
Defines functions mapper

Documented in mapper

#' mapper function
#' This function uses a filter function f: X -> R^m on a data set X that has n rows (observations) and k columns (variables).
#' @param distance_matrix An n x n matrix of pairwise dissimilarities.
#' @param filter_values A n x m data frame of real numbers.
#' @param num_intervals A length m vector of positive integers.
#' @param percent_overlap A length m vector of numbers between 0 and 100 specifying how much adjacent intervals should overlap.
#' @param num_bins_when_clustering A positive integer that controls whether points in the same level set end up in the same cluster.
#' @return An object of class \code{TDAmapper} which is a list of items named \code{adjacency} (adjacency matrix for the edges), \code{num_vertices} (integer number of vertices), \code{level_of_vertex} (vector with \code{level_of_vertex[i]} = index of the level set for vertex i), \code{points_in_vertex} (list with \code{points_in_vertex[[i]]} = vector of indices of points in vertex i), \code{points_in_level} (list with \code{points_in_level[[i]]} = vector of indices of points in level set i, and \code{vertices_in_level} (list with \code{vertices_in_level[[i]]} = vector of indices of vertices in level set i.
#' @author Paul Pearson, \email{pearsonp@@hope.edu}
#' @references \url{https://github.com/paultpearson/TDAmapper}
#' @seealso \code{\link{mapper1D}}, \code{\link{mapper2D}}
#' @keywords mapper
#' @examples
#' X <- data.frame( x=2*cos(0.5*(1:100)), y=sin(1:100) )
#' f <- X
#' m1 <- mapper(
#'        distance_matrix = dist(X),
#'        filter_values = f[,1:2],
#'        num_intervals = c(10,10),
#'        percent_overlap = c(50,50),
#'        num_bins_when_clustering = 10)
#' \dontrun{
#' #install.packages("igraph") 
#' library(igraph)
#' g1 <- graph.adjacency(m1$adjacency, mode="undirected")
#' plot(g1, layout = layout.auto(g1) )
#' }
#' @export

