
Defines functions dist2sea add.points.geomask add.points resample coords match.coords polar.coords deg.lon deg.lat

Documented in add.points add.points.geomask coords deg.lat deg.lon dist2sea match.coords polar.coords resample

# Size of one degree in latitude/longitude, according to the WGS84 ellipsoid
deg.lat <- function(latitude) {
  # Latitude is in decimal degrees => phi in radians
  phi <- latitude / 180 * pi
  # See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latitude
  111.132954 - 0.559822 * cos(2 * phi) + 0.001175 * cos(4 * phi)

deg.lon <- function(latitude) {
  # Note that size of one degree in longitude depends only on the latitude!
  # Latitude is in decimal degrees => phi in radians
  phi <- latitude / 180 * pi
  # See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longitude#Length_of_a_degree_of_longitude
  cos(phi) * pi * 6378.137 / (180 * sqrt(1 - 0.00669437999014 * sin(phi) ^ 2))

# Given a point, calculate angle and distance from grid data (geomat object)
polar.coords <- function(geomat, x, y, maxdist) {
  if (!inherits(geomat, "geomat"))
    stop("'geomat' must be a 'geomat' object")
  if (!missing(maxdist) && !is.null(maxdist)) {
    # maxdist is in km, but x and y are in decimal degrees
    # Calculation of the size of ane degree in latitude/longitude according to
    # central latitude in the considered geographical area
    meanlat <- mean(range(coords(geomat, type = "y")))
    lenx <- deg.lon(meanlat)
    maxdegx <- maxdist / lenx
    leny <- deg.lat(meanlat)
    maxdegy <- maxdist / leny
    # Filter out data contained in a square of maxdist * 1.05
    mx <- maxdegx * 1.05
    my <- maxdegy * 1.05
    xlim <- c(x - mx, x + mx)
    ylim <- c(y - my, y + my)
    # Take a window out of these data
    geomat <- window(geomat, xlim, ylim)

  coords <- coords(geomat, "xy")
  # Recenter coordinates around x and y
  X <- coords$x - x
  Y <- coords$y - y
  # Note: distances are in km
  angles <- atan2(Y, X)  # Angles go from -pi to pi, and we want 0 to 2 * pi
  angles <- ifelse(angles > 0, angles, 2 * pi + angles)
  res <- data.frame(angle = angles,
    dist = sqrt((X * lenx) ^ 2 + (Y * leny) ^ 2))
  attr(res, "geomat") <- geomat

# match.coords matches numerical data with a tol value
# TODO: optimize this, considering we have a grid!
match.coords <- function(points, table, tol = 0.002) {
  # Look if point is in the tol vicinity of one point in table
  match.one <- function(point, table, tol)
    any(point[1] - tol < table$x && point[1] + tol > table$x &&
      point[2] - tol < table$y && point[2] + tol > table$y)
  res <- apply(points[, c("x", "y")], 1, match.one, table = table, tol = tol)

# A new coords method
coords <- function(x, ...)

# New resample method
resample <- function(x, ...)

# New add.points method
add.points <- function(x, ...)

# Augment a geomask with points near geopoints coordinates
add.points.geomask <- function(x, geopoints, ...) {
  # Check arguments
  if (!inherits(x, "geomask"))
    stop("'x' must be a 'geomask' object")
  if (!inherits(geopoints, "geopoints"))
    stop("'geopoints' must be a 'geopoints' object")
  # Look for the points that are closest to the geomask grid
  # in the 'geopoints' object
  # Quick calculation by transforming coordinates into their closest index
  # in the grid
  Coords <- coords(x)
  X <- (geopoints$x - Coords["x"]) / Coords["size"]
  Y <- (geopoints$y - Coords["y"]) / Coords["size"]
  # Round values for X and Y to match a grid point
  Xind <- round(X) + 1
  Yind <- round(Y) + 1
  # Eliminate points that are outside the grid
  In <- rep(TRUE, length(X))
  In[Xind < 1] <- FALSE
  In[Xind > nrow(x)] <- FALSE
  In[Yind < 1] <- FALSE
  In[Yind > ncol(x)] <- FALSE

  # Check which point is inside the grid, but not in the mask (avoid negative
  # indices... points eliminated anyway)
  toAdd <- !diag(x[abs(Xind), abs(Yind)]) & In
  # Add these points to the mask
  added <- data.frame(x = Xind[toAdd], y = Yind[toAdd])
  x[added$x, added$y] <- TRUE
  # ... and record the list of added points as "added" attribute
  added2 <- attr(x, "added")
  if (is.null(added2)) {
    attr(x, "added") <- added
  } else {
    # Merge added points
    attr(x, "added") <- rbind(added2, added)

# Distance to the sea from DEM
dist2sea <- function(geotm) {
  # Edges: find sea pixels that have at least one terrestrian neighbour
  externaledge <- function(geotm, o) {
    edgematrix <- geotm
    edgematrix[edgematrix >= 0] <- 0
    for (i in 1:nrow(o)) {
        if (o[i, 1] == 1) x1 <- o[i, 1] else x1 <- o[i, 1] - 1
        if (o[i, 1] == nrow(geotm)) x2 <- o[i, 1] else x2 <- o[i, 1] + 1
        if (o[i, 2] == 1) y1 <- o[i, 2] else y1 <- o[i, 2] - 1
        if (o[i, 2] == ncol(geotm)) y2 <- o[i, 2] else y2 <- o[i, 2] + 1
        if (min(is.na(geotm[x1:x2, y1:y2])) == 0)
        edgematrix[o[i, 1], o[i, 2]] <- 1

  dist2seaout <- geotm
  o <- which(is.na(dist2seaout), arr.ind = TRUE)
  edgematrix <- externaledge(dist2seaout, o)
  xyland <- which(edgematrix == 0,  arr.ind = TRUE)
  xyedge <- which(edgematrix == 1,  arr.ind = TRUE)
  cellsize <- coords(geotm)["size"]
  lat0 <- coords(geotm)["y1"]
  for (i in 1:nrow(xyland)) {
    dist2seaout[xyland[i, 1], xyland[i, 2]] <- min(sqrt(((xyland[i, 1] -
      xyedge[, 1]) * cellsize * 111.2 * cos((xyland[i, 2] *
      cellsize + lat0) * pi / 180)) ^ 2 + ((xyland[i, 2] - xyedge[, 2]) *
      cellsize * 111.2) ^ 2))
phgrosjean/aurelhy documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 2:25 a.m.