
Defines functions option2raw option2 option1 plotLDnetwork

Documented in plotLDnetwork

#' Plots linkage disequilibrium networks
#' Allows for visual inspection of clusters identified by \code{\link{extractBranches}}.
#' See examples for more details
#' @keywords plotLDnetwork
#' @param ldna Output from \code{\link{LDnaRaw}}
#' @param clusters Output from \code{\link{extractBranches}}.
#' @param summary Output from \code{\link{summaryLDna}}.
#' @param LDmat a matrix of pairwise LD values
#' @param option \code{option=1} prints a full LD network from and edge list (\code{LDmat}) and a specified LD threshold (\code{threshold}). \code{option=2} prints LD networks based on the files \code{clusters} and \code{summary} that contains information of extracted clusters.
#' @param threshold Specifies the LD threshold at which an LD network is plotted. Only required for option=1.
#' @param exl A list of locus names to be excluded from the LD networks (default is \code{NULL}).
#' @param full.network If \code{TRUE} (default), includes all loci in the LD networks, not recommended for large data sets.
#' @param include.parent If \code{full.network=FALSE} and \code{include.parent=TRUE} all loci from the parent cluster (after merger) are included. If \code{include.parent=FALSE} only the focal cluster is shown.
#' @param after.merger Whether to show LD networks at an LD threshold just before (\code{FALSE}) or just after (\code{TRUE}) merger.
#' @param graph.object Whether to output \code{graph object} when \code{option=1} (default=\code{FALSE}).
#' @param col Color of vertices when using \code{option=1}, default is "grey"
#' @param pos A numeric vector giving the position of loci along each chromosome. This is converted into red-green color space such that within each cluster it is possible to infer if vertex position reflexts its physical position in the chromosome. Currently works only for \code{option=1}.
#' @param frame.color Frame color for vertices.
#' @param digits Needs to be the same as used \code{\link{LDnaRaw}} and \code{\link{extractBranches}}, if not default (2)
#' @seealso \code{\link{LDnaRaw}}, \code{\link{extractBranches}} and \code{\link{summaryLDna}}
#' @return If \code{option=1} and \code{graph.object=TRUE} the output is an igraph.object that can further be manipulated for custom networks (see \code{\link{igraph}} for details).
#' @author Petri Kemppainen \email{petrikemppainen2@@gmail.com}
#' @examples
#' #### Example with option=1
#' data(LDna)
#' plotLDnetwork(LDmat=r2.baimaii_subs, option=1, threshold=0.4)
#' plotLDnetwork(LDmat=r2.baimaii_subs, option=1, threshold=0.4, col="red") # for more color
#' ### Examples with option 2
#' par(mfcol=c(1,2))
#' ldna <- LDnaRaw(r2.baimaii_subs)
#' clusters <- extractBranches(ldna, min.edges=20)
#' summary <- summaryLDna(ldna, clusters,LDmat=r2.baimaii_subs)
#' #default settings with option=2
#' par(mfcol=c(2,2))
#' plotLDnetwork(ldna, r2.baimaii_subs, option=2, clusters=clusters, summary=summary)
#' ## Other useful settings
#' # For large data sets
#' plotLDnetwork(ldna, r2.baimaii_subs, option=2, clusters=clusters, summary=summary, full.network=FALSE, include.parent=FALSE, after.merger=FALSE)
#' # To visualise the merger
#' plotLDnetwork(ldna, r2.baimaii_subs, option=2, clusters=clusters, summary=summary, full.network=TRUE, after.merger=TRUE)
#' # Or
#' plotLDnetwork(ldna, r2.baimaii_subs, option=2, clusters=clusters, summary=summary, full.network=FALSE, include.parent=TRUE, after.merger=TRUE)
#' # To show that ususally several clusters are involved in most mergers
#' plotLDnetwork(ldna, r2.baimaii_subs, option=2, clusters=clusters, summary=summary, full.network=FALSE, include.parent=TRUE, after.merger=FALSE)
#' ### Print directly to file, recommended for large data sets with many clusters.
#' library(parallel)
#' fun <- function(x){
#' setEPS()
#' postscript(paste(x, "network.eps",  sep="_"))
#' plotLDnetwork(ldna, r2.baimaii_subs, option=2, clusters=clusters[x], summary=summary[x,], full.network=FALSE)
#' dev.off()
#' }
#' lapply(1:length(clusters), fun)
#' # a multicore version of this
#' mclapply(1:length(clusters), fun, mc.cores=4, mc.preschedule=TRUE)
#' @export

