
Defines functions .createBody .createSidebar Chinook printf

Documented in Chinook printf

#' import shiny
#' import jsonlite
#' @name Chinook
#' @rdname Chinook
#' @aliases Chinook
printf <- function(...) print(noquote(sprintf(...)))
.Chinook <- setClass("Chinook",
                       representation = representation(
setGeneric('addTab',          signature='obj', function(obj, tab) standardGeneric("addTab"))
setGeneric('getTabs',         signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric("getTabs"))
setGeneric('createUI',        signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric("createUI"))
setGeneric('createServer',    signature='obj', function(obj, session, input, output)
setGeneric('createApp',       signature='obj', function(obj, port=NA_integer_) standardGeneric("createApp"))
setGeneric('dispatchMessage', signature='obj', function(obj, source, destination, cmd, json.payload)
#' Create an Chinook object
#' @description
#' a shiny app
#' @rdname Chinook
#' @param name  A character string
#' @return An object of the Chinook class
#' @export
Chinook <- function(name, homePage.htmlFile=NA, quiet=TRUE)
   state <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
   state$tabs <- list()

   state$homePage <- homePage.htmlFile
   .Chinook(name=name, state=state, quiet=quiet)

} # Chinook
setMethod("show", "Chinook",

        cat(paste("a Chinook object", "\n"))
        cat(sprintf("  tabs: : %s\n", length(obj@state$tabs)))

#' add a ChinookTab subclass to this Chinook instance
#' @rdname addTab
#' @param obj  A Chinook object
#' @param tab  A ChinookTab object
#' @return nothing
#' @export

setMethod("addTab", "Chinook",

    function(obj, tab){
       obj@state$tabs <- c(obj@state$tabs, tab)

#' get all the tabs associated with this Chinook instance
#' @rdname getTabs
#' @param obj  A Chinook objet
#' @return A list of ChinookTab objects
#' @export

setMethod("getTabs", "Chinook",


.createSidebar <- function(obj)
   menuItems <- list()
   i <- 1
   menuItems[[i]] <- menuItem("Home", tabName="mainTab")

   for(tab in obj@state$tabs){
      i <- i + 1
      menuItems[[i]] <- menuItem(getMenuItemName(tab), tabName=getName(tab))
      } # for tab

   printf("wish to add menuItems for %d tabs", length(obj@state$tabs))

      sidebarMenu(id="sidebarMenu", menuItems)

} # .createSidebar
.createBody <- function(obj)
  mainTabContent <-  "<h3> Chinook Home Page</h3>"

    mainTabContent <- includeHTML(obj@state$homePage)

  mainPageTabItem <- tabItem(tabName="mainTab", mainTabContent)
                              # includeHTML(obj@state$homePage))
  tabItemList <- list()
  i <- 1
  tabItemList[[i]] <- mainPageTabItem

  for(tab in obj@state$tabs){
     nextItem <- tabItem(tabName=getName(tab), createPage(tab))
     i <- i + 1
     tabItemList[[i]] <- nextItem

     do.call(tabItems, tabItemList)

} # .createBody
#' Create the user interface
#' @rdname createUI
#' @aliases createUI
#' @param obj An object of class Chinook
#' @export
setMethod('createUI', 'Chinook',


      ui <- dashboardPage(
         dashboardHeader(title="Chinook devel"),


#' Create the shiny server
#' @rdname createServer
#' @aliases createServer
#' @param obj An object of class TrenaViz
#' @param session A shiny session
#' @param input A shiny input object
#' @param output A shiny output object
#' @export
setMethod('createServer', 'Chinook',

   function(obj, session, input, output){


#' Create a runnable shiny app
#' @rdname createApp
#' @aliases createApp
#' @param obj An object of class TrenaViz
#' @param port An integer (e.g., 3838, 60041) NA_integer_ by default
#' @export
setMethod('createApp', 'Chinook',

  function(obj, port=NA_integer_){

    server <- function(session, input, output){
       x <- createServer(obj, session, input, output)
       for(tab in obj@state$tabs){
         printf("server adding event handlers for %s", getName(tab))
         addEventHandlers(tab, session, input, output)
       } # server

    shinyOptions=list(launch.browser=FALSE, host='', port=port)

    ui <- createUI(obj)
    app <- shinyApp(ui, server, options=shinyOptions)


setMethod('dispatchMessage', signature='Chinook',

    function(obj, source, destination, cmd, json.payload){

      printf("--- Chinook::dispatchMessage")
      printf("  source: %s", source)
      printf("  destination: %s", destination)
      printf("  cmd: %s", cmd)
      printf("  payload: %s", json.payload)
      for(tab in obj@state$tabs){
        if(tolower(destination) == tolower(getName(tab))){
           printf("will send to %s", destination)
           handleMessage(tab, source, destination, cmd, json.payload)

paul-shannon/chinook documentation built on May 11, 2020, 3:42 a.m.