#' buildTEX
#' Converts a folder with markdown files and a corresponding literature library
#' (if available) to a tex file
#' Pandoc (https://pandoc.org/) together with pandoc-citeproc need to be installed
#' on the system.
#' @param file name of the tex file to be written
#' @param mdfolder path to the markdown folder to be used as source
#' @param literature path to a bibliography, if available (will be ignored
#' if file does not exist)
#' @param citation Citation information in citation file format (optional)
#' @param supplementary a vector of files and/or folders required for the conversion
#' (e.g. an images subdirectory with figures to be shown in the documents)
#' @param pdf boolean which specifies whether pdf file should be generated from tex
#' @param style visualization style to be used for the Latex/PDF creation. Currently only "classic" style is
#' available. Ignored for outputs other than Latex/PDF. Can be extended by additional templates stored in the
#' \code{templatefolder} in the format \code{<style>.latex}. Classic template
#' \code{system.file("templates","classic.latex",package="goxygen")} can serve as a starting point for own
#' templates.
#' @param templatefolder Folder in which goxygen will search for template files in addition to the pre-installed ones.
#' @author Jan Philipp Dietrich, Kristine Karstens
#' @seealso \code{\link{goxygen}}, \code{\link{buildHTML}}
#' @export
buildTEX <- function(file="documentation.tex", mdfolder="markdown", literature="literature.bib",
citation="../CITATION.cff", supplementary=NULL, pdf=TRUE, style="classic", templatefolder="..") {
message("Start TEX creation...")
templatefile <- chooseTemplate(style,templatefolder,"latex")
if(is.character(citation) && file.exists(citation)) citation <- read_cff(citation)
for(elem in supplementary) file.copy(elem,".",recursive = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
sep <- tempfile()
ref <- tempfile()
files <- list.files(mdfolder,pattern=".*\\.md$",full.names = TRUE)
#bring index to the front
forder <- function(files,name) {
if(any(grepl(name,files,fixed=TRUE))) files <- files[order(!grepl(name, files, fixed = TRUE))]
files <- forder(files,"core.md")
files <- forder(files,"index.md")
moduleNames <- sub("\\.[^.]*$","",basename(files))
files <- paste(paste(files,collapse=paste0(" ",sep," ")),ref)
.tmp <- function(x) return(paste0(x[["given-names"]]," \\textbf{",x[["family-names"]],"}"))
version <- ifelse(is.null(citation$version), "", paste0('--variable version="',paste0("Model Version ",citation$version),'"'))
title <- ifelse(is.null(citation$title), "Model Documentation", citation$title)
authors <- ifelse(is.null(citation$authors), "", paste0('--variable author="',paste(sapply(citation$authors,.tmp),collapse=" | "),'"'))
logo <- ifelse(file.exists("images/logo.png"),
'\\raisebox{-.2\\height}{\\includegraphics[width=2cm]{images/logo}} \\hskip 0.5em ', "")
additional_settings <- paste(paste0('--variable title="',title,'"'),
'--variable titlepage',
'--variable toc',
paste0('--variable logo="',logo,'"'),
paste0('--variable date="created with \\href{https://github.com/pik-piam/goxygen}{goxygen} on ',
format(Sys.time(), "%b %d %Y"),'"'),
paste0('--variable goxygen="created with \\href{https://github.com/pik-piam/goxygen}{goxygen} ',
if(is.null(literature)) bib <- ""
else bib <- ifelse(file.exists(literature),paste0(" --metadata link-citations --bibliography=",literature),"")
system(paste0("pandoc ",files," -s -o ",file," --template ",
" -V colorlinks ",additional_settings," --listings",bib))
tex <- readLines(file)
tex <- gsub("{multline*}","{dmath*}",tex, fixed=TRUE)
message("...finished TEX creation!")
if(pdf) {
message("Start PDF creation...")
for(i in 1:3) tmp <- system(paste("pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode",file),intern=TRUE)
if(grepl("error",tail(tmp,2)[1])) writeLines(tmp,con ="goxygen_pdflatex.log")
message("...finished running pdflatex")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.