
# ######################################################################
# # Preliminary Patache data
# #  Rob Smith, smithr2@oregonstate.edu, Oregon State Univ, 24 Jan 2017
# ## CC-BY-SA 4.0 License (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0)
# rm(list=ls())
# pkg <- c('vegan', 'ecole')
# has <- pkg %in% rownames(installed.packages())
# if(any(!has))install.packages(pkg[!has])
# lapply(pkg, require, character.only=T)
# rm(pkg, has)
# ### helper function to standardize 0-1 an entire matrix
# `stdz_matrix` <- function(m, ...){
#      v <- as.vector(decostand(as.vector(m), 'range', na.rm=T))
#      matrix(v, nrow=nrow(m), ncol=ncol(m))
# }
# ### load data from local
# setwd('~/data/')
# spe <- read.csv('spe_27Jul2017.csv', header=T, stringsAsFactors=F,
#                 na.strings=c('','-9999','NA'), strip.white=T,
#                 row.names=1)
# colnames(spe) <- tolower(colnames(spe))
# id <- read.csv('id_27Jul2017.csv', header=T, stringsAsFactors=F,
#                na.strings=c('','-9999','NA'), strip.white=T,
#                row.names=1)
# colnames(id) <- tolower(colnames(id))
# identical(row.names(spe), row.names(id))
# # the elevation-richness relationship:
# plot(id$elev, id$n_spp, xlim=c(425, 875))
# boxplot(id$n_spp~id$elev, boxwex=0.2, las=1)
# # arbitrarily partition half the species
# s1 <- spe[,seq(1, ncol(spe), 2),]
# s2 <- spe[,seq(1, ncol(spe), 2)+1,]
# `rm_empty` <- function(s){
#      if (any(which(colSums(s)==0))){ # check, remove zero-sum cols
#           s <- s[ , !( colSums(s) == 0 ) ]
#           print('removed zero-sum COLUMNS in spe data')
#      }else{print('no zero-sum columns found in spe data')}
#      if( any(which(rowSums(s)==0)) ){ # check, remove zero-sum rows
#           s <- s[ !( rowSums(s) == 0 ) , ]
#           print('removed zero-sum ROWS in spe data')
#      }else{print('no zero-sum rows found in spe data')}
#      return(s)
# }
# s1 <- rm_empty(s1) ; s2 <- rm_empty(s2)
# e1 <- e2 <- id
# keeps <- intersect(row.names(s1),row.names(s2))
# keeps <- keeps[!keeps%in%c('500_A_1','450_A_5','500_A_4','500_A_15',
#                            '850_A_5','850_A_7')]
# s1 <- s1[row.names(s1)%in%keeps,]; s2 <- s2[row.names(s2)%in%keeps,]
# e1 <- e1[row.names(e1)%in%keeps,]; e2 <- e2[row.names(e2)%in%keeps,]
# ### ordinations
# D1 <- vegdist(s1); D2 <- vegdist(s2)
# nms1 <- metaMDS(D1, k=2)
# nms2 <- metaMDS(D2, k=2)
# nms1$points <- standardize(nms1$points)  # *(-1)
# nms2$points <- standardize(protest(nms1, nms2, symm=T, perm=0)$Yrot)
# # tiff('~/fig/patache.tif',wid=8,hei=6,bg='transparent')
# par(mfrow=c(2,3), las=1, bty='l')
# m1 <- ordisurf(nms1~r_median,e1,col=4,main='Lichens',
#                xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1))
# m2 <- ordisurf(nms2~r_median,e2,col=4,main='Plants',
#                xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1))
# m3 <- stdz_matrix(m1$grid$z) - stdz_matrix(m2$grid$z) # deviation
# contour(m3, col=4, main='Deviation surface',
#         xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1))
# persp_heat(m1$grid$z,    theta=5,phi=33,r=9,axes=F,expand=.3)
# persp_heat(m2$grid$z,    theta=5,phi=33,r=9,axes=F,expand=.3)
# persp_heat(m3,pal='redblue',theta=5,phi=33,r=9,axes=F,expand=.3)
# # dev.off()
# ###   end Atacama preliminary data   #################################
phytomosaic/foggy documentation built on Nov. 5, 2019, 12:20 a.m.