
Defines functions interpolateAvlCroplandWeighted

Documented in interpolateAvlCroplandWeighted

#' interpolateAvlCroplandWeighted
#' Disaggregates a modelled time series of land pools after optimisation from the model resolution (low resolution)
#' to the resolution of the land initialisation data set (high resolution), based on a relation map and available
#' cropland.
#' The function requires the following input data:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{x} is an object containing a time series of land pools (model output). The sum over all land pools
#' is constant over time.
#' \item \code{x_ini_lr} and \code{x_ini_hr} provide the initial land pools (Mha) at high (hr) and low resolution (lr)
#' before the optimisation. They only contain the initial time step, but share the three-dimensional structure
#' with \code{x}.
#' \item  \code{avl_cropland_hr} provides information about the amount (Mha) of available cropland at high resolution.
#' \item \code{map} relation map containing information about cell belongings between the high and low resolution.
#' }
#' The weighted disaggregation works as follows:
#' 1. The share of cropland in terms of total available cropland is calculated at the previous time step and
#' then multiplied by the available cropland at the current time step (as available cropland can change over time
#' - e.g. by policy restriction as can be specified in \code{snv_pol_shr}). This temporary cropland pool is then
#' compared to the low resolution cropland pool and the residual area of cropland expansion and reduction is
#' determined.
#' 2. In order to allocate residual area of cropland expansion and reduction, for each grid cell at high resolution
#' expansion and reduction weights are calculated and multiplied by the residual area:
#' \itemize{
#' \item The reduction weight is given by the ratio between the amount of cropland per grid cell and the total area
#' of the temporary cropland at the low resolution spatial unit. This assumes that the cropland reduction is equally
#' distributed among all high resolution grid cells.
#' \item The expansion weight is calculated as the ratio between the remaining cropland at the grid cell level
#' (high resolution) and the overall remaining cropland at the low resolution spatial unit in the current time step.
#' The remaining cropland given by the difference between the available cropland and the temporaryl cropland pool
#' minus urban land, since it assumed that cropland cannot be allocated to urban land.
#' }
#' 3. Following the cropland allocation, the land area for the remaining non-cropland vegetation pools is calculated
#' by substracting the allocated cropland and urban land areas from the total land area in each grid cell.
#' 4. The non-cropland vegetation pool at the high resolution (except of primary forest), calculated in step 3., is
#' then multiplied by the respective shares of the remaining non-cropland vegetation pools at the previous time step
#' (temporary allocation). Similar to the cropland allocation, is not sufficient to also account for changes within
#' these land pools. Therefore, the temporarily allocated non-cropland pools are, once again, compared with the pools
#' at low resolution. The residual area of land expansion and reduction is then allocated by based on reduction and
#' expansion weights, similar as in 2.. The reduction weight is calculated as the ratio between the given temporary
#' land pool at high resolution and total temporary land pool at low resolution. The expansion weight is calculated
#' as the ratio between the remaining land to be filled in each land pool and the total amount of residual land to
#' be allocated in the current time step.
#' 5. Primary forest is treated in a slightly different way, as primary forest cannot be expanded over time. In
#' cropland cells with no cropland expansion, primary forest is, at first, assumed to remain constant and transferred
#' from the previous time step to the current time step. Once again, the sum of the temporarary allocation is compared
#' to the sum of primary forest at low resolution to determine the residual primary forest land, which still needs to
#' be allocated. Where there is an surplus of primary forest, the reduction weight is calculated similarly as in 5.,
#' the land area is reduced accordingly. In areas where the temprorily allocated primary forest falls short, the
