Steps first executed independently and then in functions that repeat simulation and compile results

knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = rprojroot::find_rstudio_root_file()) 

Set spatial grid

Required prior to running functions as well as in step-by-step approach

Create fine-scale square 50 x 50 grid to predict on

grid <- expand.grid(X = seq(1:50), Y = seq(1:50))


Use existing spatial grid

e.g. Queen Charlotte Sound

grid <- qcs_grid

1. Simulate 'true' data

Output in list format along with a vector of input values

Data parameter aguments include:

x A vector of x coordinates\ y A vector of y coordinates\ time_steps The number of time steps\ ar1_fields Logical for whether or not to include AR1 structure\ ar1_phi Correlation between years; should be between -1 and 1\ sigma_O SD of spatial process (Omega)\ sigma_E SD of spatiotemporal process (Epsilon)\ kappa Parameter that controls the decay of spatial correlation (3/kappa is roughly the distance at which points are %10 correlated)\ phi Observation error scale parameter\ plot Logical for whether or not to produce a plot\

sim_args_vec <- function(x = stats::runif(400, 0, 10), y = stats::runif(400, 0, 10),
                         time_steps = 1L, ar1_fields = FALSE, ar1_phi = 0.5,
                         sigma_O = 0.4, sigma_E = 0.3, kappa = 1.3, phi = 0.2,
                         plot = FALSE) {
  d <- sim(
    x = x, y = y, time_steps = time_steps, ar1_fields = ar1_fields, plot = plot,
    ar1_phi = ar1_phi, sigma_O = sigma_O, sigma_E = sigma_E, kappa = kappa, phi = phi
  list(d, inputs = c(
    ar1_phi = ar1_phi,
    sigma_O = sigma_O,
    sigma_E = sigma_E,
    kappa = kappa,
    phi = phi
simdat <- sim_args_vec( x = grid$X, y = grid$Y,
                        time_steps = 9,
                        plot = FALSE,
                        ar1_fields = TRUE,
                        ar1_phi = 0.5,
                        sigma_O = 0.3,
                        sigma_E = 0.3,
                        kappa = 0.15,
                        phi = 0.05
g <- ggplot(simdat[[1]], aes_string("x", "y", fill = "observed")) +
              geom_raster() +
              facet_wrap(~time) +
              scale_fill_viridis_c() +

2. Sub-sample from 'true' data

Select a random sample, evenly distributed across time periods

Total grid cells are r nrow(simdat[[1]]) / r length(unique(simdat[[1]]$time)) time periods = r nrow(simdat[[1]])/length(unique(simdat[[1]]$time))

dat <- simdat[[1]] %>% group_by(time) %>% sample_n(500) %>% ungroup()
g <- ggplot(dat, aes_string("x", "y", fill = "observed")) +
              geom_raster() +
              facet_wrap(~time) +
              scale_fill_viridis_c() +


Systematically drop a chunck of data

dat <- simdat[[1]] %>% filter((x <15|x>20) & (y<15|y>20))
g <- ggplot(dat, aes_string("x", "y", fill = "observed")) +
              geom_raster() +
              facet_wrap(~time) +
              scale_fill_viridis_c() +

3. Model from sub-sample

Design mesh

spde <- make_spde(x = dat$x, y = dat$y, n_knots = 150)

Use sdmTMB to estimate the input parameters in our simulation.\ This model includes a spatiotemporal random field, but no fixed spatial random field.

m <- sdmTMB(formula = observed ~ 1, 
            ar1_fields = TRUE,
            spatial = TRUE, 
            silent = TRUE,
            data = dat, 
            time = "time",
            family = gaussian(link = "identity"), 
            spde = spde
r <- m$tmb_obj$report()

4. Compare parameter estimates with input values

Input values (from vectorized simdat list element)

inputs <-[[2]]))

