##' @include abstracts.R QhatModel.homo.normal.linear.R
##' @export
QhatModel.homo.normal.linear.AR1 <- setClass(
# Set the name for the class
# Set the default values for the slots. (optional)
parameters = new('parameters',c('mean.a0', 'mean.a1','mean.AR1','std.a0'),c(1,1,1,1))
# Valid object?
validObject <- function(object) {
setValidity("QhatModel.homo.normal.linear.AR1", validObject)
# Initialise object
setMethod("initialize","QhatModel.homo.normal.linear.AR1", function(.Object, use.truncated.dist=T, input.data, transition.graph=matrix(T,2,2),
state.dependent.mean.a0=T, state.dependent.mean.a1=F,state.dependent.mean.trend=NA,state.dependent.mean.AR1=F, state.dependent.std.a0=T) {
.Object@input.data <- input.data
.Object@use.truncated.dist = use.truncated.dist
.Object@nStates = ncol(transition.graph)
# Set the number of parameter values per parameter name and set up model terms for mean and standard deviation and trend.
if (is.na(state.dependent.mean.trend)) {
parameter.length <- as.numeric(c(state.dependent.mean.a0, state.dependent.mean.a1, state.dependent.mean.AR1,
state.dependent.std.a0)) * (.Object@nStates-1) + 1
.Object@parameters = new('parameters', c('mean.a0', 'mean.a1', 'mean.AR1', 'std.a0'), parameter.length)
} else {
parameter.length <- as.numeric(c(state.dependent.mean.a0, state.dependent.mean.a1, state.dependent.mean.trend, state.dependent.mean.AR1,
state.dependent.std.a0)) * (.Object@nStates-1) + 1
.Object@parameters = new('parameters', c('mean.a0', 'mean.a1', 'mean.trend','mean.AR1', 'std.a0'), parameter.length)
setGeneric(name="is.stationary",def=function(.Object) {standardGeneric("is.stationary")})
# Get object parameter list
parameters = getParameters(.Object@parameters)
if (all(parameters$mean.AR1 >-1 & parameters$mean.AR1 <1)) {
} else {
# Calculate the transformed flow at the mean annual precip
setMethod(f="getMean",signature=c("QhatModel.homo.normal.linear.AR1","data.frame"),definition=function(.Object, data) {
return(getMean.AR1(.Object, data))
# Calculate the transformed flow at the mean annual precip
setGeneric(name="getMean.AR1",def=function(.Object, data) {standardGeneric("getMean.AR1")})
setMethod(f="getMean.AR1",signature=c("QhatModel.homo.normal.linear.AR1","data.frame"),definition=function(.Object, data)
# Find time points with finite PRECIPITATION data
filt <- is.finite(data$Qhat.precipitation)
data <- data[filt,]
# Get object parameter list
parameters = getParameters(.Object@parameters)
ncols.a1 = length(parameters$mean.a1)
ncols.a0 = length(parameters$mean.a0)
ncols.trend = 0
if ('mean.trend' %in% names(parameters)) {
ncols.trend = length(parameters$mean.trend)
ncols.AR1 = length(parameters$mean.AR1)
nrows = length(data$Qhat.precipitation);
ncols.max = max(c(ncols.a0 ,ncols.a1,ncols.trend,ncols.AR1))
if (ncols.max > .Object@nStates)
stop(paste('The number of parameters for each term of the mean model must must equal 1 or the number of states of ',.Object@nStates))
# Check the AR1 model is stationary.
if (!is.stationary(.Object)){
Qhat.model <- matrix(Inf, length(filt), .Object@nStates)
# Check which terms are uniform for all states and whic terms are unique
# to each state.
if (ncols.a0==1 || ncols.a0==.Object@nStates) {
a0.est = matrix(rep(parameters$mean.a0,each=nrows),nrows,.Object@nStates);
} else if (ncols.a0<.Object@nStates) {
stop(paste('The number of parameters for the a0 term of the mean model must must equal 1 or the number of states of ',.Object@nStates))
if (ncols.a1==1 || ncols.a1==.Object@nStates) {
a1.est = matrix(rep(parameters$mean.a1,each=nrows),nrows,.Object@nStates);
} else if (ncols.a1<.Object@nStates) {
stop(paste('The number of parameters for the a1 term of the mean model must must equal 1 or the number of states of ',.Object@nStates))
if (ncols.AR1==1 || ncols.AR1 ==.Object@nStates) {
AR1.est = matrix(rep(parameters$mean.AR1,each=nrows),nrows,.Object@nStates);
} else if (mean.AR1<.Object@nStates) {
stop(paste('The number of parameters for the a0 term of the mean model must must equal 1 or the number of states of ',.Object@nStates))
if (ncols.trend==1 || ncols.trend==.Object@nStates) {
trend.est = matrix(rep(parameters$mean.trend,each=nrows),nrows,.Object@nStates);
} else {
trend.est = matrix(rep(0,each=nrows),nrows,.Object@nStates);
time.vals = matrix(data$year - data$year[1],nrows,.Object@nStates)
precip.data = matrix(data$Qhat.precipitation,nrows,.Object@nStates);
# Calculate the mean with the AR1 componants
a0.est <- 100 * a0.est
Qhat.model <- matrix(0, nrows, .Object@nStates)
Qhat.model[1,] <- precip.data[1,] * a1.est[1,] + a0.est[1,] + time.vals[1,] * trend.est[1,]
for (i in 2:nrows) {
Qhat.model[i,] <- precip.data[i,] * a1.est[i,] + a0.est[i,] + Qhat.model[i-1,] * AR1.est[i,] + time.vals[i,] * trend.est[i,]
Qhat.model.NAs = matrix(NA,length(filt),.Object@nStates)
Qhat.model.NAs[filt,] <- Qhat.model
# message(paste('...DBG getMean.AR1 nrows Qhat.model.NAs:',nrow(Qhat.model.NAs)))
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