plotLDnetwork <- function(ldna, LDmat, option, threshold, clusters, summary, digits=2,
                          exl=NULL, full.network=TRUE, include.parent=FALSE, after.merger=FALSE, graph.object=FALSE, col="grey", frame.color='grey', pos=NULL){
  if(is.na(LDmat[2,1])) LDmat <- t(LDmat)
  if(option==1) g <- option1(LDmat, threshold, exl, pos, col, frame.color, digits);
  if(option==2) option2(ldna, LDmat, clusters, summary, exl, full.network, include.parent, after.merger, digits)
  if(option==1 && graph.object) return(g)

option1 <- function(LDmat, threshold, exl, pos, col, frame.color,digits){
  LDmat <- LDmat[!(rownames(LDmat) %in% exl),!(rownames(LDmat) %in% exl)]
  g <- graph.adjacency(LDmat, mode="lower", diag=FALSE, weighted=TRUE)
    V(g)$color <- rgb(pos, max(pos)-pos, 0, maxColorValue = max(pos))  
    V(g)$frame.color <- V(g)$color
    V(g)$color <- col
    V(g)$frame.color <- frame.color
  E(g)$weight <- round(E(g)$weight, digits)
  g <- delete.edges(g, which(E(g)$weight<=threshold))
  g <- delete.vertices(g, which(igraph::degree(g) == 0))
  plot.igraph(g, layout=layout.fruchterman.reingold, vertex.size=3, vertex.label.dist=NULL, edge.width=1, vertex.label=NA)
  title(main=paste(" @", threshold, sep=""))

option2 <- function(ldna, LDmat, clusters, summary, exl, full.network, include.parent, after.merger, digits){
  if(any(sapply(clusters, length)==1)) cat("Note that some clusters are signleton clusters, these are not plotted!")
  summary <- summary[sapply(clusters, length)!=1,]
  clusters <- clusters[sapply(clusters, length)!=1]
  col <- rep("red", length(clusters))

  #i <- 1
  for(i in 1:nrow(summary)){
    threshold <- as.numeric(as.vector(summary$Merge.at[rownames(summary) == names(clusters)[[i]]]))
    option2raw(ldna, LDmat, exl, loci=clusters[[i]], col=col[i],
               full.network, threshold, include.parent, after.merger,
               cluster.name=names(clusters)[[i]], digits)

option2raw <- function(ldna, LDmat, exl, loci, col, full.network, threshold, include.parent, after.merger, cluster.name, digits){
    LDmat <- LDmat[!(rownames(LDmat) %in% exl),!(rownames(LDmat) %in% exl)]
  p <- as.vector(ldna$stats$parent_cluster[ldna$stats$cluster %in%  cluster.name])
  loci_p <- rownames(ldna$clusterfile)[ldna$clusterfile[,colnames(ldna$clusterfile) == p]]
      LDmat <- LDmat[(rownames(LDmat) %in% loci), (rownames(LDmat) %in% loci)]
      LDmat <- LDmat[(rownames(LDmat) %in% loci_p), (rownames(LDmat) %in% loci_p)]
  if(after.merger==TRUE) {
    p2 <- as.vector(ldna$stats$parent_cluster[ldna$stats$cluster %in%  p])
    if(p2=="root") {threshold <- threshold-0.01
    }else{threshold <- as.numeric(strsplit(p2, "_", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][2])}
  g <- graph.adjacency(LDmat, mode="lower", diag=FALSE, weighted=TRUE)
  E(g)$weight <- round(E(g)$weight, digits)
  g <- delete.edges(g, which(E(g)$weight<=threshold))
  g <- delete.vertices(g, which(igraph::degree(g) == 0))
  col.frame <- V(g)$name
  col.frame[which(col.frame %in% loci)] <- col
  col.frame[which(!col.frame %in% col)] <- "grey"
  plot.igraph(g, layout=layout.fruchterman.reingold, vertex.size=3, vertex.label.dist=NULL, vertex.color=col.frame, edge.width=1, vertex.label=NA, vertex.frame.color=col.frame)
  title(main=paste(cluster.name, " @", threshold, sep=""))
petrikemppainen/LDna documentation built on April 14, 2024, 6:37 p.m.