

# loading data
data(GMAT, package = "difNLR")

# fitting Rasch model
fit <- mirt(GMAT[, 1:20], model = 1, itemtype = "Rasch", SE = TRUE)

# item characteristic curves
plot(fit, type = "trace", facet_items = FALSE)
# test score curve
# item information curves
plot(fit, type = "infotrace", facet_items = FALSE)
# test information curve
plot(fit, type = "infoSE")
plot(fit, type = "info")

# estimated parameters
coef(fit, simplify = TRUE) # classical intercept-slope parametrization
coef(fit) # including confidence intervals
coef(fit, printSE = TRUE) # including SE

coef(fit, IRTpars = TRUE, simplify = TRUE) # IRT parametrization
coef(fit, IRTpars = TRUE) # including confidence intervals
coef(fit, IRTpars = TRUE, printSE = TRUE) # including SE

# item fit statistics

# factor scores vs standardized total scores
fs <- as.vector(fscores(fit))
head(fs) <- fscores(fit, full.scores.SE = TRUE) # with SE

sts <- as.vector(scale(rowSums(GMAT[, 1:20])))
plot(fs ~ sts, xlab = "Standardized total score", ylab = "Factor score")
cor(fs, sts)

# Wright map
b <- coef(fit, IRTpars = TRUE, simplify = TRUE)$items[, "b"]
ggWrightMap(fs, b)

# you can also use the ltm package

# fitting Rasch model
fit <- rasch(GMAT[, 1:20], constraint = cbind(ncol(GMAT[, 1:20]) + 1, 1))

# item characteristic curves
# item information curves
plot(fit, type = "IIC")
# test information curve
plot(fit, items = 0, type = "IIC")

# estimated parameters

# factor scores vs standardized total scores
df1 <- ltm::factor.scores(fit, return.MIvalues = TRUE)$score.dat
FS <- as.vector(df1[, "z1"])
df2 <- df1
df2$Obs <- df2$Exp <- df2$z1 <- df2$se.z1 <- NULL
STS <- as.vector(scale(rowSums(df2[, 1:20])))
df <- data.frame(FS, STS)
plot(FS ~ STS, data = df, xlab = "Standardized total score", ylab = "Factor score")
cor(FS, STS)
patriciamar/ShinyItemAnalysis documentation built on April 29, 2024, 10:46 p.m.