# ICAR --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Construct an ICAR penalization matrix for a given "dimension" and returns the
# double list args_and_vars that have the args to build a new call to s() and the
# vars necessary for the evaluation of that s() smooth
ICAR <- function(data_frame, boundaries, time, dimension,
k, bs, xt, is_spm, unused_names = c("var", "m"), ...) {
checkmate::assert_class(data_frame, "sf")
checkmate::assert_class(boundaries, "sspm_discrete_boundary")
checkmate::assert_choice(dimension, choices = c("time", "space", "space_time"))
# Recapture the ellipsis again
args_list <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$`...`)
args_list <- args_list[!(names(args_list) %in% unused_names)]
# ---- TIME ----
time_levels <- levels(data_frame[[time]])
# ---- SPACE ----
# Here we assume the hardcoded convention that the patch column is patch_id
# (from the discretization)
space <- "patch_id"
patches <- spm_patches(boundaries)
# Setup done ----
vars <- list()
# NOTE: Some code duplication is a little bit of a shame but is necessary as
# previous attempts at functionalizing this part of the code made
# it seem more complicated and less easy to understand.
if (dimension == "time") {
out <- list(str2lang(time))
ret <- ICAR_s_time(time_levels, bs, xt, vars, k, is_spm)
k <- ret$k
bs <- ret$bs
xt <- ret$xt
vars <- ret$vars
xt_list <- ret$xt_list
} else if (dimension == "space") {
out <- list(str2lang(space))
ret <- ICAR_s_space(patches, space, bs, xt, vars, k, is_spm)
k <- ret$k
bs <- ret$bs
xt <- ret$xt
vars <- ret$vars
xt_list <- ret$xt_list
} else if (dimension == "space_time") {
out <- list(str2lang(time), str2lang(space))
ret <- ICAR_s_space_time(patches, space, time_levels, bs, xt, vars, k, is_spm)
k <- ret$k
bs <- ret$bs
xt <- ret$xt
vars <- ret$vars
xt_list <- ret$xt_list
names(xt_list$xt) <- c(time, space)
return(list(args = do.call(c,
args = list(out,
list(k = k, bs = bs),
vars = vars))
ICAR_s_time <- function(time_levels, bs, xt, vars, k, is_spm){
n_time_levels <- as.numeric(length(time_levels))
if (is.null(k)) {
if (!is_spm) {
k <- n_time_levels
if (is.null(bs)) {
# If no bs specified, go with re
bs <- "re"
if (bs == "re"){
if (is.null(xt)) {
xt_list <- NULL
} else {
xt <- list()
if (is.null(xt$penalty)) {
pen_mat_time <- ICAR_time(time_levels)
} else {
pen_mat_time <- xt
pen_expression <- rlang::expr(pen_mat_time)
vars$pen_mat_time <- pen_mat_time
xt_list <- list(xt = list(penalty = pen_expression))
} else if (bs == "mrf"){
if (is.null(xt)) {
pen_mat_time <- ICAR_time(time_levels)
} else {
if (is.null(xt$penalty)) {
pen_mat_time <- ICAR_time(time_levels)
} else {
pen_mat_time <- xt
# Create symbol and assign to list
pen_expression <- rlang::expr(pen_mat_time)
vars$pen_mat_time <- pen_mat_time
xt_list <- list(xt = list(penalty = pen_expression))
return(list(k = k, bs = bs, xt = xt, vars = vars, xt_list = xt_list))
ICAR_s_space <- function(patches, space, bs, xt, vars, k, is_spm){
if (is.null(k)) {
if (!is_spm) {
k <- 30
if (is.null(bs)) {
bs <- "mrf"
if (is.null(xt)) {
pen_mat_space <- ICAR_space(patches, space)
} else {
if (is.null(xt$penalty)) {
pen_mat_space <- ICAR_space(patches, space)
} else {
pen_mat_space <- xt
# Create symbol and assign to list
pen_expression <- rlang::expr(pen_mat_space)
vars$pen_mat_space <- pen_mat_space
xt_list <- list(xt = list(penalty = pen_expression))
return(list(k = k, bs = bs, xt = xt, vars = vars, xt_list = xt_list))
ICAR_s_space_time <- function(patches, space, time_levels, bs, xt, vars, k, is_spm){
if (length(xt) == 0){
xt <- list(NULL, NULL)
checkmate::assert_true(length(bs) == 2)
checkmate::assert_true(length(xt) == 2)
checkmate::assert_true(length(k) == 2)
ret_time <- ICAR_s_time(time_levels, bs[1], xt[[1]], vars, k[1], is_spm)
ret_space <- ICAR_s_space(patches, space, bs[2], xt[[2]], vars, k[2], is_spm)
bs <- c(ret_time$bs, ret_space$bs)
vars <- c(ret_time$vars, ret_space$vars)
k <- c(ret_time$k, ret_space$k)
xt <- list(ret_time$xt, ret_space$xt)
xt_list <- list(xt = list(ret_time$xt_list, ret_space$xt_list))
xt_list$xt[[1]] <- list(penalty = str2lang("pen_mat_time"))
xt_list$xt[[2]] <- list(penalty = str2lang("pen_mat_space"))
return(list(k = k, bs = bs, xt = xt, vars = vars, xt_list = xt_list))
ICAR_time <- function(time_levels) {
# Creating an auto-regressive year penalty; this matrix means that the
# estimate for each year is penalized to be close to the years before and
# after it
time_levels <- sort(time_levels)
# time_levels <- 1979:2018
n_time_levels <- length(unique(time_levels))
pen_mat = matrix(0, nrow = n_time_levels, ncol = n_time_levels)
dimnames(pen_mat) = list(time_levels, time_levels)
diag(pen_mat[-1, -n_time_levels]) = diag(pen_mat[-n_time_levels, -1]) = -1
diag(pen_mat) = -(colSums(pen_mat) - diag(pen_mat))
ICAR_space <- function(patches, space) {
checkmate::assert_choice(space, names(patches))
patches_adj_mat = suppressAll(sf::st_intersects(patches, sparse = FALSE))
dimnames(patches_adj_mat) = list(unique(patches[[space]]),
patches_adj_mat = patches_adj_mat + 0
diag(patches_adj_mat) = 0
pen_mat = diag(rowSums(patches_adj_mat)) - patches_adj_mat
# LINPRED -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Construct the lag matrix and associated lag columns for the linear predictor
# method of fitting the smooth
LINPRED <- function(data_frame, boundaries, time, var, k, m,
unused_names = c("dimension", "bs", "xt", "is_spm"), ...) {
checkmate::assert_class(data_frame, "sf")
checkmate::assert_class(boundaries, "sspm_discrete_boundary")
# Recapture the ellipsis again
args_list <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$`...`)
args_list <- args_list[!(names(args_list) %in% unused_names)]
# Make the lag and by matrices
lag_matrix <- make_lag_matrix(data_frame, k, boundaries, time)
by_matrix <- make_by_matrix(data_frame, k, boundaries, time, var)
out <- list(str2lang("lag_matrix"))
vars <- list()
vars$lag_matrix <- lag_matrix
vars$by_matrix <- by_matrix
return(list(args = do.call(c,
args = list(out,
list(k = k, m = m,
by = str2lang("by_matrix")),
vars = vars))
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