
Defines functions resample_factor resample_uniform resample_strat_uniform

Documented in resample_factor resample_strat_uniform resample_uniform

#' @title Draw stratified random sample
#' @description `resample_strat_uniform` draws a stratified random sample (with
#'   or without replacement) from the samples in `data`. Stratification is over
#'   the levels of `data[, param$response]`. The same number of samples is drawn
#'   within each level.
#' @param data a `data.frame`, rows represent samples
#' @param param a list with the following components: `strat` is either the name
#'   of a factor variable in `data` that defines the stratification levels, or a
#'   vector of type factor and length `nrow(data)`; `n` is a numeric value
#'   specifying the size of the subsample; `replace` determines if sampling is
#'   with or without replacement
#' @return a `data.frame` containing a subset of the rows of `data`.
#' @details If `param$replace=FALSE`, a subsample of size
#' `min(param$n,nrow(data))` will be drawn from `data`. If `param$replace=TRUE`,
#' the size of the subsample is `param$n`.
#' @seealso [resample_uniform()], [sample()]
#' @examples
#' data(ecuador) # Muenchow et al. (2012), see ?ecuador
#' d <- resample_strat_uniform(ecuador,
#'   param = list(strat = "slides", nstrat = 100)
#' )
#' nrow(d) # == 200
#' sum(d$slides == "TRUE") # == 100
#' @export
resample_strat_uniform <- function(data,
                                   param = list(
                                     strat = "class",
                                     nstrat = Inf,
                                     replace = FALSE
                                   )) {
  # Old version:
  if (!is.null(param$response)) {
      "'param$response' argument in 'resample_strat_uniform' ", # nocov # nolint
      "renamed to 'strat';\n modify your code accordingly"
    )) # nocov # nolint
    if (is.null(param$strat)) { # nocov
      param$strat <- param$response
    } # nocov

  # Use defaults if not specified:
  if (is.null(param$strat)) {
    param$strat <- "class" # nocov
  if (is.null(param$nstrat)) {
    param$nstrat <- Inf # nocov
  if (is.null(param$replace)) {
    param$replace <- FALSE

  stopifnot((length(param$strat) == 1) ||
    (length(param$strat) == nrow(data)))
  if (length(param$strat == 1)) {
    strat <- data[, param$strat]
  } else {
    strat <- param$strat # nocov
  if (!is.factor(strat)) {
      "'strat' must either be a vector of factor type, or the name", # nocov # nolint
      " of a factor variable in 'data'"
    )) # nocov
  # Each factor level must have at least one sample, otherwise sampling within
  # this level is impossible:
  minstrat <- min(tapply(strat, strat, length))
  stopifnot(minstrat >= 1)
  # might want to change this to a warning.???

  if (!param$replace) {
    param$nstrat <- min(param$nstrat, minstrat)

  # Uniform sampling within each stratum:
  sel <- c()
  for (lev in levels(strat)) {
    wh <- sample(which(strat == lev),
      size = param$nstrat,
      replace = param$replace
    sel <- c(sel, wh)

  return(data[sel, ])
# To do: allow nstrat to be a named vector

#' @title Draw uniform random (sub)sample
#' @description `resample_uniform` draws a random (sub)sample (with or without
#' replacement) from the samples in `data`.
#' @param data a `data.frame`, rows represent samples
#' @param param a list with the following components: `n` is a numeric value
#'   specifying the size of the subsample; `replace` determines if sampling is
#'   with or without replacement
#' @return a `data.frame` containing a subset of the rows of `data`.
#' @details If `param$replace=FALSE`, a subsample of size
#'   `min(param$n,nrow(data))` will be drawn from `data`. If
#'   `param$replace=TRUE`, the size of the subsample is `param$n`.
#' @seealso [resample_strat_uniform()], [sample()]
#' @examples
#' # Muenchow et al. (2012), see ?ecuador
#' d <- resample_uniform(ecuador, param = list(strat = "slides", n = 200))
#' # == 200
#' sum(d$slides == "TRUE")
#' @export
resample_uniform <- function(data,
                             param = list(n = Inf, replace = FALSE)) {
  # Apply defaults if missing from parameter list:
  if (is.null(param$n)) {
    param$n <- Inf # nocov
  if (is.null(param$replace)) {
    param$replace <- FALSE

  if (!param$replace) {
    param$n <- min(param$n, nrow(data))

  # Uniform sampling with or without replacement:
  sel <- sample(nrow(data), size = param$n, replace = param$replace)

  return(data[sel, ])

#' @title Draw uniform random (sub)sample at the group level
#' @description `resample_factor` draws a random (sub)sample (with or without
#'   replacement) of the groups or clusters identified by the `fac` argument.
#' @param data a `data.frame`, rows represent samples
#' @param param a list with the following components: `fac` is a factor variable
#'   of length `nrow(data)` or the name of a factor variable in `data`; `n` is a
#'   numeric value specifying the size of the subsample (in terms of groups, not
#'   observations); `replace` determines if resampling of groups is to be done
#'   with or without replacement.
#' @return a `data.frame` containing a subset of the rows of `data`.
#' @details If `param$replace=FALSE`, a subsample of
#'   `min(param$n,nlevel(data[,fac]))` groups will be drawn from `data`. If
#'   `param$replace=TRUE`, the number of groups to be drawn is `param$n`.
#' @seealso [resample_strat_uniform()], [sample()]
#' @export
resample_factor <- function(data,
                            param = list(
                              fac = "class",
                              n = Inf,
                              replace = FALSE
                            )) {
  # nocov start
  if (is.null(param$fac)) {
    param$fac <- "class"
  if (is.null(param$replace)) {
    param$replace <- FALSE
  stopifnot((length(param$fac) == 1) ||
    (length(param$fac) == nrow(data)))
  if (length(param$fac == 1)) {
    fac <- data[, param$fac]
  } else {
    fac <- param$fac
  if (!is.factor(fac)) {
      "'fac' must either be a vector of factor type, or the name of",
      "a factor variable in 'data'."
  fac <- factor(fac)
  if (is.null(param$n) || is.infinite(param$n)) {
    param$n <- nlevels(fac)
  if (!param$replace) {
    param$n <- min(param$n, nrow(data))
  sel <- sample(levels(fac), size = param$n, replace = param$replace)
  sel <- fac %in% sel
  return(data[sel, ]) # nocov end
pat-s/sperrorest documentation built on June 6, 2023, 7:51 a.m.