R/f - Check cols not zero.R

Defines functions f_check_cols_not_zero

Documented in f_check_cols_not_zero

#' @title Check whether columns are not zero
#' @description Checks whether columns are not zero.
#' @author Pieter Overdevest
#' @param df.input -----
#' @param v.col.include ----- (default: NULL)
#' @param v.col.exclude ----- (default: NULL)
#' @param c.id -----
#' @returns Nothing.
#' @details -
#' @export
#' @examples
#' f_check_cols_not_zero(
#'     df.input,
#'     v.col.include = NULL,
#'     v.col.exclude = NULL,
#'     c.id
#' )

        # FUNCTION.

        f_check_cols_not_zero <- function(

                v.col.include = NULL,
                v.col.exclude = NULL,
        ) {

        # TEST

        # df.input = data.frame(ID = c(11,12,13,14,15), pieter = c(1,2,0,0,0), bart = c(NA,NA,0,4,0))
        # v.col.include    = c("pieter", "bart")
        # c.id     = "ID"
        # f_check_cols_not_zero(df.input, v.col.include, c.id)

        # df.input = df.datachamp.baseline.source %>% filter(Status == "ACTIVE")
        # v.col.include    = v.feature.cannot.be.empty

        # ERROR CHECKS

        # Check presence of columns in df.input.
        f_check_cols_present(df.input, c.id)

        if(!is.null(v.col.include)) f_check_cols_present(df.input, v.col.include)
        if(!is.null(v.col.exclude)) f_check_cols_present(df.input, v.col.exclude)

        # Check that c.id does not contain NA and is unique
        f_check_col_not_empty(df.input, c.id)
        f_check_col_unique(df.input, c.id)

        # INITIALIZE

        if(is.null(v.col.include))  v.col.include <- names(df.input)
        if(!is.null(v.col.exclude)) v.col.include <- setdiff(v.col.include, v.col.exclude)

        # PROCESS

        # Determine features with 0.
        df.temp <- df.input %>%

                # Select concerned columns
                select(all_of(v.col.include)) %>%

                # Determine number of NA per column
                f_summarize(b.view = FALSE, b.return = TRUE) %>%

                # Select columns with NA
                filter(n.zero > 0) %>%

                # Create label.
                mutate(n.label = paste0("'", feature, "' (", n.zero, ")"))

        # ERROR CHECK

        if(nrow(df.temp) > 0) {

                # Comms.
                        "We observe features with ZERO values (out of ",
                        nrow(df.input), "): ", f_paste(df.temp$n.label), ".\n\n"

                # Create label.
                v.temp <- lapply(df.temp$feature, function(c.temp) { # c.temp = df.temp$feature[1]

                                "'", c.temp, "' (",


                                        df.input %>%

                                                select(all_of(c(c.id, c.temp))) %>%

                                                filter(get(c.temp) == 0) %>%

                                ), ")"

                }) %>% unlist()


                        "Note, the following features contain one ore more ZERO values, see '", c.id, "': ",

pieterov/generaltoolbox documentation built on Jan. 25, 2025, 10:32 a.m.