
Defines functions curve_breaklinear curve_thermal_rue curve_expansion curve_conductance convert_grainyield convert_oilcontent coefficient_extinction leaf_profile leaf_size phenostage thermal_time soil_water_capacity soil_water_capacity_type et_penman_monteith

# Tools for phenotyping and genotypic parameterisation

# Climate ####
# 1 watt/day = 86400 joule

# compute reference evapotranspiration according to Penman-Monteith formula and [@Wallach2006] assumption
#' @export et_penman_monteith
et_penman_monteith <- function(tmin, tmax, tdew, rad, wind, lat, lon, elevation, day, ...) {
  # From [@Wallach2006]
  # Inputs
  # RAD      Daily Insolation Incident On A Horizontal Surface (MJ/m^2/day) 
  # TMIN     Minimum Air Temperature At 2 m Above The Surface Of The Earth (degrees C) 
  # TMAX     Maximum Air Temperature At 2 m Above The Surface Of The Earth (degrees C) 
  # TDEW     Dew/Frost Point Temperature At 2 m (degrees C) 
  # WIND     Wind Speed At 10 m Above The Surface Of The Earth (m/s)
  # DAY      Day of year
  # Output
  # ET      Daily Reference evapotranspiration (mm/day)
  latitude <- unique(lat)*pi/180
  # psychometric Constant
  PSC <- 0.665*10^-3*101.3*((293-0.0065*unique(elevation))/293)^5.26;
  # wind speed at 2m
  ws2 <- wind*4.87/log(67.8*10-5.42)
  es <- ((0.6108 * exp(17.27*tmax/(tmax+237.3)))+(0.6108*exp(17.27*tmin/(tmin+237.3))))/2
  slope <- (0.6108*exp(17.27*((tmax+tmin)/2)/(((tmax+tmin)/2)+237.3))*4098)/((tmax+tmin)/2+237.3)^2
  # humidity
  ea <- 0.6108*exp(17.27*tdew/(tdew+237.3));
  # radiation
  SWR <- (1-0.23)*rad
  IRDES <- 1+0.033*cos(2*pi*day/365.25)
  SD <- 0.409*sin(2*pi*day/365.25-1.39)
  SSA <- acos(-tan(latitude)*tan(SD))
  extra <- 24*60*0.082/pi*IRDES*(SSA*sin(latitude)*sin(SD)+cos(latitude)*cos(SD)*sin(SSA))
  CSR <- (0.75+2*10^-5*unique(elevation))*extra
  RRAD <- rad/CSR
  # evapotranspiration
  LWR <- 4.903*10^-9*((tmax+273.16)^4+(tmin+273.16)^4)/2*(0.34-0.14*sqrt(ea))*(1.35*RRAD-0.35)
  ET <- (0.408*slope*NRAD+PSC*(900/((tmax+tmin)/2+273))*ws2*(es-ea))/(slope+PSC*(1+0.34*ws2))

# Soil ####

# Fonction de pédotransfert : estimer la capacité de rétention en eau volumique depuis une analyse de sol
# θ = a + (b×%Ar) + (c×%Li) + (d×%CO) + (e×Da)
#' @export soil_water_capacity_type

soil_water_capacity_type <- function(
  Argile, # %MS
  LimonFin, # %MS
  LimonGrossier, # %MS
  SableFin, # %MS
  SableGrossier, # %MS
  CaCO3, # %MS
  MatiereOrganique, # %MS
  Profondeur, # mm
  Cailloux # %MS
) {
  # [Vale2007]
  (CaCO3 + 2*Argile + LimonFin + LimonGrossier + 0.7*(SableFin+SableGrossier)) *
    ((100-Cailloux)/100)*(Profondeur/1000)*(1 + 0.05*MatiereOrganique - 0.1)

# compute available soil content (mm), default model inputs
#' @export soil_water_capacity
soil_water_capacity <- function(
  root_depth=1000, stone_content=0.1,  # length (mm), % weight
  field_capacity_1=19.7, field_capacity_2=19.7, # % weight
  wilting_point_1=9.7, wilting_point_2=9.7, # % weight
  soil_density_1=1.3, soil_density_2=1.3, # mass/volume (g/cm3)
  # available soil water content for surface layer 
  swc_1 <- (field_capacity_1/100-wilting_point_1/100)*(1-stone_content)*soil_density_1*300
  # available soil water content for deep layer 
  swc_2 <- (field_capacity_2/100-wilting_point_2/100)*(1-stone_content)*soil_density_2*(root_depth-300)
  # total available soil water content 
  swc <- swc_1 + swc_2