Back transform parameter estimates from model report() for comparison with input values

estimates <- c( ar1_phi = (2 * plogis(m$model$par[["ar1_phi"]]) - 1),
                sigma_O = r$sigma_O,
                sigma_E = r$sigma_E,
                kappa = exp(r$ln_kappa),
                phi = exp(r$ln_phi)
estimates <-

5. Use model to predict for all grid points in simulated data

Replicate list of all grid points for each time period

original_time <- sort(unique(m$data[[m$time]]))
nd <-"rbind", replicate(length(original_time), grid, simplify = FALSE))
nd[[m$time]] <- rep(original_time, each = nrow(grid))

Run TMB with prediction turned on, and replace sample 'dat' with new grid 'nd'

predictions <- predict(m, newdata = nd, xy_cols = c("X", "Y"))$data

6. Contrast true and predicted values for each point in space and time

spatial_bias_dat <- full_join(simdat[[1]], predictions, by = c("x" = "X", "y" = "Y", "time" = "time"), suffix = c("", "_est")) %>% mutate(diff = est - real)
hist(spatial_bias_dat$diff, breaks = 40)

Plot spatial distribution of model estimates beside simulated true values, and the difference between them

dataframe Dataframe containing all simulated and predicted values to be plotted spatially\ id List of columns in dataframe that together identify unique observations (Default = c("x", "y", "time"))\ values List of values to be shown in plotted on separate panels (Default = c("real", "est", "diff"))\ time_periods List of time periods to be shown in plot (Default = c("1", "5", "9"))\

plot_map_diff <- function(dataframe,
                          id = c("x", "y", "time"),
                          values = c("real", "est", "diff"),
                          time_periods = c("1", "5", "9")) {

  melted <- reshape2::melt(dataframe, id) %>% # could be replace with tidyr::gather(spatial_bias_dat, "variable", "value",... )?
    filter(variable %in% values) %>%
    filter(time %in% time_periods)

  ggplot(melted, aes_string("x", "y", fill = "value")) +
    geom_raster() +
    facet_grid(time ~ variable) +
    scale_fill_viridis_c() +

Run simulations 'j' times for each set of parameter values

1. Generate dataframe with parameter arguments for multiple simulation runs

Note: This function creates a dataframe of all possible combinations, therefore these parameters can be fixed to a single value, or vary using c(value1, value2, value3, ...)\ ar1_phi Correlation between years; should be between -1 and 1\ sigma_O SD of spatial process (Omega)\ sigma_E SD of spatiotemporal process (Epsilon)\ kappa Parameter that controls the decay of spatial correlation (3/kappa is roughly the distance at which points are %10 correlated)\ phi Observation error scale parameter\ time_steps The number of time steps\ N Sub-sample size = number of observations included in the sdmTMB model\ n_knots Number of knots for spatial process\ j Number of runs to be conducted for each unique combination of parameter values\

generate_arg <- function(time_steps = 4,
                         ar1_phi = 0.5, # c(-0.85, 0.1, 0.85),
                         sigma_O = 0.3,
                         sigma_E = 0.3,
                         kappa = 0.2, # c(0.005, 0.1, 1),
                         phi = 0.1, # c(0.01, 0.1),
                         N = 300,
                         n_knots = 150,
                         j = 2L) {
  arguments <- expand.grid(
    ar1_phi = ar1_phi,
    sigma_O = sigma_O,
    sigma_E = sigma_E,
    kappa = kappa,
    phi = phi,
    N = N,
    n_knots = n_knots,
    time_steps = time_steps
  arguments$count <- j
  arguments <- arguments[rep(seq_len(nrow(arguments)), arguments$count), ]
  arguments_apply <- dplyr::select(arguments, -count)
  arguments_apply$iter <- 1:nrow(arguments_apply)
args <- generate_arg(j = 10L, 
                     ar1_phi = c(0.01, 0.7))

