  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


The nestR package provides functions to locate nesting attempts and estimate their outcome from bird GPS-tracking data. Being able to estimate reproductive outcome from GPS data bridges the gap between movement and an important component of individual fitness.

This vignette presents the workflow of the nestR package. The workflow can be conceptually divided in two parts: first, the identification of nesting attempts along individual movement trajectories, and second, the estimation of the outcome of nesting attempts.

The following diagram summarizes the workflow and provides a roadmap for the reader:


For illustration purposes, this vignette uses example datasets on three bird species: wood storks (Mycteria americana), lesser kestrels (Falco naumanni), and Mediterranean gulls (Ichthyaetus melanocephalus). Each dataset includes real trajectories for two individual-years. All example datasets are available within the package.


This section is meant to provide a concise and self-sufficient overview of the capabilities of the nestR package. Readers that want to get familiar with nestR without delving too deep into the technical aspects can stop at the end of this section. The next sections provide a more detailed guide to the usage of nestR functions.


Data format

Functions in the nestR package require GPS data to be formatted as a data.frame including four columns:

Additional columns will not interfere with the functioning of the package, as long as these four fields are present and named with the terms above.

We recommend using the package adehabitatLT to cut the raw trajectories into bursts and get the data in the required format for analysis.

Let's load nestR and take a look at the wood stork dataset, for example:

# Load the package

# Load wood stork dataset

# Take a look

# Data structure 

We will also load a few other useful packages for use throughout this vignette:


Part I: Finding nest locations {#part1}


When birds are nesting, they exhibit specific movement patterns that can allow us to identify the location of their nest. Specifically, birds perform repeated back-and-forth movements to and from their nest while they provide food for their nestlings and themselves. Repeatedly visited locations can be identified along movement trajectories, and patterns of revisitation can be used to determine whether a location that gets visited repeatedly is likely to be a nest.

The process of identifying nesting locations from GPS data relies on two components: knowledge of the biology of the study species and characteristics of the data at hand. Both of these aspects are fundamental in driving the patterns we observe in movement trajectories and require careful consideration by the user.

The datasets included in the nestR package differ both in terms of species biology and data characteristics. The following table summarizes the main differences:

ws <- c("woodstorks", "1 hour", "18 meters", 
        "High", "Birth/non-breeding", "110 days",
        "Nov-Aug (varies with latitude)", "No", "Yes")
lk <- c("kestrels", "15 minutes", "~10 meters", 
        "Low", "Early chick-rearing", "60 days",
        "Apr-Jul", "Yes", "No")
mg <- c("gulls", "15 minutes", "~10 meters", 
        "Low", "Incubation", "60 days",
        "Apr-Jul", "No", "Yes")

datasets_table <- rbind(ws, lk, mg)
rownames(datasets_table) <- NULL
colnames(datasets_table) <- c("Dataset", "Time resolution", "Spatial resolution",
             "Fix failure rate", "Tagged at", 
             "Nesting cycle", "Nesting season", "Behavioral dimorphism",
             "Repeated attempts")

kable(datasets_table) %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "bordered"),
                font_size = 12, position = "center") %>% 
  add_header_above(c(" " = 1, "Data characteristics" = 4, "Species biology" = 4)) %>% 
#  column_spec(2:6, background = "skyblue") %>% 
#  column_spec(7:10, background = "palegreen") %>% 
  column_spec(1, border_right = TRUE) %>% 
  column_spec(5, border_right = TRUE)

Throughout this vignette, we will refer back to specific features of each dataset and illustrate how these can and need to be accounted for when using functions in the nestR package.

Introducing the find_nests() function

The central function for the first part of the nestR workflow is find_nests(). This function identifies potential nests based on patterns of location revisitation. It takes as input the GPS data and returns any revisited locations that match a set of user-defined parameter values that characterize revisitation patterns, along with their revisitation history. Input parameters can be conceptually organized in three groups:

Typically, while prior information on the first two is available to the user, this might not be the case for the third group of parameters. Therefore, our recommended workflow for finding nests involves the following steps:

  1. Identifiying any recurrently visited locations, including potential nests, along individual movement trajectories;
  2. Comparing revisitation patterns at nests versus non-nests and establish a way to tell them apart;
  3. Based on what found in step 2, identifying nests among revisited locations.

The function find_nests() will be used to tackle steps 1 and 3.