# Phenology ####
# compute temperature sum between two dates 
#' @export thermal_time
thermal_time <- function(climate, id, start, end, base=4.8, ...){
  if (is.na(start) | is.na(end)) {
  } else {
    # select vector for mean temperature
    temperature <- table_climate %>% filter(trial_id == id) %>% slice(start:end) %>% .$TM
    # conditional temperature sum
    thermal_time <- sum(ifelse(temperature - base < 0, 0, temperature - base))

# Calcul de stades phénologiques secondaires depuis la date de floraison
#' @export phenostage
phenostage <- function(flowering) {
  r <- data.frame(
    TDF1 = flowering,
    TDE1 = 0.576 * flowering,
    TDM0 = flowering + 246.5

# Architecture ####

# Modèle de surface de feuille = f(Longeur, Largeur) cm
#' @export leaf_size
leaf_size <- function(length, width, a0=0.7, a=0.736, b=-8.86, c=0.684, shape="simple", ...){
    # default to simple linear model, c.f Heliaphen_platform repository
    simple = {
      area <- a0 * length * width
    bilinear = {
      area <- ifelse(length * width < (b/(c - a)),
                     c * length * width,
                     a * length * width + b

# Modèle de profil foliaire
#' @export leaf_profile
leaf_profile <- function(TLN, LLS, LLH, a=-2.05, b=0.049, shape="fixed", output="profile", ...) {
  # Nombre de phytomères
  n <- 1:TLN
  # Calcul du profil foliaire selon deux méthodes pour les coefficients de forme
    fixed = {
      # a = -2.110168, b = 0.01447336 [Casadebaig2013] : moyenne du modèle linéaire sur la DB
      # a = -2.049676, b = 0.04937692 [Casadebaig2013] : moyenne ajustements sur la DB observée
      r <- LLS * exp(a*((n-LLH)/(LLH-1))^2 + b*((n-LLH)/(LLH-1))^3)    
    model = {
      b <- 1.5 -0.2210304*LLH -0.0003529*LLS + 0.0825307*length(n)
      a <- -2.313409 + 0.018158*LLH -0.001637*LLS + 0.019968*length(n) + 0.920874*b          
      r <- LLS * exp(a*((n-LLH)/(LLH-1))^2 + b*((n-LLH)/(LLH-1))^3)    
  # Sortie
    profile = return(data.frame(leaf=n, size=r)),
    shape = return(data.frame(a=a, b=b))

# model extinction coefficience as a function of architectural traits
# TLN : total leaf number (leaf rank)
# LLH : largest leaf height (leaf rank)
# LLS : largest leaf size (cm^2)
# H : plant height (cm)
#' @export coefficient_extinction
coefficient_extinction <- function(TLN, LLH, LLS, H, ...) {  
  # Pouzet-Bugat method [@Pouzet1985]
  TPA <- 0.5*TLN*LLS +30*TLN  
  # fitted in @Casadebaig2008
  K <- -1.11E-2*LLH -1.09E-2*TLN -1.12E-3*LLS -0.11E-2*H +6.5E-5*TPA +1.58

# Allocation ####

# Convert oil content expressed at norms of humidity (9%) and impurity (2%) to a dry matter basis
#' @export convert_oilcontent
convert_oilcontent <- function(x, humidity=9, impurity=2) {
  r <- (1-impurity/100) * (1-humidity/100)
  return(x * 1/r)

# Convert grain content expressed at norms of humidity (9%) and impurity (2%) to a dry matter basis
#' @export convert_grainyield
convert_grainyield <- function(x, humidity=9, impurity=2) {
  r <- (1-impurity/100) * (1-humidity/100)
  return(x * r)

# Response ####
# Réponse de la transpiration plante / conductance stomatique à la contrainte hydrique
#' @export curve_conductance
curve_conductance <- function(x, a) {
   t = 1.05 / (1 + 4.5 * exp(a * x))

# Réponse de l'expansion à la contrainte hydrique
#' @export curve_expansion
curve_expansion <- function(x, a) {
  t = (2 /(1 + exp(a * x))) -1

# compute quantitative low and high temperature stress index on RUE
#' @export curve_thermal_rue
curve_thermal_rue <- function(tm, tb=4.8, tol=20, tou=28, tc=37, type="low") {
    low = {
      ifelse(tm > tb & tm < tol, tm * (1/(tol - tb)) - (tb/(tol - tb)),
             ifelse(tm <= tb, 0, 1)
      ifelse(tm > tou & tm < tc, tm * (1/(tou - tc)) - (tc/(tou-tc)),
             ifelse(tm >= tc, 0, 1)

# break linear model
#' @export curve_breaklinear
curve_breaklinear <- function(x, a, b) {
  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
    if (x[i] < a) y = (1-b)/a * x[i] + b else y = 1
picasa/rsunflo documentation built on Nov. 17, 2022, 6:55 p.m.