
Defines functions packDataPack

Documented in packDataPack

#' @export
#' @title Pack a Data Pack
#' @description
#' Takes a Data Pack template, combines it with data pulled from DATIM API, and
#' produces a Data Pack ready for distribution.
#' @inheritParams datapackr_params
#' @return Exports a Data Pack to Excel within \code{output_folder}.
packDataPack <- function(d,
                         model_data = NULL,
                         spectrum_data = NULL,
                         d2_session = dynGet("d2_default_session",
                                             inherits = TRUE)) {

  # is packDataPack receiving a model path or a model structure?
  if (!is.null(model_data) && is.null(d$keychain$model_data_path)) {
    # some sort of check on the model data?

    # assign the model data
    d$data$model_data <- model_data
  } else if (is.null(model_data) && !is.null(d$keychain$model_data_path)) {

    # Checks and reads in Data Pack Model File ####
      "Model data file could not be read!" = canReadFile(d$keychain$model_data_path),
      "Model data is not correct file type! File must have .rds extension." =
        tools::file_ext(d$keychain$model_data_path) == "rds"
    d$data$model_data <- readRDS(d$keychain$model_data_path)[d$info$country_uids]
  } else if (!is.null(model_data)  && !is.null(d$keychain$model_data_path)) {
      "You have provided both a model path and model data to packTool. Please provide only one!"
  } else {
      "You have provided neither a model path nor model data to packTool, Please provide at least one!"

  # Write Main Sheets ####
  d$tool$wb <- packDataPackSheets(wb = d$tool$wb,
                                  country_uids = d$info$country_uids,
                                  ou_level = "Prioritization",
                                  org_units = NULL,
                                  model_data = d$data$model_data,
                                  schema = d$info$schema,
                                  sheets = NULL,
                                  cop_year = d$info$cop_year)

  if (!is.null(spectrum_data)) {
    interactive_print("Writing Spectrum data...")
    d$tool$wb <- writeSpectrumData(wb = d$tool$wb,
                                   cop_year = NULL,
                                   spectrum_data = spectrum_data)

  # Hide unneeded sheets ####
  sheets_to_hide <- which(stringr::str_detect(names(d$tool$wb), "PSNUxIM"))
  openxlsx::sheetVisibility(d$tool$wb)[sheets_to_hide] <- "hidden"

  # Add Styles ####
  interactive_print("Cleaning up Styles...")

  spectrumStyle1 <- openxlsx::createStyle(fgFill = "#073763")
  spectrumStyle2 <- openxlsx::createStyle(fgFill = "#FFEB84")

    sheet = "Spectrum",
    cols = 1:3, rows = 1:200, gridExpand = TRUE, stack = TRUE)

    sheet = "Spectrum",
    spectrumStyle2, cols = 2, rows = 2, gridExpand = TRUE, stack = TRUE)

  # Add validations ####
  interactive_print("Adding Validations...")

  # because YEAR 2 tab is skipped by skip tabs we hide rows here
  # AGYW is also skipped because its excluded in packSheets
  interactive_print("Hiding Year 2 and AGYW Rows...")
  if ("Year 2" %in% names(d$tool$wb)) {
                            sheet = "Year 2",
                            rows = 5:13,
                            heights = 0)

  if ("AGYW" %in% names(d$tool$wb)) {
                            sheet = "AGYW",
                            rows = 5:13,
                            heights = 0)

  # Return d object ####
pepfar-datim/datapackr documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 4:33 p.m.