To accomplish step 2, some information on the location of nests for a subset of the data is necessary. In an ideal situation, the user has access to prior information on the location of nests for some individual-years in the dataset. Otherwise, a viable alternative is for the user to identify "trusted nests" among revisited locations through visual inspection, for example because they fall within known nesting colonies. Both cases will be illustrated later on.

Here's the full list of arguments of the function find_nests():

The first argument is the GPS data, formatted as described in Data format.

The next three arguments describe basic information of the biology of the species:

The next three arguments are related to data characteristics:

The remaining arguments are used for filtering locations based on revisitation patterns:

The output of find_nests() is a list with two elements: nests and visits. The first element, nests, is a data.frame including any revisited locations that match the criteria specified in the function arguments, along with their revisitation stats. For example, here is a preview of an output (the following paragraphs will illustrate in detail how to get there):


ws_output_1$nests %>% 
  group_by(burst) %>% 
  slice(1) %>%

Each row of the data.frame corresponds to one revisited location. The columns are:

Note the direct correspondence between the last three parameters and the three filtering arguments in input (min_consec, perc_days_vis, and perc_top_vis).

The days of first and last visit do not necessarily correspond to the start and end of a nesting attempt. If a bird visits the nest location before actually starting to nest, or returns to the nest after having completed the attempt, using the days of first and last visits as temporal limits of the attempt is going to be misleading. Since estimating the start and end dates of an attempt correctly will be critical for successfully estimating its outcome, find_nests() takes into account the possibility of visits outside of the attempt and cuts them out. The implementation is based on the value of min_consec: the attempt is estimated to start at the first occurrence of a stretch of at least min_consec consecutive days. Then, if the nest was visited for longer than the duration of a complete nesting attempt after that, the end date gets set at attempt_start + nest_cycle (that is, the latest date possible given the start date). If the last visit occurs before attempt_start + nest_cycle, then attempt_end is set to last_date. We stress the importance of being aware that the value of min_consec has an effect on the estimation of the temporal limits of nesting attempts.

The second element of the list that find_nests() returns as output is a data.frame named visits: this is essentially an updated version of the GPS data provided in input, with an additional column that flags any records taken at a nest with the location ID of that nest. Locations away from the nest are assigned zeroes. Therefore, visits contains the revisitation history of all nests listed in nests. This is what it looks like:


ws_output_1$visits %>%
  slice(170:182) %>% 

Step 1: Identifying recurrently visited locations {#step1}

Animals exhibit recursive movement patterns for a variety of reasons. In the case of birds, locations that get visited recurrently can include nests as well as roosting sites, favorite foraging spots, and so on. However, patterns of revisitation likely differ for locations that a bird visits for different reasons. Nests are expected to be visited for longer stretches of consecutive days, more consistently, or for longer/more times during a day compared to other types of revisited locations. But how much more? nestR provides tools to figure that out.

As a first step, we suggest using the find_nests() function to screen the data to identify recurrently visited locations, regardless of whether they are nests or not. To do so, the user can specify low values for the arguments involved with the filtering, so that the constraints applied are loose.

Here is an example with wood storks. Wood storks nest at different times of the year in different parts of their range, so the first challenge with this species is that there isn't a well-defined nesting season. For example, wood storks in southern Florida usually breed between January and May, but those that nest in some areas farther north can start as late as March or April. Overall, we cannot exclude the possibility of observing nesting events any time between November and August. Therefore, we set sea_start and sea_end to November 1st and August 31st, respectively. The time required for an individual wood stork to complete its nesting cycle is 110 days. We set nest_cycle to this value.

The spatial accuracy of the GPS data for wood storks is 18 meters according to the tag user manual. We set the value of buffer to 40 meters to allow some extra room for spatial scattering of points around a central location. In general, we found that buffer sizes between 20 and 50 meters return comparable results in our three case studies. We encourage the user to explore results obtained with different buffer sizes and possibly fine-tune the value to one that well captures the spatial scale of recursive movements given the species and data at hand. We set min_pts to 2 points within the buffer to avoid calculating revisitation patterns for points that are relatively isolated. This is still a very low, conservative value that nevertheless substantially helps reduce computation time.

