
Defines functions filter_step increase_Nx assimilate_one_smc2

# This function performs one step of particle filter for a given theta
filter_step = function(observationt, t, model, theta, X, xnormW, tree, resampling){
  log_z_incremental = NA #likelihood estimate
  ancestors = resampling(xnormW) #sample the ancestors' indexes
  X_current = X[,ancestors,drop=FALSE]
  Xnew = model$rtransition(X_current, t, theta)
  logW = model$dobs(observationt, Xnew, t, theta,log = TRUE)
  maxlogW = max(logW)
  W = exp(logW - maxlogW)
  log_z_incremental = log(mean(W)) + maxlogW #udpate likelihood estimate
  xnormWnew = W / sum(W)
  tree$update(Xnew, ancestors-1)
  return(list(X = Xnew, xnormW = xnormWnew, log_z_incremental = log_z_incremental, tree = tree))

# This function increases Nx the number of particles in x
increase_Nx = function(observations, t, model, thetas, PFs, Ntheta){
  Nx = PFs[[1]]$Nx
  Nx_new = 2*Nx #by default we multiply the number of particles by 2
  # Perform a conditional particle filter for each theta
  for (i in 1:Ntheta){
    current_path = (PFs[[i]]$tree)$get_path(sample(x = 0:(Nx-1), size = 1, replace = TRUE, prob = PFs[[i]]$xnormW))
    CPF = conditional_particle_filter(observations[,1:t,drop=FALSE], model, thetas[,i], Nx_new, current_path)
    PFs[[i]] = CPF
  return (PFs)