#' allocation weight is calculated as a function of the difference in primary land between the previous time step and
#' in the current time step. This makes sure that there is no expansion of primary forest.
#' 7. Urban land is assumed to be constant over time.
#' @param x Time series of land pools (model output) to be disaggregated.
#' @param x_ini_lr The low resolution distribution of x before model optimization.
#' @param x_ini_hr The initial high resolution distribution of x (land-use initialisation) before model optimization.
#' @param avl_cropland_hr The area of available cropland at the high resolution.
#' @param urban_land_hr Either a magpie object of the cellular urban input data, or "static" string
#' @param map A relation map between low and high resolution
#' @param marginal_land Depending on the cropland suitability data, standard options are
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"all_marginal"}: Cropland can be allocated to marginal land
#' \item \code{"q33_marginal"}: The bottom tertile of the marginal land area is excluded
#' \item \code{"no_marginal"}: Marginal land is fully excluded from cropland
#' }
#' @param snv_pol_shr Share of available cropland that is witheld for other land cover types. Can be supplied as a
#' single value or as a magpie object containing different values in each iso country.
#' @param snv_pol_fader Fader for share of set aside policy.
#' @param year_ini Timestep that is assumed for the initial distributions \code{x_ini_hr} and \code{x_ini_lr}.
#' @param unit Unit of the output. "Mha", "ha" or "share"
#' @param land_consv_hr magpie object containing conservation land, e.g. \code{cell.conservation_land_0.5.mz} in the output folder
#' @return The disaggregated MAgPIE object containing x_ini_hr as first
#' timestep
#' @export
#' @author Patrick von Jeetze, David Chen
#' @importFrom magclass is.magpie nregions nyears getItems add_columns getNames mbind dimSums setYears getYears new.magpie where getSets setNames
#' @importFrom madrat toolAggregate toolGetMapping toolConditionalReplace
#' @seealso \code{\link{interpolate2}}
#' \code{\link{toolAggregate}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' a <- interpolateAvlCroplandWeighted(
#'   x = land,
#'   x_ini_lr = land_ini_lr,
#'   x_ini_hr = land_ini_hr,
#'   avl_cropland_hr = "avl_cropland_0.5.mz",
#'   map = "clustermap_rev4.59_c200_h12.rds",
#'   marginal_land = "all_marginal"
#' )
#' sf <- read.magpie("f30_scenario_fader.csv")[, , "by2030"]
#' b <- interpolateAvlCroplandWeighted(
#'   x = land,
#'   x_ini_lr = land_ini_lr,
#'   x_ini_hr = land_ini_hr,
#'   avl_cropland_hr = "avl_cropland_0.5.mz",
#'   map = "clustermap_rev4.59_c200_h12.rds",
#'   marginal_land = "all_marginal",
#'   snv_pol_shr = 0.2,
#'   snv_pol_fader = sf
#' )
#' iso <- readGDX(gdx, "iso")
#' set_aside_iso <- readGDX(gdx, "policy_countries30")
#' set_aside_select <- readGDX(gdx, "s30_snv_shr")
#' set_aside_noselect <- readGDX(gdx, "s30_snv_shr_noselect")
#' snv_pol_shr <- new.magpie(iso, fill = snv_noselect)
#' snv_pol_shr[set_aside_iso, , ] <- set_aside_select
#' c <- interpolateAvlCroplandWeighted(
#'   x = land,
#'   x_ini_lr = land_ini_lr,
#'   x_ini_hr = land_ini_hr,
#'   avl_cropland_hr = "avl_cropland_0.5.mz",
#'   map = "clustermap_rev4.59_c200_h12.rds",
#'   marginal_land = "all_marginal",
#'   snv_pol_shr = snv_pol_shr,
#'   snv_pol_fader = saf
#' )
#' }
interpolateAvlCroplandWeighted <- function(x, x_ini_lr, x_ini_hr, avl_cropland_hr, map, urban_land_hr = "static",
                                           marginal_land = "all_marginal", land_consv_hr = NULL, snv_pol_shr = 0,
                                           snv_pol_fader = NULL, year_ini = "y1985", unit = "Mha") {
  # test whether data can be handled by function
  if (!is.magpie(x) || !is.magpie(x_ini_lr) || !is.magpie(x_ini_hr) || (!is.magpie(urban_land_hr) && urban_land_hr != "static")) stop("x, x_ini_lr and x_ini_hr, urban_land_hr have to be magpie objects")
  if (nregions(x) != nregions(x_ini_lr)) stop("x and x_ini_lr have to be of the same spatial aggregation")
  if (nyears(x_ini_lr) > 1 || nyears(x_ini_hr) > 1) stop("Initialization data must only have one timestep")
  if (!all(getNames(x) == getNames(x_ini_lr)) || !all(getNames(x) == getNames(x_ini_hr))) stop("dimnames[[3]] of x, x_ini_lr and x_ini_hr have to be the same")
  if (!file.exists(map)) stop("relation map file ", map, " not found")