We set min_d_fix to 5, meaning that any day with no visit does not interrupt a stretch of consecutive days if it has fewer than 5 fixes. This is especially important for wood storks because the time interval between fixes is 1 hour, the tags are solar powered and therefore only take fixes during the daytime (maximum 16 fixes per day), and the fix failure rate is high. These factors combined mean that often there are only a handful of fixes collected on a day, and the probability of missing nest visits is high. If a stretch of consecutive days is interrupted by one or more days with no recorded visit but that only include 1 to 4 fixes, we do not have enough information to truly determine if the nest was not visited, and we assume that a visit was likely missed instead. As we will mention later, this is not as much of a problem in the case of both kestrels and gulls, because those tags were set to collect data every 15 minutes and have a low fix failure rate, so that the probability of missing visits to the nest is lower. There is no obvious rule to pick an adequate value for min_d_fix. We recommend that the user explores the data to assess fix failure rate and chooses a value of min_d_fix that they are comfortable with given temporal resolution and fix failure rate.

We set the three filtering arguments to low values, meaning that the constraints we enforce are as loose as they can be. We set min_consec to 2 days, and min_top_att and min_days_att to 1%. This will return any location that is visited for at least 2 consecutive days, regardless of how often it is visited between the first and last visit and regardless of how much is it visited for on the day with the most visits. We also set discard_overlapping to FALSE so that the function will not discard locations that are visited simultaneously to a likely nest. This will be useful for Step 2.

Fair warning: depending on the amount of data, find_nests() can be computationally intensive and take some time to run (typically <1 minute per burst).

ws_output_1 <- find_nests(gps_data = woodstorks,
                    sea_start = "11-01",
                    sea_end = "08-31",
                    nest_cycle = 110,
                    buffer = 40,
                    min_pts = 2,
                    min_d_fix = 5,
                    min_consec = 2,
                    min_top_att = 1,
                    min_days_att = 1,
                    discard_overlapping = FALSE)

Here is what the output looks like:


Let's check how many revisited locations were returned with this set of parameters for each of the two individual-years:


Results are automatically sorted by tot_vis within each burst, so for each individual the location that was visited the most is at the top of the list.

Step 2: Discriminating between nests and non-nests {#step2}

The set of revisited locations obtained as output of the screening in Step 1 likely includes both nests and non-nests. The objective of this section is to identify the best set of parameter values to discriminate between these. Specifically, the parameters that we want to tune are those that describe patterns of revisitation: min_consec, min_top_att, and min_days_att. To inform our choice of values for these parameters, we want to compare the values obtained in output for nests and non-nests for consec_days, perc_top_vis, and perc_days_vis.

The function get_explodata() automates the process of selecting nests and non-nests to compare. Given the output of find_nests() and information on known nest locations, the function extracts the true nest and another location that is not a nest from the set of revisited locations. To illustrate how the function works, let's first step through the process manually on the two individuals in the wood stork example dataset.

Case A: coordinates of true nest are known

For one of the two wood storks, the location of the nest is known. This individual bred at a colony located at the Jacksonville Zoo, and we are lucky enough to have the GPS coordinates of its nest. For this individual, thus, we can identify the true nest among the set of revisited locations by comparing coordinates to those of the known nest. We can then select another location among the remaining to serve as a non-nest counterpart, and compare how values of the parameters describing revisitation patterns differ between the two.

Let's look at the first few revisited locations identified for this individual in the previous section:

ws_output_1$nests %>% 
  filter(burst == "721290-2010") %>% 

The first location was visited a total of 1066 times, for 143 days (of which 37 consecutive). The bird went back to the location on 54.17% of days between the day of first and last visit. On the day the bird spent the most time at the location, 100% of the fixes were at the location. This seems like a good candidate nest. Let's compare its coordinates to the ones of the known nest and see if they match.



The coordinates match until the third (longitude) and fourth (latitude) decimal places. Let's see what distance that corresponds to:

coords_cand <- ws_output_1$nests %>% 
  filter(burst == "721290-2010") %>% 
  slice(1) %>% 
  select(long, lat)

coords_known <- jax_known_nest %>% 
  select(long, lat)

geosphere::distGeo(coords_cand, coords_known)

The points are about 24 meters apart. That is well within what expected due to both GPS error and behavioral patterns affecting the signal we get in the data, and well within the 40 meters buffer we used to calculate revisits. We can confidently confirm that that is the nest.

Now, we want to select a non-nest among the other revisited locations. We want to pick a location that we are confident is not a nest but that gets as close as possible to the revisitation parameters of a true nest. This will give us the most power to discern nests from non-nests.

One way of going about this task would be to select the second most visited location in the set. But how can we be sure that the second most visited location is not also a nest, maybe corresponding to a second nesting attempt?

