
Defines functions GloptiPolyRegion

Documented in GloptiPolyRegion

#' Confidence region for optima of higher order polynomial models in multiple factors
#' Computes and displays an approximated (1 - alpha)*100\% confidence region (CR) for
#' the bound-constrained optimum of a fitted polynomial regression model of up to cubic order
#' with up to 5 controllable factors
#' \insertCite{DelCastilloCR}{OptimaRegion}.
#' @param X numeric matrix of dimension (N, k); N is the sample size; k is the
#'          number of variables, which can be 2, 3, 4 and 5; X specifies the
#'          design matrix
#' @param y numeric vector of dimension (N, 1); y specifies the responses
#' @param degree integer scalar; degree specifies the order of the polynomial
#'               model, which can be 2 or 3
#' @param lb numeric vector of dimension (1, k); lb specifies the lower bounds for
#'           the k variables
#' @param ub numeric vector of dimension (1, k); ub specifies the upper bounds for
#'           the k variables
#' @param B integer scalar; B specifies the number of bootstrap operations
#' @param alpha numeric scalar between 0 and 1; alpha specifies the nominal
#'              confidence level, 1 - alpha, of the confidence region
#' @param maximization boolean scalar; if specifies whether the algorithm
#'                     computes the confidence region for maxima or for minima
#' @param axes_labels vector of strings; it specifies the name of each experimental factor
#'                    to be displayed on the CR plot; the default value is NULL, when
#'                    the labels will be set to x1, x2, ...
#' @param verbose boolean scalar; it specifies whether to display running status
#' @param local_plot boolean scalar; it specifies whether to display the confidence region on the screen
#' @inheritParams OptRegionQuad
#' @return Upon completion, a pdf file with the plot displaying the confidence region of the global optimum
#'         projected onto each pairwise-variable planes.
#'         If local_plot = TRUE, the plot will also be created on the screen.
#'         The function also returns a list consisting of 2 components:
#'         \describe{
#'           \item{boot_optima}{numeric matrix of dimension ((1 - alpha)*B, k);
#'                              it contains the (1 - alpha)*B bootstrap optima}
#'           \item{bagged_optimum}{numeric vector of dimension (1, k) containing the bagged
#'                                 optimum, computed by taking the column average
#'                                 of boot_optima}
#'         }
#' @inheritSection OptRegionQuad Author(s)
#' @references{
#'  \insertAllCited{}
#' }
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Example 1: run GloptiPolyRegion on a quadratic, 3 vars example
#' out <- GloptiPolyRegion(
#'   X = quad_3D[, 1:3], y = quad_3D[, 4], degree = 2,
#'   lb = c(-2, -2, -2), ub = c(2, 2, 2), B = 500, alpha = 0.1,
#'   maximization = TRUE,
#'   outputPDFFile = "CR_quad_3D.pdf", verbose = TRUE
#' )
#' # check result
#' str(out)
#' # Example 2: run GloptiPolyRegion on a cubic, 5 vars example
#' out <- GloptiPolyRegion(
#'   X = cubic_5D$design_matrix, y = cubic_5D$response,
#'   degree = 3, lb = rep(0, 5), ub = rep(5, 5), B = 200,
#'   alpha = 0.05, maximization = TRUE,
#'   outputPDFFile = "CR_cubic_5D.pdf", verbose = TRUE
#' )
#' # check result
#' str(out)
#' }
#' @export
GloptiPolyRegion <- function(X, y, degree, lb, ub, B = 200, alpha = 0.05,
                             maximization = TRUE, axes_labels = NULL,
                             outputPDFFile = "CRplot.pdf", verbose = TRUE, local_plot = FALSE) {
  X <- data.frame(X)
  y <- data.frame(y)
  # Check polynomial order -- -----------------------------------------------
  if (degree < 2 || degree > 3) {
    stop("This function accepts only quadratic or cubic polynomials!")
  # Check number of variables -----------------------------------------------
  if (ncol(X) < 2 || ncol(X) > 5) {
    stop("This function accepts only 2 - 5 variables!")
  # Simplify function arguments ---------------------------------------------
  scale <- TRUE # scale X to [-1, 1]
  # Original fit ------------------------------------------------------------
  if (verbose) print("Fit original model ...")
  if (scale) X <- encode_orthogonal(X, lb, ub) # scale X to [-1, 1]
  model_original <- fit_polym(X, y, degree) # fit polynomial model
  theta_hat <- model_original$coefficients
  cov_theta_hat <- vcov(model_original)
  p <- length(theta_hat)
  n <- nrow(y)
  # Bootstrap ---------------------------------------------------------------
  if (verbose) print("Bootstrap ...")
  theta_hat_star <- matrix(NA, nrow = B, ncol = p)
  theta_hat_star_studentized <- matrix(NA, nrow = B, ncol = p)
  boot_optima <- matrix(NA, nrow = B, ncol = ncol(X))
  fit <- fitted(model_original)
  names(fit) <- NULL
  res <- resid(model_original) - mean(resid(model_original))
  # accumulate B "optimizable" bootstrap instances
  counter <- 0
  while (counter < B) {
    model_star <- fit_polym(X, fit + res[sample(1:n, replace = TRUE)], degree)
    opt <- try(
      # optimize a polynomial model fitted through the polym formula using
      # the GloptiPolyR solver
        coefficients = model_star$coefficients,
        k = ncol(X), degree = degree,
        lb = rep(-1, ncol(X)), ub = rep(1, ncol(X)),
        maximization = maximization
    if (!inherits(opt, "try-error")) {
      counter <- counter + 1
      if (verbose) print(paste(counter, "th bootstrapping ..."))
      theta_hat_star[counter, ] <- model_star$coefficients
      e <- eigen(vcov(model_star))
      S_sqrt_inv <- solve(e$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(e$values)) %*% t(e$vectors))
      theta_hat_star_studentized[counter, ] <- sqrt(n) * S_sqrt_inv %*%
        (theta_hat_star[counter, ] - theta_hat)
      boot_optima[counter, ] <- opt$solution
  # Trim -------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (verbose) print("Trimming ...")
  d <- vector(length = B)
  d <- DepthProc::depthTukey(theta_hat_star_studentized,
    ndir = 3000
  order_d <- order(d)
  ind_alpha <- alpha * B + 1
  indices <- order_d[ind_alpha:B]
  # Optimization ------------------------------------------------------------
  # extract already optimized results that remains after trimming
  if (verbose) print("Optimizing over bootstrapped models that remains...")
  boot_optima <- boot_optima[indices, ]
  if (scale) boot_optima <- decode_orthogonal(boot_optima, lb, ub)
  bagged_optimum <- apply(boot_optima, 2, mean)
  # plotting ----------------------------------------------------------------
  if (verbose) print("Ploting the confidence region ... ")
      boot_optima, bagged_optimum, lb, ub,
      for_dev = FALSE, axes_labels = axes_labels
  pdf(file = outputPDFFile)
    boot_optima, bagged_optimum, lb, ub,
    for_dev = FALSE, axes_labels = axes_labels
  # return ------------------------------------------------------------------
  list(boot_optima = boot_optima, bagged_optimum = bagged_optimum)
pfc5098/OptimaRegion documentation built on May 5, 2022, 4 p.m.