

batched_toupper <- batch(toupper, "x",
  combination_strategy = paste, size = 1, batchman.verbose = FALSE)

batched_identity <- batch(identity, "x",
   combination_strategy = c, size = 1, batchman.verbose = FALSE)

record_last_arg <- list()
record_first_arg <- list()

check_for_batch_length_of <- function(len) {
  batch_length <- 0
  batch_check <- function(x) { if (batch_length == 0) batch_length <<- length(x) }
  testthat::expect_equal(10, batch_length)
  batch_length <- 0
  batch_run <- batch(batch_check, "x",
    combination_strategy = paste0, size = len, batchman.verbose = FALSE, parallel = FALSE
  testthat::expect_equal(len, batch_length)

test_that("if stop is TRUE, tryCatch is overwritten to be TRUE", {
  batch_fn <- batch(identity, "x", stop = TRUE, trycatch = FALSE)

test_that("if retry > 0, tryCatch is overwritten to be TRUE", {
  batch_fn <- batch(identity, "x", retry = 1, trycatch = FALSE)

test_that("if parallel and tryCatch are both set, an error will occur", {
  expect_error(batch(identity, "x", parallel = TRUE, trycatch = TRUE), "choose speed or robustness")

for (i in seq(5)) {
  test_that(paste("it sends things in batches of size", i), {

test_that("it can recombine", {
  o <- batched_toupper(c("hi", "hello", "how are you"))
  expect_equal("HI HELLO HOW ARE YOU", o)

test_that("it errors with no matching keys", {
  batched_reverse <- batch(reverse, "w",
    combination_strategy = c, size = 1, batchman.verbose = FALSE)
  expect_error(batched_reverse(c(1, 2, 3), c(4, 5, 6)), "Bad keys")

test_that("it can batch twice by two keys", {
  batched_reverse <- batch(reverse, c("x", "y"),
    combination_strategy = c, size = 1, batchman.verbose = FALSE)
  o <- batched_reverse(c(1, 2, 3), c(4, 5, 6))
  expect_equal(c(4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3), o)

test_that("it can batch by two keys and include two nonbatched params", {
  add_first_and_second_arg <- function(w, x, y, z) {
    (w + x) * z[1]
  batched_add <- batch(add_first_and_second_arg, c("w", "x"),
    combination_strategy = c, size = 1, batchman.verbose = FALSE)
  o <- batched_add(c(1, 2, 3), c(4, 5, 6), c(7, 8, 9), c(10, 11, 12))
  expect_equal(c(50, 70, 90), o)
  batched_add <- batch(add_first_and_second_arg, c("w", "x"),
    combination_strategy = c, size = 1, batchman.verbose = FALSE, parallel = FALSE)
  o <- batched_add(c(1, 2, 3), c(4, 5, 6), c(7, 8, 9), c(10, 11, 12))
  expect_equal(c(50, 70, 90), o)

test_that("it can batch by two keys and include a nonbatched param as the first param", {
  add_second_and_third_arg <- function(x, y, z) {
    (y + z) * x[1]
  batched_add <- batch(add_second_and_third_arg, c("y", "z"),
    combination_strategy = c, size = 1, batchman.verbose = FALSE)
  o <- batched_add(c(1, 2, 3), c(4, 5, 6), c(7, 8, 9))
  expect_equal(c(11, 13, 15), o)
  batched_add <- batch(add_second_and_third_arg, c("y", "z"),
    combination_strategy = c, size = 1, batchman.verbose = FALSE, parallel = FALSE)
  o <- batched_add(c(1, 2, 3), c(4, 5, 6), c(7, 8, 9))
  expect_equal(c(11, 13, 15), o)

test_that("it can batch by two keys, surrounded by nonbatched params", {
  add_middle_args <- function(w, x, y, z) {
    (x + y) * (z[1] + w[1])
  batched_add <- batch(add_middle_args, c("x", "y"),
    combination_strategy = c, size = 1, batchman.verbose = FALSE)
  o <- batched_add(c(10, 11, 12), c(13, 14, 15), c(16, 17, 18), c(19, 20, 21))
  expect_equal(c(841, 899, 957), o)
  batched_add <- batch(add_middle_args, c("x", "y"),
    combination_strategy = c, size = 1, batchman.verbose = FALSE, parallel = FALSE)
  o <- batched_add(c(10, 11, 12), c(13, 14, 15), c(16, 17, 18), c(19, 20, 21))
  expect_equal(c(841, 899, 957), o)

test_that("it can batch by an existant key and a nonexistant key", {
  batched_identity <- batch(identity, c("x", "y"),
    combination_strategy = paste0, size = 1, batchman.verbose = FALSE
  expect_equal("abc", batched_identity(c("a", "b", "c")))

test_that("it can batch by an existant key and a nonexistant key (the other way)", {
  batched_identity <- batch(identity, c("y", "x"),
    combination_strategy = paste0, size = 1, batchman.verbose = FALSE
  expect_equal("def", batched_identity(c("d", "e", "f")))