Some species are known to be able to nest twice in the same breeding season if they start the first clutch early enough or if their first attempt fails. In this case, one way to be sure that the location we select is truly a non-nest is to choose one that temporally overlaps with the true nesting attempt at the known location. This is where having set discard_overlapping = FALSE in find_nests() comes in handy, as it made sure that locations visited simultaneously to the true nest were still retained in our output.

In the case of the Jacksonville stork, the nesting attempt at the true nest was estimated to start on March 24^th^, 2010, and end on July 11^th^, 2010. The second and third locations were both visited in a time range that does not overlap with that interval. The first instance of a location that was visited simultaneously with the true nest is the fourth location in the set. Since wood storks are able to have repeated nesting attempts, we can conservatively choose the fourth location as a non-nest to compare the nest to, rather than the second.

The function get_explodata() automates the process we described so far. It takes as input the list of candidate nests output by find_nests(), and a data frame of coordinates for the known nests (known_coords). The argument pick_overlapping allows the user to decide whether the criterion of temporal overlap to a true nest gets applied or not when selecting a non-nest. For species that do not re-nest, this might not be necessary. The function is also designed to handle two possible sources of error that could arise from automating the process instead of supervising it:

  1. The true nest location is not in the output. This can happen if, for example, gaps in the data due to tag malfunctioning led to missing most of the visits to the nest.
  2. Multiple locations surrounding the nest were selected as candidate nests, and the closest one to the nest in terms of linear distance is not the one with the highest revisitation parameters.

Selecting the true nest as simply the closest location to the known nest is prone to both of these error sources. The argument buffer in the function get_explodata() helps solve both of these issues. The function selects the true nest as the top visited location among those that fall within a buffer distance from the known nest. If there is none, nothing is returned. If multiple locations are available within the buffer, the most visited one, not the closest one, gets selected. If the coordinates in known_coords represent the actual location of the nest, we recommend setting buffer in get_explodata() to the same value used for the argument buffer in find_nests(). In cases where, for example, a single pair of coordinates is available for an entire colony rather than for the exact location of a nest within it, the value of buffer can be increased to match the spatial extent of the colony to ensure the true nest does not fall outside of the buffer.

Here is the output of get_explodata() for the Jacksonville stork:

output_stork1 <- ws_output_1$nests %>% 
  filter(burst == "721290-2010")

(explodata_stork1 <- get_explodata(candidate_nests = output_stork1, 
                                  known_coords = jax_known_nest,
                                  buffer = 40,
                                  pick_overlapping = TRUE))

The result of the automated process matches our expectations.

Case B: coordinates of true nest are unknown

For the second individual in the wood stork example dataset, no prior information is available on the location of the nest. However, we can identify the likely location of the nest by visually inspecting revisited locations in the output of find_nests().

A useful tool available within nestR for visual exploration of the data is available with the function explore_nests(). This function launches a Shiny app that allows the user to interactively explore the results of find_nests() by visualizing them on a map. The app can be opened with the RStudio browser or any other web browser. Input parameters taken as arguments by find_nests() can be manipulated on the spot and the corresponding results are displayed over a satellite imagery basemap.


By launching explore_nests() on the wood stork data, selecting the burst 1134370-2013, and inputting the same parameters we used when running find_nests(), we notice that the first location of the set (the most visited one), falls right on the Rookery Branch colony in Everglades National Park. This, together with the fact that the location was visited a total of 589 times, for 61 days (of which 37 consecutive), 89.71% of the days between the first and last visit, and 100% of the time on the day with maximum attendance, makes us confident that the location represents a true nest.

ws_output_1$nests %>% 
  filter(burst == "1134370-2013") %>% 

The function get_explodata() allows the user to input information on true nests in an alternative way that works well in this case: instead of providing the nest coordinates by passing known_coords to the function, the user can provide the location ID instead, by using the argument known_ids. We can thus run get_explodata() on wood stork 1134370-2013 by specifying the location ID of the point we trust to be a nest:

output_stork2 <- ws_output_1$nests %>% 
  filter(burst == "1134370-2013")

id_known <- data.frame(burst = "1134370-2013",
                       loc_id = 2170)

(explodata_stork2 <- get_explodata(candidate_nests = output_stork2, 
                                  known_ids = id_known,
                                  pick_overlapping = TRUE))

Find set of parameter values to tell apart nests and non-nests

Once we have a dataset of nests and non-nests, we can compare values of revisitation parameters between those, and use that to inform the choice of parameter values to filter nests among revisited locations.

