Man pages for perishky/ewaff
Efficient and Flexible EWAS

ewaff.covariate.associationsDescribe associations between covariates and the variable of...
ewaff.cpg.summarySummarize CpG distributions
ewaff.glm.plotPlots GLM regression of a CpG site
ewaff.glm.residuals.plotPlots GLM regression residuals vs fitted values for a CpG...
ewaff.handle.outliersHandle outliers
ewaff.manhattan.plotManhattan plot
ewaff.qq.plotQQ plot
ewaff.reportGenerate CpG associations report parameters for report
ewaff.sample.characteristicsDescribe samples using the variable of interest and...
ewaff.sitesTest associations at CpG sites
ewaff.summarize.relationshipDescribe the relationship between two variables.
ewaff.summarySummarize results.
ewaff.svaGenerate surrogate variables using the ewaff.sites syntax
knit.reportKnit report using working environment
scatter.thinningRemove points from a scatter plot where density is really...
perishky/ewaff documentation built on July 3, 2024, 12:55 a.m.