2. Requires a function that saves a list of tibbles of:

[[1]] parameter inputs and estimates &

[[2]] real values and predicted values

iter Iteration id number; default is a random number; used to set.seed\ grid Dataframe of spatial coordinates eg. c(X, Y)\ x A vector of x coordinates\ y A vector of y coordinates\ time_steps The number of time steps\ plot Logical for whether or not to produce a plot\ ar1_phi Correlation between years; should be between -1 and 1\ sigma_O SD of spatial process (Omega)\ sigma_E SD of spatiotemporal process (Epsilon)\ kappa Parameter that controls the decay of spatial correlation (3/kappa is roughly the distance at which points are %10 correlated)\ phi Observation error scale parameter\ N Sub-sample size = number of observations included in the sdmTMB model\ n_knots Number of knots for spatial process#' @param formula\ formula Define model to be assessed with the simulated data\ family Set family of model to be assessed\

sim_predictions <- function(iter =, 1), plot = FALSE,
                            grid = grid, x = grid$X, y = grid$Y,
                            time_steps = 9,
                            ar1_fields = TRUE,
                            ar1_phi = 0.5,
                            sigma_O = 0.3,
                            sigma_E = 0.3,
                            kappa = 0.05,
                            phi = 0.1,
                            N = 1000, n_knots = 150, # iter.max=1e4, eval.max=1e4,
                            formula = observed ~ 1, family = gaussian(link = "identity")) {
  set.seed(iter * 581267)

  simdat <- sim(
    plot = plot, x = x, y = y,
    time_steps = time_steps, ar1_fields = ar1_fields,
    ar1_phi = ar1_phi, sigma_O = sigma_O, sigma_E = sigma_E, kappa = kappa, phi = phi

  dat <- simdat %>% group_by(time) %>% sample_n(N) %>% ungroup() # sub-sample from 'true' data
  spde <- make_spde(dat$x, dat$y, n_knots)
  # browser()

  m <- sdmTMB(
    silent = TRUE,
    ar1_fields = ar1_fields,
    spatial = TRUE,
    data = dat, formula = formula, time = "time",
    family = family, spde = spde

  r <- m$tmb_obj$report()

  estimates <- c(
    ar1_phi = (2 * plogis(m$model$par[["ar1_phi"]]) - 1),
    sigma_O = r$sigma_O,
    sigma_E = r$sigma_E,
    kappa = exp(r$ln_kappa),
    phi = exp(r$ln_phi)

  inputs <- c(
    ar1_phi = ar1_phi,
    sigma_O = sigma_O,
    sigma_E = sigma_E,
    kappa = kappa,
    phi = phi
  parameter <- names(inputs)
  converg <- m$model$convergence

  # replicate grid for each time period
  original_time <- sort(unique(m$data[[m$time]]))
  nd <-"rbind", replicate(length(original_time), grid, simplify = FALSE))
  nd[[m$time]] <- rep(original_time, each = nrow(grid))

  # run TMB with prediction turned on but replace sample 'dat' with new grid 'nd'
  predictions <- predict(m, newdata = nd, xy_cols = c("X", "Y"))$data

  # combine true and predicted values for each point in space and time
  spatial_bias <- full_join(simdat, predictions, by = c("x" = "X", "y" = "Y", "time" = "time"), suffix = c("", "_est")) %>% mutate(diff = est - real)
  spatial_bias$converg <- converg

  unsampled <- anti_join(spatial_bias, dat)

  run <- list(par = tibble(parameter = parameter, inputs = inputs, estimates = estimates, iter = iter, converg = converg),
              allpredicted = as_tibble(spatial_bias),
              unsampled = as_tibble(unsampled))

3. Use purrr:::pmap to loop the arguments through sim_preditions

all_iter <- purrr::pmap(args, sim_predictions,
  grid = grid, x = grid$X, y = grid$Y,
  formula = observed ~ 1, family = gaussian(link = "identity")