Several possible approaches are available to tackle this objective. Here, we present one possible implementation, based on Classification and Regression Trees (CART). Functions to run a customized CART algorithm on the revisited location data are available within nestR, but we encourage the user to explore other implementation options or other analytical tools that may also be appropriate for the task.

To run the CART, we are going to use a larger version of the exploratory dataset we built in the previous step for 2 wood storks. This is a simulated dataset including 200 bursts with one nest and one non-nest each.


We are going to use half of the data to train the CART and the other half to test it. Classification accuracy should improve with the size of the training dataset. In cases where data availability is limited, the choice of how much data to use to train versus test the CART is based on a trade-off between classification accuracy and the ability to cross-validate the tree and estimate error rates.


(ws_cart <- discriminate_nests(explodata = explodata_ws, train_frac = 0.5))

The resulting tree shows that two criteria can help us tell nests apart from non-nests: (1) a location needs to be visited for at least 81% of the time on the day the attendance is maximum and for at least 17 consecutive days to be a nest. These criteria translate in the following set of parameters:

Step 3: Identifying nests among revisited locations {#step3}

After having identified one or more sets of parameter values that discriminate between nests and non-nests, we can make an informed decision on what values to use as input in the filtering arguments of find_nests(). Let's go ahead and run the function on the original wood stork dataset with the set of filtering parameter values suggested by the CART:

ws_output_2 <- find_nests(gps_data = woodstorks,
                    sea_start = "11-01",
                    sea_end = "08-31",
                    nest_cycle = 110,
                    buffer = 40,
                    min_pts = 2,
                    min_d_fix = 5,
                    min_consec = 17,
                    min_top_att = 81,
                    min_days_att = 1,
                    discard_overlapping = TRUE)

Note that for all other arguments in the function (those related to the species biology and to data characteristics) we are keeping the same values as we did the first time. However, this time we are setting discard_overlapping = TRUE. We no longer need to retain overlapping nesting attempts in the output.


Good news! The function identified the known nest correctly for both burst 1134370-2013 and 721290-2010. However, it also identified a second location for burst 1134370-2013. This looks like a second, probably failed, nesting attempt. We know that after leaving Rookery Branch, this wood stork migrated north to the Atlantic coast where its summer range is, and we cannot exclude that it attempted to nest a second time there.

The data on nesting attempts obtained as output of find_nests() will be the starting point for the second part of the workflow, where we will estimate reproductive outcome.

ws_nests <- ws_output_2

Part II: Estimating reproductive outcome {#part2}


Nesting birds keep returning to their nest to feed their offspring until fledging. Histories of nest revisitation obtained from GPS data can be used to estimate the outcome of nesting attempts. Specifically, we can estimate if an attempt was successful or not according to whether it lasted as long as the duration of a complete nesting cycle for the focal species. The underlying assumption is that the nest stops being revisited after an attempt fails, which is true for many bird species.

Two elements complicate the picture: first, GPS fixes are not recorded in real time, which means some visits to a nest may be missed. Second, nest attendance can vary throughout the nesting cycle as a function of developmental stage of the chicks, so that visits may become less frequent and/or shorter with time. This means that the probability of observing a nest visit in the GPS data, given that it happened, may decrease with time during the nesting attempt.

Functions in nestR allow the estimation of reproductive outcome from GPS-derived nest revisitation histories while taking into account the probability of visit detection and allowing both detection and nest survival probability to vary in time.

Formatting nest revisitation histories

The function format_attempts() organizes the data obtained as output from find_nests() into the correct format for input into the next function. The output of format_attempts() is a list of two matrices. Both matrices have the same size, with as many rows as the number of nesting attempts identified by find_nests() and as many columns as the number of days in a complete nesting cycle. The first one is a matrix of fixes: for each attempt, it stores the number of GPS fixes that were taken on each day. The second one is a matrix of visits: for each attempt, it stores the number of nest visits that were recorded on each day.

ws_attempts <- format_attempts(nest_info = ws_nests, nest_cycle = 110)
# Matrix of fixes
# Matrix of visits

These two matrices will be used as input in the function that estimates the outcome of nesting attempts.

Nest survival model specification

The function estimate_outcomes() fits a Bayesian hierarchical model to the histories of nest revisitation and estimates the probability that each nest is still active (i.e., "alive") on the last day of the attempt. Under the hood, estimate_outcomes() uses JAGS (Just Another Gibbs Sampler) to run the MCMC (Markov Chain Monte Carlo), via the package rjags. This gives the user the option of accessing the MCMC diagnostics from the coda package. The user can control parameters of the MCMC by passing them to the argument mcmc_params.