mapper <- function(dist_object, filter_values, num_intervals, percent_overlap, num_bins_when_clustering) {
    ##### begin documentation ############
    # inputs
    # f : X \subset R^n \to R^k, a filter function on a data set with numpoints observations
    # filter_values = data.frame(y_1, y_2,..., y_k), where each y_i is a vector of length num_points
    # num_intervals = c(i_1, i_2,..., i_k), a vector of number of intervals for each variable y_i
    # percent_overlap = c(p_1, p_2,..., p_k), a vector of percent overlap for adjacent intervals within each variable y_i
    ##### end documentation ###############
    #     #filter_output_dim <- length(filter_values)
    #     if (length(num_intervals) == 1) {
    #         num_points <- length(filter_values)
    #         filter_output_dim <- 1
    #         num_levelsets <- num_intervals
    #         # define some vectors of length k = number of columns = number of variables
    #         filter_min <- min(filter_values)
    #         filter_max <- max(filter_values)
    #         interval_width <- (filter_max - filter_min) / num_intervals
    #         } else {
    # #    filter_values <- as.matrix(filter_values)
    #         num_points <- dim(filter_values)[1] # number of rows = number of observations 
    #         filter_output_dim <- dim(filter_values)[2] # number of columns = number of variables = length(num_intervals)
    #         num_levelsets <- prod(num_intervals)
    #         # define some vectors of length k = number of columns = number of variables
    #         filter_min <- as.vector(sapply(filter_values,min))
    #         filter_max <- as.vector(sapply(filter_values,max))
    #         interval_width <- (filter_max - filter_min) / num_intervals
    #    }
    # class(filter_values[,1]) = numeric, which has dim(filter_values[,1]) = NULL,
    # so we coerce filter_values to a data.frame so that its dim is not NULL
    filter_values <- data.frame(filter_values) 
    num_points <- dim(filter_values)[1] # number of rows = number of observations 
    filter_output_dim <- dim(filter_values)[2] # number of columns = number of variables = length(num_intervals)
    num_levelsets <- prod(num_intervals)
    # define some vectors of length k = number of columns = number of variables
    filter_min <- as.vector(sapply(filter_values,min))
    filter_max <- as.vector(sapply(filter_values,max))
    interval_width <- (filter_max - filter_min) / num_intervals
    # initialize variables    
    vertex_index <- 0
    level_of_vertex <- c()
    points_in_vertex <- list()
    points_in_level_set <- vector( "list", num_levelsets )
    vertices_in_level_set <- vector( "list", num_levelsets )
    # for future development
    # cutree_in_level_set <- vector( "list", num_levelsets )
    #### begin plot the filter function ##############
    #     # Reality check
    #     # Plot the filter values
    #     plot(filter_values[,1], filter_values[,2], type="n")
    #     # cex = font size as a proportion of default
    #     text(filter_values[,1], filter_values[,2], labels=1:num_points, cex=0.5) 
    #     # midpoint of overlapping intervals
    #     abline(v = filter_min[1]+interval_width[1]*(0:num_intervals[1]), 
    #            h = filter_min[2]+interval_width[2]*(0:num_intervals[2]), col="red")
    #     # left and right interval boundaries
    #     abline(v = filter_min[1]+interval_width[1]*(0:num_intervals[1])
    #            -0.5*interval_width[1]*percent_overlap[1]/100, col = "blue", lty = 3)
    #     abline(v = filter_min[1]+interval_width[1]*(0:num_intervals[1])
    #            +0.5*interval_width[1]*percent_overlap[1]/100, 
    #            col = "blue", lty = 3)
    #     # bottom and top interval boundaries
    #     abline(h = filter_min[2]+interval_width[2]*(0:num_intervals[2])
    #            -0.5*interval_width[2]*percent_overlap[2]/100, col = "blue", lty = 3)
    #     abline(h = filter_min[2]+interval_width[2]*(0:num_intervals[2])
    #            +0.5*interval_width[1]*percent_overlap[2]/100, 
    #            col = "blue", lty = 3)
    #### end plot the filter function ########## 
    # begin loop through all level sets
    for (lsfi in 1:num_levelsets) {
        # begin covering
        # level set flat index (lsfi), which is a number, has a corresponding 
        # level set multi index (lsmi), which is a vector
        lsmi <- lsmi_from_lsfi( lsfi, num_intervals )
        lsfmin <- filter_min + (lsmi - 1) * interval_width - 0.5 * interval_width * percent_overlap/100
        lsfmax <- lsfmin + interval_width + interval_width * percent_overlap/100
        # begin loop through all the points and assign them to level sets
        for (point_index in 1:num_points) {
            # compare two logical vectors and get a logical vector, 
            # then check if all entries are true
            if ( all( lsfmin <= filter_values[point_index,] & 
                      filter_values[point_index,] <= lsfmax ) ) {
                points_in_level_set[[lsfi]] <- c( points_in_level_set[[lsfi]], 
                                                  point_index )
        # end loop through all the points and assign them to level sets
        # end covering
        # begin clustering
        points_in_this_level <- points_in_level_set[[lsfi]]
        num_points_in_this_level <- length(points_in_level_set[[lsfi]])
        if (num_points_in_this_level == 0) {
            num_vertices_in_this_level <- 0
        if (num_points_in_this_level == 1) {
            #warning('Level set has only one point')
            num_vertices_in_this_level <- 1
            level_internal_indices <- c(1)
            level_external_indices <- points_in_level_set[[lsfi]]
        if (num_points_in_this_level > 1) {
            # heirarchical clustering
            level_dist_object <- as.dist(
            level_max_dist <- max(level_dist_object)
            level_hclust   <- hclust( level_dist_object, method="single" )
            level_heights  <- level_hclust$height
            # cut the cluster tree
            # internal indices refers to 1:num_points_in_this_level
            # external indices refers to the row number of the original data point
            level_cutoff   <- cluster_cutoff_at_first_empty_bin(level_heights, level_max_dist, num_bins_when_clustering)
            level_external_indices <- points_in_this_level[level_hclust$order]
            level_internal_indices <- as.vector(cutree(list(
                merge = level_hclust$merge, 
                height = level_hclust$height,
                labels = level_external_indices), 
            num_vertices_in_this_level <- max(level_internal_indices)
        # end clustering
        # begin vertex construction
        # check admissibility condition
        if (num_vertices_in_this_level > 0) { 
            vertices_in_level_set[[lsfi]] <- vertex_index + (1:num_vertices_in_this_level)
            for (j in 1:num_vertices_in_this_level) {
                vertex_index <- vertex_index + 1
                level_of_vertex[vertex_index] <- lsfi
                points_in_vertex[[vertex_index]] <- level_external_indices[level_internal_indices == j]
        # end vertex construction
    } # end loop through all level sets
    #  begin simplicial complex
    # create empty adjacency matrix
    adja <- mat.or.vec(vertex_index, vertex_index)
    # loop through all level sets
    for (lsfi in 1:num_levelsets) {
        # get the level set multi-index from the level set flat index
        lsmi <- lsmi_from_lsfi(lsfi,num_intervals)
        # Find adjacent level sets +1 of each entry in lsmi 
        # (within bounds of num_intervals, of course).
        # Need the inverse function lsfi_from_lsmi to do this easily.
        for (k in 1:filter_output_dim) {
            # check admissibility condition is met
            if (lsmi[k] < num_intervals[k]) {
                lsmi_adjacent <- lsmi + diag(filter_output_dim)[,k]
                lsfi_adjacent <- lsfi_from_lsmi(lsmi_adjacent, num_intervals)
            } else { next }
            # check admissibility condition is met
            if (length(vertices_in_level_set[[lsfi]]) < 1 |
                length(vertices_in_level_set[[lsfi_adjacent]]) < 1) { next }
            # construct adjacency matrix
            for (v1 in vertices_in_level_set[[lsfi]]) {
                for (v2 in vertices_in_level_set[[lsfi_adjacent]]) {
                    adja[v1,v2] <- (length(intersect(
                        points_in_vertex[[v2]])) > 0)
                    adja[v2,v1] <- adja[v1,v2]
    #  end simplicial complex
    mapperoutput <- list(adjacency = adja,
                         num_vertices = vertex_index,
                         level_of_vertex = level_of_vertex,
                         points_in_vertex = points_in_vertex,
                         points_in_level_set = points_in_level_set,
                         vertices_in_level_set = vertices_in_level_set
    class(mapperoutput) <- "TDAmapper"
} # end mapper function
paultpearson/TDAmapper documentation built on May 24, 2019, 10:34 p.m.