test_that("it can batch by either one or the other key provided", {
  apple_or_banana_fn <- function(apples = NULL, bananas = NULL) {
    if (!is.null(apples))
      paste("apples!", paste(apples, collapse = ""))
      paste("bananas!", paste(bananas, collapse = ""))
  batched_aob <- batch(apple_or_banana_fn, c("apples", "bananas"),
    combination_strategy = c, size = 3, batchman.verbose = FALSE
  a <- batched_aob(apples = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
  expect_equal(c("apples! 123", "apples! 45"), a)
  b <- batched_aob(bananas = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"))
  expect_equal(c("bananas! abc", "bananas! de"), b)

test_that("it can handle functions with splats", {
  fruit_fn <- function(...) {
    if ("apples" %in% names(list(...))) return("apples!")
    if ("bananas" %in% names(list(...))) return("bananas!")
    if ("pears" %in% names(list(...))) return("pears!")
  batched_fruit <- batch(fruit_fn, c("apples", "bananas", "pears"),
    combination_strategy = paste, size = 3, batchman.verbose = FALSE
  expect_equal("apples! apples!", batched_fruit(apples = seq(5)))
  expect_equal("bananas! bananas!", batched_fruit(bananas = seq(5)))
  expect_equal("pears! pears!", batched_fruit(pears = seq(5)))

test_that("it can handle functions with splats and no keys", {
  splat_fn <- function(...) { list(...) }
  batched_splat <- batch(splat_fn, "...", combination_strategy = c,
    size = 1, batchman.verbose = FALSE)
  o <- batched_splat(c(1, 2, 3), c(5, 6, 7), c(8, 9, 0))
  expect_equal(list(1, 5, 8, 2, 6, 9, 3, 7, 0), o)

test_that("it must not evaluate unneeded arguments", {
  fn <- function(x, y) x
  batched_fn <- batch(fn, "x",
    combination_strategy = c, size = 1, batchman.verbose = FALSE)
  expect_equal(1, batched_fn(1, identity()))  # If identity() were evaluated, it would error.

test_that("it can batch an argument that is pre-defined", {
  pre_defined_vars <- c("hi", "hello", "how are you")
  o <- batched_toupper(pre_defined_vars)
  expect_equal("HI HELLO HOW ARE YOU", o)

test_that("it returns NULL on a batch of NULL", {

test_that("it returns NULL on a batch multiple NULLs", {
  expect_null(batched_identity(c(NULL, NULL, NULL)))

test_that("it returns NULL when batching a function that evaluates to NULL", {
  nuller <- function(...) NULL
  batched_nuller <- batch(nuller, keys = "...",
    combination_strategy = c, size = 1, batchman.verbose = FALSE)
  expect_null(batched_nuller(c(1, 2, 3)))

test_that("it ignores NULLs and still returns with mixed NULL / not NULL inputs", {
  expect_equal(c(1, 2), batched_identity(c(NULL, 1, NULL, 2, NULL)))

test_that("it works with function calls", {
  fn2 <- function(x, y) x + y
  batched_fn <- batch(fn2, c("x", "y"),
    combination_strategy = c, size = 1, batchman.verbose = FALSE)
  o <- batched_fn(identity(seq(10)), identity(seq(10)))
  expect_equal(seq(2, 20, by = 2), o)

test_that("it caches function calls", {
  sleep_time <- 0.01; length <- 10
  lengthy_function <- function(x) { Sys.sleep(sleep_time); x }
  speed <- system.time(batched_identity(lengthy_function(seq(length))))
  expect_true(speed["elapsed"] < sleep_time * length)

test_that("it can batch an argument that is a pre-defined function call", {
  pre_defined_vars <- identity(c("hi", "hello", "how are you"))
  o <- batched_toupper(pre_defined_vars)
  expect_equal("HI HELLO HOW ARE YOU", o)

test_that("it can batch a batched function", {
  pre_defined_vars <- c(1, 2, 3)
  nested_identity <- function(x) { batched_identity(x) }
  batched_nested <- batch(nested_identity, "x",
    combination_strategy = c, size = 1, batchman.verbose = FALSE)
  expect_equal(c(1, 2, 3), batched_nested(pre_defined_vars))

test_that("it must be more efficient to batch than to execute an O(x^2) function directly", {
  # Simulate an O(x^2) function
  sleep_square <- function(input) Sys.sleep(length(input) ^ 2 * 10 ^ -11)
  batched_sleep_square <- batch(sleep_square, "input",
    combination_strategy = c, size = 2000, batchman.verbose = FALSE, parallel = FALSE)
  speeds <- summary(microbenchmark(times = 1,
    sleep_square(seq(10 ^ 5)),
    batched_sleep_square(seq(10 ^ 5))
  expect_true(speeds$median[[2]] < speeds$median[[1]])