The model specification includes two processes: the survival process, which is not directly observable, and the observation process, which is the signal we get in the revisitation data. Much the same as in a Bayesian implementation of a Cormack-Jolly-Seber capture-mark-recapture model, the latent nest survival variable ($z_t$) is modelled at the daily scale as a function of survival status at the previous time-step ($z_{t-1}$) and daily survival probability ($\phi$):

$$z_t \sim Bern(z_{t-1} \times \phi_{t-1})$$

Observed visits on a given day ($Y_t$) are modelled as a function of current nest survival status ($z_t$), probability of visit detection on that day ($p_t$), and number of GPS fixes available on that day ($N_t$):

$$Y_t \sim Binom(z_t \times p_t, N_t)$$

Where the probability of detection is:

$$p_t = Pr(visit\ detected | z_t = 1, N_t)$$

Reproductive outcome is defined as the probability that value of $z_{nest_cycle} = 1$, i.e., the probability that the nest was still surviving after nest_cycle days.

The user can choose among four models:

In all four models, the parameters $\phi$ and $p$ are modeled using a binomial GLM as a function of the day of the attempt, $t$, i.e.:

$$logit(\phi_t) = \beta_{\phi0} + \beta_{\phi1} \times t$$ $$logit(p_t) = \beta_{p0} + \beta_{p1} \times t$$ In the case of the time-invariant models, $\beta_1$ is simply set to 0. The MCMC algorithm monitors the $\beta$ parameters (on the logit scale) for both $\phi$ and $p$, as well as the derived values of $\phi$ and $p$ (back-transformed). As we will see below, plotting and summary functions are available that take advantage of this information.

The model is fully specified by putting uninformative priors on the $\beta$ parameters, in this case a normal distribution with a mean of 0 and precision (i.e., $1/{\sigma^2}$) of 1e-5. I.e.:

$$\beta \sim N(\mu = 0, \tau = 1.0 \times 10^{-5})$$

Notice that we assume that daily survival ($\phi$) and detection ($p$) are the same for all nests in the population.

Model fitting and results

In the case of wood storks, we expect the probability of detection to decrease with time. Wood stork attendance at the nest is maximum during the initial phase of nesting, when birds are building their nest and forming pairs, and stays very high during incubation. We expect to observe nest visits on most of the days during this phase. After hatching, the male and female start alternating in leaving the nest to go on foraging trips. Still, the nest is never left unattended and at least one parent is at the nest for periods of multiple hours a day. The probability of detection should slightly decrease at this point but still remain high enough that visits are observed on the majority of days. When chicks grow big enough that they can thermoregulate on their own and increase their energetic demands, foraging trips become more and more frequent and the nest is left unattended for long chunks of time. Therefore, in the last few weeks before fledging the probability of detecting a nest visit is expected to drop. Therefore, the model with p varying through time is appropriate in the case of wood storks. We run estimate_outcomes() on ws_attempt using the model where $p$ varies with time:

# Using default MCMC parameters (mcmc_params)

ws_outcomes <- estimate_outcomes(fixes = ws_attempts$fixes, 
                                   visits = ws_attempts$visits,
                                   model = "p_time")


The output of estimate_outcomes() is a list including the following objects of class mcarray:

We can now plot survival and detection probability through time at the population level, as well as daily survival estimated individually for each nest. Survival is constant through time as specified by the chosen model. As expected, detection probability decreases with time.

# Plot population-level daily survival

# Plot population-level detection

The MCMC algorithm also monitors the $z_t$ for all bursts, so we are able to specifically visualize the survival status for each nest.

# Plot estimated survival for burst 1
plot_nest_surv(ws_outcomes, who = 1)

# Plot estimated survival for burst 2
plot_nest_surv(ws_outcomes, who = 2)

# Plot estimated survival for burst 3
plot_nest_surv(ws_outcomes, who = 3)

The last three plots inform us of the fate of the nesting attempts: two out of three appeared to have failed on day 60 and day 23, respectively, while the third was successful.