  # ========================================================================
  # prepare data for land allocation
  # ========================================================================

  # get land-use intialisation year
  getYears(x_ini_hr) <- year_ini
  getYears(x_ini_lr) <- year_ini

  # create data set with magpie output data (x) and land-use initialisation (x_ini_lr)
  lr <- mbind(x_ini_lr, x)

  # Test if the total sum is constant
  test <- dimSums(lr, dim = c(1, 3))[, 2:nyears(lr), ] - setYears(dimSums(lr, dim = c(1, 3))[, 1:nyears(lr) - 1, ], getYears(lr)[2:nyears(lr)])
  if (max(test) > 0.1 || min(test) < -0.1) warning("Sum over all land pools in MAgPIE output is not constant over time. See help for details")

  # transform units for higher accuracy during calculations

  unit_scaler <- 1e+30

  x <- x * unit_scaler
  x_ini_lr <- x_ini_lr * unit_scaler
  x_ini_hr <- x_ini_hr * unit_scaler
  lr <- lr * unit_scaler

  if (is.magpie(avl_cropland_hr)) {
    avl_cropland_hr <- avl_cropland_hr * unit_scaler
  } else {
    if (!file.exists(avl_cropland_hr)) stop("high resolution available cropland data not found")
    # high resolution
    avl_cropland_hr <- read.magpie(avl_cropland_hr)
    avl_cropland_hr <- avl_cropland_hr * unit_scaler

  if (is.magpie(land_consv_hr)) {
    land_consv_hr <- land_consv_hr[, getYears(x), ] * unit_scaler

  if (is.magpie(urban_land_hr)) {
    urban_land_hr <- urban_land_hr * unit_scaler

  # calculate land expansion and reduction

  # difference in land pools over time (Mha)
  land_diff_lr <- lr[, 2:nyears(lr), ] - setYears(lr[, 1:(nyears(lr) - 1), ], getYears(lr)[2:nyears(lr)])
  # land reduction
  land_reduc_lr <- land_diff_lr
  land_reduc_lr[land_reduc_lr > 0] <- 0
  land_reduc_lr <- abs(land_reduc_lr)
  # land expansion
  land_expan_lr <- land_diff_lr
  land_expan_lr[land_expan_lr < 0] <- 0

  # ---------------------------------
  # read cluster map
  # ---------------------------------

  if (length(map) == 1) {
    map <- toolGetMapping(map, where = "local")

  # process available cropland data

  avl_cropland_hr <- avl_cropland_hr[, , marginal_land]

  # calculate total land area in each grid cell (high resolution)
  land_tot_hr <- setYears(dimSums(x_ini_hr, dim = 3), NULL)

  # --------------------------------------------
  # expand available cropland data over time
  # the available cropland is susequently adjusted
  # based on conservation land and urban land constraints
  avl_cropland_hr_tmp <- new.magpie(getCells(avl_cropland_hr), getYears(lr), marginal_land)
  avl_cropland_hr_tmp[, getYears(lr), ] <- avl_cropland_hr

  # ------------------------------------------------
  # adjust available cropland based on SNV policy
  if (any(snv_pol_shr != 0) & is.null(snv_pol_fader)) stop("Share of withheld cropland given, but no policy fader for target year provided")

  if (length(snv_pol_shr == 1)) {
    snv_pol_shr <- new.magpie(map[, "cell"], fill = snv_pol_shr)
  } else {
    snv_pol_shr <- toolAggregate(snv_pol_shr[unique(map[, "country"]), , ], map, from = "country", to = "cell")

  if (!is.null(snv_pol_fader) & is.magpie(snv_pol_fader)) {
    if (ndata(snv_pol_fader) != 1) stop("snv_pol_fader has too many data dimensions. Please select one target year only for this disaggregation.")
    # correct available cropland with policy restriction
    for (t in 1:nyears(lr)) {
      avl_cropland_hr_tmp[, t, ] <- avl_cropland_hr_tmp[, t, ] * (1 - snv_pol_shr * snv_pol_fader[, getYears(lr)[t], ])
  } else if (!is.null(snv_pol_fader) & !is.magpie(snv_pol_fader)) {
    if (ncol(snv_pol_fader) != 1) stop("snv_pol_fader has too many columns. Please select one target year only for this disaggregation.")
    # correct available cropland with policy restriction
    for (t in 1:nyears(lr)) {
      avl_cropland_hr_tmp[, t, ] <- avl_cropland_hr_tmp[, t, ] * (1 - snv_pol_shr * snv_pol_fader[getYears(lr)[t], ])

