}} will grow alongside implemented
#' use cases of retrieving and analysing 'WAStD' data.
#'   Please see the `wastdr` website for full documentation:
#'   * <https://dbca-wa.github.io/wastdr/>
#'   `ruODK` is "pipe-friendly" and re-exports `%>%`, but does not
#'   require their use.
#' @keywords internal

# CMD check silencer
    "atkn", "aurl", "checks_checked_for_flipper_tags", "checks_checked_for_injuries",
    "checks_scanned_for_pit_tags", "death_cause_of_death",
    "death_cause_of_death_confidence", "details_maturity", "details_sex",
    "details_taxon", "handler", "incident_habitat", "incident_incident_time",
    "incident_observed_at_accuracy", "incident_observed_at_manual_accuracy",
    "morphometrics_tail_length_carapace_mm", "odkc_ex", "odkc_tf", "odkc_up",
    "recorder", "status_activity", "status_behaviour", "tsc_users", "updt", "vbse",
    "body_weight_g", "comments", "disturbance_cause_confidence",
    "disturbance_severity", "egg_count_nest_depth_bottom",
    "egg_count_nest_depth_top", "straight_carapace_length_mm",
    "tally", # var name in track tally
parksandwildlife/wastdr documentation built on Nov. 17, 2022, 4:52 p.m.