Finally, the function summarize_outcomes() formats the output of the MCMC into a list including:

summarize_outcomes(ws_outcomes, ci = 0.95)

The coda diagnostics are available after converting the output of estimate_outcomes() into mcmc.list. For example, if you wanted to look at the diagnostic plots for the $\beta$ parameters on detection ($p$):


ws_pb0_coda <- coda::as.mcmc.list(ws_outcomes$p.b0)
ws_pb1_coda <- coda::as.mcmc.list(ws_outcomes$p.b1)


Case studies: applying the method to different species and data

Lesser kestrels

Lesser kestrels nest between mid-April and late-July in southern Italy. Their nesting cycle is approximately 65 days long from egg-laying to fledging. However, the kestrels in our dataset were captured on the nest and tagged during the early chick-rearing phase. This means that we are missing the initial part of nesting attempts (from egg-laying to shortly after hatching, ~30 days). To account for this in our analysis, we subtract 30 days from the actual duration of a full-length nesting attempt, and set the value of nest_cycle to the longest attempt duration that we expect to be able to observe in our data. To allow some room for variability in the onset of nesting, we constrain the nesting season between March 31st and August 31st. This temporal range will definitely include any nesting attempts in our study population. The GPS tags were programmed to collect a fix every 15 minutes, so we should bump up the value of min_d_fix to a higher value than we did for wood storks. We run a first screening with loose filtering constraints:

lk_output_1 <- find_nests(gps_data = kestrels,
                    sea_start = "03-31",
                    sea_end = "08-31",
                    nest_cycle = 35,
                    buffer = 40,
                    min_pts = 2,
                    min_d_fix = 15,
                    min_consec = 2,
                    min_top_att = 1,
                    min_days_att = 1,
                    discard_overlapping = FALSE)

Here are the results for the first kestrel:

lk_output_1$nests %>% 
  filter(burst == "16680-2017") %>% 
lk_output_1$nests %>% 
  filter(burst == "16680-2017") %>% 

Here are the results for the second kestrel:

lk_output_1$nests %>% 
  filter(burst == "16682-2017") %>% 

Having tagged the birds after hatching means we do not have GPS data for the first part of the nesting attempt, which can potentially make the detection of nests more difficult because nest attendance usually decreases after hatching and visits become less frequent. However, on the bright side, it also means that we have information about the exact location of the nests. We can use this information to get some exploratory data on nests vs. non-nests:

# Load data on known nest locations

(lk_explodata <- get_explodata(candidate_nests = lk_output_1$nests,
                              known_coords = lk_known_nests,
                              buffer = 40))

In this simplified version of the workflow, with only two individuals, it is easy to just visually pick the best values to discriminate nests from non-nests. In general, manual tuning of filtering parameter values is viable and encouraged whenever there is good knowledge of the species' ecology and a clear behavioral signal is visible in the data. This can become challenging for very large datasets that are not easy to explore visually or in which there is much variability. In those situations, the user can use statistical tools to inform the choice of parameter values and has to be willing to accept some degree of error. On the other hand, using large amounts of data to inform the choice of parameter values will likely help with generalization, and it will improve our ability to find nests in trajectories for which no prior information is available (species and data characteristics being equal).

lk_output_2 <- find_nests(gps_data = kestrels,
                          sea_start = "03-31",
                          sea_end = "08-31",
                          nest_cycle = 35,
                          buffer = 40,
                          min_pts = 2,
                          min_d_fix = 15,
                          min_consec = 6,
                          min_top_att = 20,
                          min_days_att = 65,
                          discard_overlapping = TRUE)


The output accurately reflects our prior data on nest locations for the two kestrels in the dataset.

lk_nests <- lk_output_2

The kestrel colonies were periodically revisited after tagging to keep track of the progress of nesting attempts. This means that we can compare the output of the model with the data we have and verfiy that the estimation of reproductive outcome was correct.

We can proceed with the estimation of reproductive outcome. Again, we use 35 days as nest_cycle instead of the actual 65 days to account for the fact that the first part of the attempts was missed.

lk_attempts <- format_attempts(nest_info = lk_nests, nest_cycle = 35)

We can now run the nest survival model. We do not expect visit detection probability to change with time, because the frequency of visits should not vary much after the early chick-rearing phase.

lk_outcomes <- estimate_outcomes(fixes = lk_attempts$fixes, 
                                 visits = lk_attempts$visits,
                                 model = "null")

Here are the summary plots for survival and detection probability at the population level, as well as the outcome of the two nesting attempts in the dataset:

                        ncol = 2)

gridExtra::grid.arrange(plot_nest_surv(lk_outcomes, who = 1), 
                        plot_nest_surv(lk_outcomes, who = 2), 
                        ncol = 2)

