R/f - Send slack comment.R

Defines functions f_send_slack_comment

Documented in f_send_slack_comment

#' @title Send Slack Comment.
#' @description Sends Slack comment.
#' @author Pieter Overdevest
#' @param c.slack.hook String with slack hook.
#' @param c.marker String to code the marker: 'v' for checkbox and 'x' for white cross.
#' @param c.title Title of message (string).
#' @param c.message.main Main message (string).
#' @param v.message.list Message to communicate (vector with strings).
#' @param v.button.txt Text labels on the buttons (vector with strings).
#' @param v.button.url URL behind the buttons (vector with strings).
#' @param c.image.url Link to image to show in Slack message (default NULL).
#' @returns None
#' @details How to obtain a Slack Hook:
#' * Go to https://api.slack.com/apps
#' * If needed, create a new app
#' * Go to ‘Incoming Webhooks’
#' * If not already, activate Incoming Webhooks
#' * Add new webhook to workspace
#' * Select channel
#' * Copy webhook and use for POST() function.
#' * Add app to Slack by ‘Add apps’, or the channel may already be pointing to it for you
#' @export
#' @examples
#' f_send_slack_comment(
#'        c.slack.hook   = "https://hooks.slack.com/services/........./......../...........",
#'        c.marker       = "xxx",
#'        c.title        = "A greate title!",
#'        c.message.main = "The main message.",
#'        v.message.list = c("Hello World!", "This is item 2", "And a third item"),
#'        v.button.txt   = c('Dumps', 'Log', 'RDS', 'IPSm'),
#'        v.button.url   = c(c.ipsm.dumps, c.ipsm.allocatie.log, c.data.repo, "https://ipsm.nl/"),
#'        c.image.url    = "https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C560BAQEGsMeS8zRHcg/company-logo_200_200/0/1612876167821?e=1682553600&v=beta&t=ypO6V4vhFioktDnqLdCKra0K6IGaI2bl6klfHaxA0lw"
#' )

        # FUNCTION.

        f_send_slack_comment <- function(

                c.image.url = NULL
        ) {

        # TESTING - Succesfull download
        # c.marker        = "v"
        # c.title         = c.file.string
        # c.message.main  = "File was successfully downloaded from Dumps."
        # v.message.list  = "See Synology"
        # v.button.txt    = c('Dumps', 'Log', 'RDS', 'IPSm')
        # v.button.url    = c(c.ipsm.dumps, c.ipsm.allocatie.log, c.data.repo, "https://ipsm.nl/")
        # c.image.url     = c.image.url.hrgroep

        # c.marker        = "v"
        # c.title         = c.file.string
        # c.message.main  = paste0("File - ", c.filename, " - was successfully downloaded from the source.")
        # v.message.list  = "See folder IPSm/Data/EXPORT/."
        # v.button.txt    = c("Source",      "Log",                "Destination", "RDS",      "IPSm")
        # v.button.url    = c(c.export.from, c.ipsm.allocatie.log, c.data.export, c.data.rds, "https://ipsm.nl/")
        # c.image.url     = c.image.url.hrgroep

        # Translate marker(s).
        c.marker.updated <- lapply(

                c.marker %>% strsplit("") %>% unlist(),

                function(x) {

                        if(x == "v") {


                        } else if(x == "x") {


                        } else {

                                stop("Unknown marker.")

                }) %>%

                unlist() %>%

                paste0(collapse = "")

        # Prepare message from list. Remove "'", because "'" results in issues rendering the JSON.
        c.message.list <- paste(

                        # Don't add '-' in case v.message.list contains one element.
                        ifelse(length(v.message.list) == 1, "", "- "),

                collapse = "\n"

        ) %>% gsub("'", "", .)

        # URL message in case URL is provided.
        c.image.url.message <- ifelse(

                paste0(", 'accessory': {'type': 'image','image_url': '", c.image.url, "','alt_text': 'ALTERNATIVE'}")

        # Compose message.
        c.message <- paste0(


                                'type': 'section',

                                'text': {

                                        'type': 'mrkdwn',
                                        'text': '*",
                                                c.marker.updated, "\t" , c.title, "*\n\n",
                                                c.message.main, "\n\n", c.message.list, "'
                                }", c.image.url.message,

                        	'type': 'actions',

                        	'elements': [",

                                                function(c.button.txt, c.button.url) {

                                                        'type': 'button',
                                                        'text': {
                                                                'type': 'plain_text',
                                                                'text': ':spiral_note_pad: ", c.button.txt, "'
                                                        'url': '", c.button.url, "'

                                                c.button.txt = v.button.txt,
                                                c.button.url = v.button.url

                                        collapse = ","


                		'type': 'context',
                		'elements': [
                				'type': 'plain_text',
                				'text': ' Timestamp of message: ", Sys.time() , "',
                				'emoji': true

                		'type': 'divider'


        # How many times to attempt to send Slack.
        n_counter_max <- 5

        # Initialize
        b_continue <- TRUE
        n_counter  <- 1

        # Try for at most n_counter_max times.
        while ((n_counter <= n_counter_max) & b_continue) {

                # Comms to user.
                cat(paste0("\n\n", now(), " - Attempt send to Slack ", n_counter, " of ", n_counter_max, ".\n"))

                # Ask R to try to download each hour.
                result <- try({

                                url    = c.slack.hook,
                                encode = "json",
                                body   =  c.message

                        # Testing.

                }, silent = FALSE)

                # Comms to user.
                        "\n", now(), " - Attempt send to Slack ", n_counter, " of ", n_counter_max,
                        " passed the 'POST()' function. The class of the result is as follows (class: '",
                        class(result), "'):\n\n"




                # Check result of attempt. If attempt was succesful.
                if(!"status_code" %in% attributes(result)$names) {

                        # Comms to user.
                                now(), " - Attempt send to Slack ", n_counter, " of ", n_counter_max,
                                " was not successful due to a bug in the script and there was no status code returned.",
                                " We will not try again. Fix the bug.\n"


                } else {

                        if(result$status_code == 200) {

                                b_continue <- FALSE

                                # Comms to user.
                                        now(), " - Attempt send to Slack ", n_counter, " of ", n_counter_max,
                                        " was successful (Status: 200)!\n"


                        # If attempt was not succesfull, we try again after we wait 15 sec.
                        } else if(result$status_code == 400) {

                                # Comms to user.
                                        now(), " - Attempt send to Slack ", n_counter, " of ", n_counter_max,
                                        " was not successful (Status: 400). We will try again.\n"


                                n_counter <- n_counter + 1

                        } else {

                                # Comms to user.
                                        now(), " - Attempt send to Slack ", n_counter, " of ", n_counter_max,
                                        " was not successful (Status: ", result$status_code,"). We will try again.\n"


                                n_counter <- n_counter + 1


        # Comms to user.
                "\n", now(), " - Attempt send to Slack ", n_counter, " of ", n_counter_max,
                " was not successful. We tried ", n_counter_max,
                " times and we will not try again.\n"

pieterov/generaltoolbox documentation built on Jan. 25, 2025, 10:32 a.m.