test_that("For expensive functions it's faster to paralellize though", {
  # Simulate an constantly slow function
  sleep_square <- function(input) { Sys.sleep(1); input * 2 }
  batched_sleep_square_p <- batch(sleep_square, "input",
    combination_strategy = c, size = 5, batchman.verbose = FALSE, parallel = TRUE)
  batched_sleep_square_l <- batch(sleep_square, "input",
    combination_strategy = c, size = 5, batchman.verbose = FALSE, parallel = FALSE)
  speeds <- summary(microbenchmark::microbenchmark(times = 1,
  expect_true(speeds$median[[2]] < speeds$median[[1]])

test_that("it keeps processing with an error if trycatch is TRUE and stop is FALSE", {
  b_fn <- get_expect_error_fn(trycatch = TRUE, stop = FALSE)
  ## beware, `c` drops nulls!
  expect_equal(c(1, 1, 1, 1), b_fn(c(fn1, rbomb$detonate, fn1, fn1, fn1)))

test_that("it stops with an error if trycatch is TRUE and stop is TRUE", {
  b_fn <- get_expect_error_fn(trycatch = TRUE, stop = TRUE)
  expect_error(b_fn(c(fn1, fn1, fn1, fn1, rbomb$detonate)))

test_that("it does not batch a bached function", {
  expect_identical(get_before_fn(batch(batch(identity, "x"), "x")), identity)

test_that("it does not overwrite verbose", {
  fn <- function(x, verbose = TRUE) {
    if (!isTRUE(verbose)) { stop("verbose overwritten!") }
  b_fn <- batch(fn, "x", combination_strategy = c, size = 1, batchman.verbose = FALSE)
  expect_equal(b_fn(2, verbose = TRUE), 2)

test_that("With retry = 1, it can batch an R Bomb without erroring.", {
  b_fn <- get_expect_error_fn(retry = 1, parallel = FALSE)
  expect_equal(b_fn(c(fn1, fn1, fn1, fn1, rbomb$detonate)),
    c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1))

test_that("retrying works with two keys", {
  double_fn_caller <- function(x, y) { x[[1]](); y[[1]](); }
  batch_fn <- batch(
    c("x", "y"),
    combination_strategy = function(x, y) unlist(c(x, y)),
    size = 1, retry = 1,
    batchman.verbose = FALSE, parallel = FALSE)
  o <- batch_fn(c(fn1, rbomb$detonate, fn1),
    c(fn1, fn1, rbomb$detonate))
  expect_equal(o, c(1, 1, 1))

test_that("retry works with a splat", {
  splat_caller <- function(...) {
    lapply(list(...), function(l) do.call(l[[1]], list()))
  batch_fn <- batch(splat_caller, "...",
    combination_strategy = c,
    size = 1, batchman.verbose = FALSE, retry = 1, parallel = FALSE)
  o <- batch_fn(
  expect_equal(o, list(1, 1, 1))

test_that("It returns nothing when something always errors, despite retrying.", {
  fn2 <- batch(error_fn, "x", batchman.verbose = FALSE, retry = 1,
    combination_strategy = c)
  expect_equal(fn2(seq(200)), rep(NULL, 4))

test_that("It will error if it reaches max retries and stop is TRUE.", {
  fn2 <- batch(error_fn, "x", batchman.verbose = FALSE, stop = TRUE, retry = 1,
    combination_strategy = c)

test_that("error handling works in parallel", {
  fn2 <- batch(error_fn, "x", batchman.verbose = FALSE, retry = 1,
    combination_strategy = c, parallel = TRUE)
  expect_equal(fn2(seq(200)), rep(NULL, 4))
  fn2 <- batch(error_fn, "x", batchman.verbose = FALSE, stop = TRUE, retry = 1,
    combination_strategy = c, parallel = TRUE)

test_that("Retrying one level deep doesn't work when the error is two levels deep.", {
  b_fn <- get_expect_error_fn(retry = 1)
    b_fn(c(fn1, fn1, fn1, fn1, rbomb$detonate)),
    c(1, 1, 1, 1, NULL)
  ) })

lapply(list(list("one", 1), list("two", 2), list("three", 3), list("four", 4)),
  function(num) {
    test_that(paste("It can retry", num[[1]], "levels deep"), {
      b_fn <- get_expect_error_fn(retry = num[[2]], parallel = FALSE)
        b_fn(c(fn1, fn1, fn1, fn1, rbomb$detonate)),
        c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
      ) }) })

test_that("batch man sleeps when given sleep argument", {
    env <- list2env(list(called = FALSE))
    with_mock(`Sys.sleep` = function(...) { env$called <- TRUE }, {
        batch_fn <- batch(identity, "x", combination_strategy = c,
          size = 1, batchman.verbose = FALSE, sleep = 30)
      }) })

test_that("batch man does not call sleep when sleep argument is not given", {
    env <- list2env(list(called = FALSE))
    with_mock(`Sys.sleep` = function(...) { env$called <- TRUE }, {
        batch_fn <- batch(identity, "x", combination_strategy = c,
          size = 1, batchman.verbose = FALSE)
      }) })
peterhurford/batchman documentation built on March 18, 2021, 8:36 a.m.