According to the model, kestrel 16680-2017 was successful, while kestrel 16682-2017 failed at around 19 days (plus the 30 days we subtracted, therefore at approximately 50 days into the actual attempt).

summarize_outcomes(lk_outcomes, ci = 0.95)

Mediterranean gulls

Mediterranean gulls nest between mid-April and late-July in Italy. Similarly to lesser kestrels, their nesting cycle is approximately 60 days long from egg-laying to fledging. However, the gulls in our dataset were captured on the nest and tagged during incubation. This means that we are missing the initial part of nesting attempts (from egg-laying to early incubation, approximately 20 days). Like we did for kestrels, we subtract the duration of the missing part from the actual duration of a full-length nesting attempt, and set the value of nest_cycle to 40 days. Probably because the 15-minute time resolution and the low fix failure rate make the individual datasets very large, we easily incurred in memory issues when running find_nests() on this dataset. To counteract this issue, we reduce the number of points used to compute the distance matrix by using strict temporal limits for the nesting season (April 15th to August 1st). Next time we will buy a computer with more RAM. We run the first screening with loose filtering constraints:


mg_output_1 <- find_nests(gps_data = gulls,
                    sea_start = "04-15",
                    sea_end = "08-01",
                    nest_cycle = 40,
                    buffer = 40,
                    min_pts = 2,
                    min_d_fix = 15,
                    min_consec = 2,
                    min_top_att = 1,
                    min_days_att = 1,
                    discard_overlapping = FALSE)

Here is the output for the first gull:

mg_output_1$nests %>% 
  filter(burst == "URI05-2016") %>% 
mg_output_1$nests %>% 
  filter(burst == "URI05-2016") %>% 

And here is the output for the second gull:

mg_output_1$nests %>% 
  filter(burst == "URI29-2016") %>% 

Since the gulls were also captured on the nests, we know their location. We can use that information to compare parameters between nests and non-nests:


(mg_explodata <- get_explodata(candidate_nests = mg_output_1$nests,
                               known_coords = mg_known_nests,
                               buffer = 40))

We tune filtering parameters according to what we found in the exploratory data:

mg_output_2 <- find_nests(gps_data = gulls,
                           sea_start = "04-15",
                           sea_end = "08-01",
                           nest_cycle = 40,
                           buffer = 40,
                           min_pts = 2,
                           min_d_fix = 15,
                           min_consec = 10,
                           min_top_att = 50,
                           min_days_att = 50,
                           discard_overlapping = TRUE)


The output includes both the correct nesting locations.

mg_nests <- mg_output_2

Let's proceed with the estimation of reproductive outcome. Like for kestrels, we have information on the outcome of these two nesting attempts for Mediterranean gulls, and we will be able to verify our results.

We set the size of the matrix to account for the missing initial part of the attempts, setting nest_cycle to 40 days.

mg_attempts <- format_attempts(nest_info = mg_nests, nest_cycle = 40)

Part of the incubation phase was still captured in the data, so we do expect the detection probability to vary through time in this case. We pick the model with time-varying $p$:

mg_outcomes <- estimate_outcomes(fixes = mg_attempts$fixes, 
                                 visits = mg_attempts$visits,
                                 model = "p_time")

Let's take a look at the summary plots:

                        ncol = 2)

gridExtra::grid.arrange(plot_nest_surv(mg_outcomes, who = 1), 
                        plot_nest_surv(mg_outcomes, who = 2), 
                        ncol = 2)

The estimation of reproductive outcome matches our prior information. Gull URI29-2016 successfully completed its nesting attempt, while gull URI05-2016 failed at 11 days (plus the 20 days that we are missing, therefore at about 30 days from the start of the attempt).

summarize_outcomes(mg_outcomes, ci = 0.95)


In this vignette, we illustrated how to use functions in the package nestR to identify nesting locations along movement trajectories of birds and, based on the history of nest revisitation, to estimate the outcome of nesting attempts. The package provides tools to deal with both situations where prior information on nests is available and where it is not. Functions are designed with flexibility in mind, to accommodate the needs of users dealing with different types of data or focusing on different species. Being able to estimate individual reproductive outcome from tracking data provides an unprecedented opportunity to investigate links between reproductive fitness and factors affecting it in cases where on-ground data is not available.

picardis/nestR documentation built on July 2, 2024, 6:35 p.m.