
Defines functions scatter_chart

Documented in scatter_chart

#' Create scatter chart
#' This function is a convinient overlay for creating a beautiful scatter
#' plot using ggplot2
#' @param data data frame containing data for plotting
#' @param x character string specifying name of x variable in data frame
#' @param y character
#' @param na.rm a logical indicating whether NA values should be removed
#' @param name.label character string specifying column name of names for
#' textual annotations
#' @param name.labels.show numeric or character string indicating either the
#' number of label names to show or the specific names (details)
#' @param label.just numeric vector with length two setting the horizontal
#' and the vertical text alignment for data point labels
#' @param title character string specifying chart title
#' @param sub.title character string specifying chart sub title
#' @param y.title character string specifying y-axis title
#' @param x.title character string specifying x-axis title
#' @param x.min numeric setting minimum limit on x-axis
#' @param x.max numeric setting maximum limit on x-axis
#' @param y.min numeric setting minimum limit on y-axis
#' @param y.max numeric setting maximum limit on y-axis
#' @param prediction.interval logical indicating whether a prediction
#' interval should be computed and ploted
#' @details
#' If the name.labels.show is numeric the data point labels shown are based
#' on the distance between actual and fitted y-values. If the variable is set
#' to 3 then the three points with largest absolute distance between actual
#' y-values and the fitted values will have their name shown. This functionality
#' requires that the prediction.interval is set to TRUE.
#' If the name.labels.show is a character string then names are explicitly shown
#' in the scatter plot.
#' @examples
#' data(mtcars)
#' density_chart(mtcars, "mpg", "cyl", title = "Miles per gallon",
#' sub.title = "(per groups of cylinders)", vline = TRUE)
#' @export

scatter_chart <- function(data, x, y, na.rm = FALSE, name.label = NULL, name.labels.show = NULL,
                          label.just = NULL, title = NULL, sub.title = NULL, y.title = NULL,
                          x.title = NULL, x.min = NULL, x.max = NULL, y.min = NULL, y.max = NULL,
                          prediction.interval = FALSE, ...) {

  # stop if input object is not a data.frame and x and y variables are not defined
  if (!is.data.frame(data)) stop ("Input object has to be data.frame")
  if (is.null(x)) stop ("x should correspond to a variable name in input data frame")
  if (is.null(y)) stop ("y should correspond to a variable name in input data frame")

  # remove rows in data.frame if NA values exist in y variable
  if (na.rm) {
    if (any(is.na(data[, y]))) data <- data[-which(is.na(data[, y])), ]

  # stop if NA values exist in y varible
  if (any(is.na(data[, y]))) stop ("NA values exist in y variable. Set na.rm = TRUE or remove NA values from data.frame manually")

  # define chart colours
  point.colour <- chart_colours()[1]
  line.colour <- "#236291"
  ribbon.colour <- "#6ba2cb"

  # define legend name for prediction interval
  ribbon.legend <- "  1 sd (prediction interval)"

  # if x and y axis titles are not NULL include line break
  if (!is.null(x.title)) x.title <- paste("\n", x.title)
  if (!is.null(y.title)) y.title <- paste(y.title, "\n")

  # define chart title object
  if (is.null(sub.title)) {
    chart.title <- paste(title, "\n")
  } else {
    chart.title <- bquote(atop(.(title, "\n"), atop(.(sub.title), "")))

  if (prediction.interval) {

    # calculate interquartile range
    iqr.y <- (quantile(data[, y], prob = .75) - quantile(data[, y], prob = .25)) * 3
    iqr.x <- (quantile(data[, x], prob = .75) - quantile(data[, x], prob = .25)) * 3

    # select y and x observations based on interquartile range
    sel.y <- which(data[, y] < mean(data[, y]) + iqr.y & data[, y] > mean(data[, y]) - iqr.y)
    sel.x <- which(data[, x] < mean(data[, x]) + iqr.x & data[, x] > mean(data[, x]) - iqr.x)

    # adjust input data frame with selected observations above
    data.adj <- data[intersect(sel.x, sel.y), ]

    # fit a linear regression on trimmed data
    fit <- lm(paste(y, "~", x), data.adj)

    # calculate prediction interval
    pred <- predict(fit, newdata = data, interval = "prediction", level = 0.683)

    # insert fit, lower and upper bound into input data frame
    data$fit <- pred[, "fit"]
    data$lwr <- pred[, "lwr"]
    data$upr <- pred[, "upr"]

    fit.spread <- abs(data[, y] - data$fit)


  # define point.names
  if (!is.null(name.label)) {
    if (!is.character(data[, name.label])) stop ("x.names should have class character")
    point.names <- data[, name.label]
    if (is.character(name.labels.show)) {
      point.names[!(point.names %in% name.labels.show)] <- ""
    if (is.numeric(name.labels.show)) {
      if (!prediction.interval) stop ("If name.labels.show is numeric prediction.variable has to be TRUE")
      point.names[-rev(order(fit.spread))[1:name.labels.show]] <- ""
  } else {
    point.names <- rep("", nrow(data))

  if (!is.null(label.just)) {
    hjust <- label.just[1]
    vjust <- label.just[2]
  } else {
    hjust <- -0.15
    vjust <- 0.5

  # define y-axis minimum and maximum values
  if (is.null(y.min)) {
    if (prediction.interval) {
      y.min <- floor(min(data$lwr) * 0.9)
    } else {
      y.min <- floor(min(data[, y]))

  #define y-axis maximum
  if (is.null(y.max)) {
    if (prediction.interval) {
      y.max <- ifelse(ceiling(max(data$upr)) > ceiling(max(data[, y])),
                      ceiling(max(data$upr)), ceiling(max(data[, y])))
    } else {
      y.max <- ceiling(max(data[, y]))

  # if NULL then it automatically sets minimum and maximum limits on x axis
  if (is.null(x.min)) x.min <- floor(min(data[, x]))
  if (is.null(x.max)) x.max <- ceiling(max(data[, x]))

  # plot scatter chart with regression and prediction interval
  g <- ggplot(data, aes_string(x = x, y = y), environment = environment()) +
              geom_point(shape = 19, cex = 3, colour = point.colour) +
              geom_text(aes(label = point.names), hjust = hjust, vjust = vjust, colour = point.colour, size = 4) + {
                if (prediction.interval) geom_line(data = data, aes_string(y = "fit", x = x), colour = line.colour, size = 1)} + {
                if (prediction.interval) geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lwr, ymax = upr, fill = ribbon.colour), alpha = .2)} + {
                if (prediction.interval) scale_fill_manual(values = ribbon.colour, labels = ribbon.legend)} +
              scale_x_continuous(limits = c(x.min, x.max)) +
              scale_y_continuous(limits = c(y.min, y.max)) +
              ggtitle(chart.title) +
              labs(x = x.title, y = y.title) +


pgarnry/ggplotHelper documentation built on May 25, 2019, 2:54 a.m.