#' Tableau descriptif d'une population
#' @param df data.frame
<<<<<<< HEAD
#' @param tlong TRUE : Tableau simple, FALSE : longtable
#' @param capt Titre du tableau - "Description de la population" par defaut
#' @param lab Label - "tabd" par défaut
#' @param export si TRUE : cree un cvs. (FALSE par defaut)
#' @param ka si TRUE : sortie via kable sinon xtable (FALSE par defaut)
#' @param tlong TRUE : Tableau simple, FALSE : longtable (for laTeX output)
#' @param capt Titre du tableau - "Description de la population" par defaut
#' @param lab Label - "tabd" par défaut
#' @param export si TRUE : cree un cvs. (FALSE par defaut)
#' @param ka si TRUE : sortie via kable sinon xtable (TRUE par defaut)
>>>>>>> 42b20b896837efe579944162827a68963584f331
#' @return tableau LaTex, tableau csv
#' @import xtable
#' @import epiDisplay
#' @import stats
#' @import boot
#' @import kableExtra
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import knitr
#' @import stringr
#' @examples tabdescph(iris, tlong = TRUE, capt = "Titre du tableau", lab = "tabd", export = FALSE, ka = TRUE)
#' @export
tabdescph<- function(df,
tlong = TRUE,
capt = "Description de la population",
lab = "tabd",
export = FALSE,
<<<<<<< HEAD
ka = FALSE){
ll <- length(names(df))
tabb <- matrix(nrow=0,ncol=3)
for (i in 1:length(df)){
varx <- df[,i]
if (class(varx) != "Date" && length(na.omit(varx)) > 0){
ld <- length(na.omit(varx))
if (is.factor(varx) == TRUE) {
if (length(levels(varx))==2) {
#Variables qualitatives -- 2 niveaux
if (levels(varx)[1] == "non") { # Pour afficher les "oui"
varx <- relevel(varx,"oui")
ka = TRUE){
tabb <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 3)
for (i in 1:dim(df)[2]) {
varx <- na.omit(df[, i])
ld <- length(varx)
namd <- names(df[i]) # nom de la variable
if (class(varx) != "Date" && ld > 0) {
# Variable factorielle
if (is.factor(varx)) {
ligd <- c(namd, " ", " ")
tabb <- rbind(tabb, ligd)
lti <- levels(varx)
rdf <- table(varx)
rtp <- prop.table(rdf)
for (j in 1:length(lti)) {
esp <- ifelse(ka, " ", "~")
esp <- stringr::str_c(rep(esp, 6), collapse = "")
nlig <- paste0(esp, lti[j])
cf <- transangph(rdf[j], ld)
ligd <- c(nlig, cf$litx)
tabb <- rbind(tabb, ligd)
>>>>>>> 42b20b896837efe579944162827a68963584f331
else {
<<<<<<< HEAD
# Variables qualitatives -- niveaux multiples
ligd <- c(names(df[i])," "," ")
# print(ligd)
tabb <- rbind(tabb,ligd)
dfi <- na.omit(varx)
lti <- levels(dfi)
rdf <- table(dfi)
# print(rdf)
rtp <- prop.table(rdf)
for (j in 1:length(lti)){
if (ka){
nlig <- paste0(" ",lti[j])
} else{
nlig <- paste0("~~~~~~",lti[j])
cf <- transangph(rdf[j],ld)
ligd <- c(nlig,cf$litx)
tabb <- rbind(tabb,ligd)
# Variables quantitatives
lig1 <- lms(varx)
bornes <- moypciph(varx, ci = 95)
tbf <- paste0("[", bornes[1], " ; ", bornes[2], "]")
ligb <- c(names(df[i]), lig1, tbf)
tabb <- rbind(tabb, ligb)
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<<<<<<< HEAD
# Ecriture du tableau
if (export) {
if (ka){
kable(tabb, row.names = FALSE,
col.names=c("","moy ± et N/total (%)","IC 95 %"),
escape = F) %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = FALSE,
position = "center")
xtable(tabb) %>%
print( tabular.environment='longtable',
sanitize.text.function = function(x){x},
add.to.row = list(pos = list(0),
command = paste0("
if (export) {
nomexp <- paste0("export_", lab, ".csv")
write.csv(tabb, nomexp)
if (ka) {
row.names = FALSE,
col.names = c("", "moy ± et N/total (%)", "IC 95 %"),
escape = FALSE
) %>%
bootstrap_options = "striped",
full_width = FALSE,
position = "center"
if (tlong) {
xtable(tabb) %>%
tabular.environment = 'longtable',
include.colnames = FALSE,
floating = FALSE,
booktabs = TRUE,
hline.after = -1,
include.rownames = FALSE,
sanitize.text.function = function(x) {
add.to.row = list(
pos = list(0),
command = paste0(
>>>>>>> 42b20b896837efe579944162827a68963584f331
&\\mbox{moyenne ± écart type}&\\mbox{IC 95 \\%}\\\\
&\\mbox{n/total (\\%)}&\\\\
&\\mbox{moyenne ± écart type}&\\mbox{IC 95 \\%}\\\\
&\\mbox{n/total (\\%)}&\\\\
xtable(tabb, caption = capt, label = lab) %>%
include.colnames = FALSE,
include.rownames = FALSE,
sanitize.text.function = function(x) {
booktabs = TRUE,
add.to.row = list(
pos = list(0),
command =
"&\\mbox{moyenne ± écart type}&\\mbox{IC 95 \\%}\\\\
&\\mbox{n/total (\\%)}&\\\\"
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