Explore and plot simulation results

If input parameter values varied, parameter and predicted dataframes need to be combined

inputs_spread <- all_iter %>% map(~ .x[["par"]]) %>% bind_rows() %>% select( iter, parameter, inputs) %>% tidyr::spread(., key = parameter, value = c(inputs))
inputs_spread$iter <- as.factor(inputs_spread$iter)
allpredictions <- all_iter %>% map(~ .x[["allpredicted"]]) %>% bind_rows(.id = "iter") %>% left_join(., inputs_spread, by = "iter")
allunsampled <- all_iter %>% map(~ .x[["unsampled"]]) %>% bind_rows(.id = "iter") %>% left_join(., inputs_spread, by = "iter")
pred.hist <- ggplot(data = allunsampled, aes(x = diff)) +
  geom_histogram(bins=40)  +
  geom_histogram(data = allpredictions, bins=40, alpha = 0.4)  +
  scale_fill_viridis_d() +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype="dashed") +
  labs(title = "Prediction error for unsampled locations in darker colour", x = "(real - predicted)")

Each run can be plotted spatio-temporally

predictions_by_iter <- all_iter %>% map(~ .x[["allpredicted"]]) # %>% bind_rows(.id = "iter") %>% left_join(., inputs_spread, by = "iter") %>% split(., list("iter")) this code changes iter to character so breaks plot code below
spatial.bias.plots <- purrr::map(predictions_by_iter, plot_map_diff, time_periods = c(1,2,3))
# pdf("spatial-bias-plots.pdf")

Parameter estimates from n simulations

Create tibble of parameter estimates

params <- all_iter %>% map(~ .x[["par"]]) %>%

Calculate difference between parameter value input into simulation and estimate based on sdmTMB model

par_diff <- params %>% group_by(parameter) %>%
                       mutate(sd_est = sd(estimates), n = n()) %>%
                       group_by(iter, parameter) %>%
                       mutate(diff = (inputs - estimates), std_diff = (inputs - estimates)/sd_est) %>%

Histogram plotting function for error in parameter estimates\ dataframe Dataframe containing all simulated parameter estimates\ x Varible to be plotted (Default = data$std_diff)\ xlabel Description of variable to be plotted for use on x axis label\ fill Varible used to colour bars to indicate if some estimates should be trusted more than others (Default = data$converg)\ notes Description of fill choice or other caveats\ bins Number of bins in histogram (Default = n/4)\

par_error_hist <- function(dataframe = params,
                           standardize = TRUE,
                           xlabel = "Difference from input value",
                           fill = dataframe$converg,
                           notes = "if 2 colours, than some models did not converg",
                           bin_number = n/2){

  dataframe <- dataframe %>% group_by(parameter) %>%
    mutate(sd_est = sd(estimates), n = n()) %>%
    group_by(iter, parameter) %>%
    mutate(diff = (estimates - inputs), std_diff = (estimates - inputs)/sd_est) %>%

  n <- dataframe$n[1]
  binn <- bin_number
  initial <- dataframe %>% group_by(parameter) %>% summarize(initial = mean(inputs), sd = round(mean(sd_est), 3))
  table <- gridExtra::tableGrob(initial, rows = NULL)

  if (standardize == TRUE) { x = dataframe$std_diff } else { x = dataframe$diff }

  fill <- as.factor(fill)
  plot <- ggplot(data = dataframe, aes(x = x)) +
    geom_histogram(aes(fill = fill), bins = binn)  +
    scale_fill_viridis_d() +
    geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype="dashed") +
    labs(title = "Simulated parameter estimates", x = xlabel) + #, caption = notes) +
    facet_wrap(~parameter, scales = "free_x") +
    theme(legend.position="none", plot.caption=element_text(size=12))

  text <- RGraphics::splitTextGrob(notes)
  ggdraw() + draw_plot(plot, x = 0, y = 0, width = 1, height = 1) +
    draw_plot(table, x = .7, y = 0.1, width = .3, height = .3) +
    draw_plot(text, x = .7, y = -.3, width = .3, height = .3)
par.hist <- par_error_hist(params, standardize = FALSE, xlabel = "Difference from input value")

pbs-assess/sdmTMB documentation built on May 17, 2024, 11:31 a.m.