# This function does one step of SMC2 by assimilating the next observation
assimilate_one_smc2 = function(thetas, PFs, t, observations, model,
                               logtargetdensities, logw, normw, algorithmic_parameters){
  # Parse algorithmic parameters and set flags accordingly
  Ntheta = algorithmic_parameters$Ntheta
  nmoves = algorithmic_parameters$nmoves
  resampling = algorithmic_parameters$resampling
  adaptNx = algorithmic_parameters$adaptNx
  min_acceptance_rate = algorithmic_parameters$min_acceptance_rate
  ess_objective = algorithmic_parameters$ess_threshold*algorithmic_parameters$Ntheta
  # initialize variables
  Nx = PFs[[1]]$Nx
  current_gamma = 0
  logcst = 0
  logw_incremental = rep(NA, Ntheta)
  rejuvenation_time = NA
  rejuvenation_rate = NA
  rejuvenation_rate_average = NA
  increase_Nx_times = NA
  increase_Nx_values = NA
  if (t == 1){
    for (i in 1:Ntheta){
      logw_incremental[i] = PFs[[i]]$incremental_ll[1]
      # the argument PFs was initialized externally using the first observation, so it
      # already contains all the correct values
  else {
    for (i in 1:Ntheta){
      PF_next = filter_step(observations[,t,drop=FALSE],t,model,thetas[,i],PFs[[i]]$X,PFs[[i]]$xnormW,PFs[[i]]$tree,resampling)
      # perform one step of filtering and update the current particle filter for particle theta i
      logw_incremental[i] = PF_next$log_z_incremental
      PFs[[i]]$X = PF_next$X
      PFs[[i]]$xnormW = PF_next$xnormW
      PFs[[i]]$tree = PF_next$tree
  while (current_gamma < 1){
    ess_given_gamma = function(gamma){
      logw_ = logw
      # Note: the following test deals with cases where logw_incremental takes -Inf value,
      # which poses problem when evaluating ess_given_gamma(current_gamma) later on since
      # we get "0 * -Inf" which produces NaN
      noNA = (is.finite(logw_incremental)|(gamma - current_gamma > 0))
      logw_[noNA] = logw_[noNA] + (gamma - current_gamma) * logw_incremental[noNA]
      maxlogw = max(logw_)
      w = exp(logw_ - maxlogw)
      normw = w / sum(w)
    if (algorithmic_parameters$adaptivetempering){
      # try gamma = 1 first
      if (ess_given_gamma(1) > ess_objective){
        gamma = 1
      } else {
        if (ess_given_gamma(current_gamma) < ess_objective){
          gamma = current_gamma
          cat("\n>>>>>> WARNING: ESS at current gamma too low; something went wrong <<<<<<")
        } else {
          gamma = search_gamma(current_gamma, ess_given_gamma, objective = ess_objective)$x
    } else {
      # assimilate next observation without tempering
      gamma = 1
    # now we've found our gamma
    logw_incremental_gamma = (gamma - current_gamma) * logw_incremental
    logtargetdensities = logtargetdensities + logw_incremental_gamma
    current_gamma = gamma
    # compute increment to the normalizing constant
    maxlogw = max(logw_incremental_gamma)
    w = exp(logw_incremental_gamma - maxlogw)
    logcst = logcst + log(sum(normw * w)) + maxlogw
    # normalize weights
    logw = logw + logw_incremental_gamma
    w = exp(logw - max(logw))
    normw = w / sum(w)
    ESS = 1/(sum(normw^2))
    # display diagnostic
    if (algorithmic_parameters$verbose){
      cat("\nStep", t, ", gamma = ", gamma, ", ESS = ", ESS)
    if (ess_given_gamma(1) <= ess_objective){
      # we need to resample and move
      # First we get the proposal for the move steps. Note: proposalmove is a list with the following fields:
      # proposalmove$r : sampler from the proposal
      # proposalmove$d : corresponding density function
      # see set_default_algorithmic_parameters (util_default.R) for more details
      proposalmove = algorithmic_parameters$proposalmove(thetas,normw,model)
      # Resample particles theta according to normalized weights
      resampled_index = resampling(normw)
      thetas = thetas[,resampled_index,drop=FALSE]
      PFs = PFs[resampled_index]
      logtargetdensities = logtargetdensities[resampled_index]
      logw_incremental = logw_incremental[resampled_index]
      logw = rep(0, Ntheta)
      normw = rep(1/Ntheta, Ntheta)
      if (nmoves > 0){
        rejuvenation_time = t
        rejuvenation_rate_average = 0
        for (imove in 1:nmoves){
          theta_new_all = proposalmove$r(Ntheta)
          log_proposal_density_new_all = proposalmove$d(theta_new_all,log=TRUE)
          log_proposal_density_current = proposalmove$d(thetas,log=TRUE)
          accepts = 0
          for (i in 1:Ntheta) {
            theta_new = theta_new_all[,i]
            logprior_theta_new = model$dprior(theta_new, log = TRUE)
            if (is.infinite(logprior_theta_new)){
            } else {
              #the CPF function performs a regular PF when no conditioning path is provided
              PF_new = conditional_particle_filter(observations[,1:t,drop=FALSE], model, theta_new, Nx)
              incremental_ll_new = PF_new$incremental_ll
              loglikelihood_new = gamma * incremental_ll_new[t]
              logw_incremental_new = incremental_ll_new[t]
              if (t > 1){
                loglikelihood_new = loglikelihood_new + sum(incremental_ll_new[1:(t-1)])
              logtarget_new = logprior_theta_new + loglikelihood_new
              lognum = logtarget_new + log_proposal_density_current[i]
              logdenom = logtargetdensities[i] + log_proposal_density_new_all[i]
              logacceptance = lognum - logdenom
              logu = log(runif(1))
              if (logu <= logacceptance){
                accepts = accepts + 1
                thetas[,i] = theta_new
                logtargetdensities[i] = logtarget_new
                logw_incremental[i] = logw_incremental_new
                PFs[[i]] = PF_new
              # otherwise do nothing (i.e. keep the current particles)
          rejuvenation_rate = accepts/Ntheta
          rejuvenation_rate_average = rejuvenation_rate_average + rejuvenation_rate
          if (algorithmic_parameters$verbose){
            cat("\nAcceptance rate (independent proposal): ", 100*rejuvenation_rate, "%")
        rejuvenation_rate_average = rejuvenation_rate_average/nmoves
        # Increase the number Nx of particles for each theta if needed
        if (adaptNx){
          Nx_new = 2*(PFs[[1]]$Nx)
          if ((Nx_new <= algorithmic_parameters$Nx_max)&&(rejuvenation_rate_average < min_acceptance_rate)){
            PFs = increase_Nx(observations, t, model, thetas, PFs, Ntheta)
            Nx = PFs[[1]]$Nx
            increase_Nx_times = t
            increase_Nx_values = PFs[[1]]$Nx
            if (algorithmic_parameters$verbose){
              cat("\nNx increased to: ", increase_Nx_values)
            # Perform the move steps one more time after increasing Nx
            for (imove in 1:nmoves){
              theta_new_all = proposalmove$r(Ntheta)
              log_proposal_density_new_all = proposalmove$d(theta_new_all,log=TRUE)
              log_proposal_density_current = proposalmove$d(thetas,log=TRUE)
              accepts = 0
              for (i in 1:Ntheta) {
                theta_new = theta_new_all[,i]
                logprior_theta_new = model$dprior(theta_new, log = TRUE)
                if (is.infinite(logprior_theta_new)){
                } else {
                  #the CPF function performs a regular PF when no conditioning path is provided
                  PF_new = conditional_particle_filter(observations[,1:t,drop=FALSE], model, theta_new, Nx)
                  incremental_ll_new = PF_new$incremental_ll
                  loglikelihood_new = gamma * incremental_ll_new[t]
                  logw_incremental_new = incremental_ll_new[t]
                  if (t > 1){
                    loglikelihood_new = loglikelihood_new + sum(incremental_ll_new[1:(t-1)])
                  logtarget_new = logprior_theta_new + loglikelihood_new
                  lognum = logtarget_new + log_proposal_density_current[i]
                  logdenom = logtargetdensities[i] + log_proposal_density_new_all[i]
                  logacceptance = lognum - logdenom
                  logu = log(runif(1))
                  if (logu <= logacceptance){
                    accepts = accepts + 1
                    thetas[,i] = theta_new
                    logtargetdensities[i] = logtarget_new
                    logw_incremental[i] = logw_incremental_new
                    PFs[[i]] = PF_new
                  # otherwise do nothing (i.e. keep the current particles)
              rejuvenation_rate = accepts/Ntheta
              rejuvenation_rate_average = rejuvenation_rate_average + rejuvenation_rate
              if (algorithmic_parameters$verbose){
                cat("\nAcceptance rate (independent proposal): ", 100*rejuvenation_rate, "%")
  return(list(thetas = thetas, normw = normw, logw = logw, logtargetdensities = logtargetdensities,
              logcst = logcst, PFs = PFs, rejuvenation_time = rejuvenation_time,
              rejuvenation_rate = rejuvenation_rate_average, ESS = ESS,
              increase_Nx_times = increase_Nx_times, increase_Nx_values = increase_Nx_values))
pierrejacob/bayeshscore documentation built on May 25, 2019, 11:35 p.m.