  # reference available cropland used as upper bound for rescaling below
  avl_cropland_base_hr <- avl_cropland_hr_tmp

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # correct for urban land to constrain the calculation of the allocation weight
  # in order to make sure that all urban land can be allocated
  if (is.magpie(urban_land_hr)) {
    ### remove urban cells from potentially available cropland, if not static
    # check if urban land output and input correspond at low res level
    urban_input_lr <- toolAggregate(urban_land_hr, map, from = "cell", to = "cluster")
    testurb <- x[, , "urban"] - urban_input_lr[getItems(x, dim = 1), getYears(x), ]

    if (max(testurb) > 0.05 * diff(range(urban_input_lr)) || min(testurb) < (-0.05 * diff(range(urban_input_lr)))) {
      warning("Cluster level differences of urban land between magpie and input data are
          greater than 5% of the total range of urban land values in a cluster.
          Consider the urban implementation, maybe something's wrong.")
    land_non_urban_hr <- setYears(dimSums(x_ini_hr, dim = 3), NULL) - mbind(x_ini_hr[, , "urban"], urban_land_hr[, getYears(x), ])
    getCells(avl_cropland_hr_tmp) <- getCells(land_non_urban_hr)
    # where available cropland is larger than (dynamic) total non urban land chose the smaller value [pmin()]
    for (t in 1:nyears(lr)) {
      avl_cropland_hr_tmp[, t, ] <- pmin(avl_cropland_hr_tmp[, t, ], land_non_urban_hr[, t, ])
  } else {
    land_non_urban_hr <- dimSums(x_ini_hr, dim = 3) - x_ini_hr[, , "urban"]
    getCells(avl_cropland_hr_tmp) <- getCells(land_non_urban_hr)
    # where available cropland is larger than (static) total non urban land chose the smaller value [pmin()]
    for (t in 1:nyears(lr)) {
      avl_cropland_hr_tmp[, t, ] <- pmin(avl_cropland_hr_tmp[, t, ], land_non_urban_hr)

  # -------------------------------------------------------
  # adjust available cropland based on conservation land
  if (!is.null(land_consv_hr)) {
    land_consv_hr <- dimSums(land_consv_hr[, , "crop", invert = TRUE], dim = 3)

    no_consv_hr <- land_tot_hr - land_consv_hr
    no_consv_hr[no_consv_hr < 0] <- 0
    no_consv_hr <- mbind(setYears(no_consv_hr[, 1, ], year_ini), no_consv_hr)

    # Where available cropland is larger than the unprotected area
    # replace it with the remaining unprotected area
    avl_cropland_hr_tmp[avl_cropland_hr_tmp > no_consv_hr] <- no_consv_hr[avl_cropland_hr_tmp > no_consv_hr]

  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # The application of conservation policies in MAgPIE is subject to various
  # constraints and compensation processes, therefore effective land conservation
  # can differ from the area provided in the input data. To account for this mismatch,
  # the adjusted available cropland is rescaled to make sure
  # that all reported cropland is allocated at the high resolution.
  tmp_avl_cropland_lr <- toolAggregate(avl_cropland_hr_tmp, map, from = "cell", to = "cluster")
  if (any(lr[, , "crop"] > tmp_avl_cropland_lr)) {
    crop_lr_scaling <- lr[, , "crop"] / tmp_avl_cropland_lr
    crop_lr_scaling[is.na(crop_lr_scaling) | is.infinite(crop_lr_scaling) | crop_lr_scaling < 1] <- 1
    crop_lr_scaling <- toolAggregate(crop_lr_scaling, map, from = "cluster", to = "cell")
    avl_cropland_hr_tmp <- crop_lr_scaling * avl_cropland_hr_tmp
    # make sure that after scaling available cropland is not larger than the unadjusted data
    for (t in 1:nyears(avl_cropland_hr_tmp)) {
      overscaled <- avl_cropland_hr_tmp[, t, ] > avl_cropland_base_hr[, t, ]
      avl_cropland_hr_tmp[, t, ][overscaled] <- avl_cropland_base_hr[, t, ][overscaled]

  avl_cropland_hr <- avl_cropland_hr_tmp

  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # disaggregate low resolution output data to be used in calculations
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # total land expansion and reduction at low resolution
  land_reduc_lr_dagg <- toolAggregate(land_reduc_lr, map, from = "cluster", to = "cell")
  land_expan_lr_dagg <- toolAggregate(land_expan_lr, map, from = "cluster", to = "cell")
  # total amount of cropland at low resolution
  land_lr_dagg <- toolAggregate(lr, map, from = "cluster", to = "cell")

  # ========================================================================
  # allocate cropland at high res (hr)
  # ========================================================================

  # create new magpie object for cropland allocation (high resolution)
  cropland_hr <- new.magpie(getCells(avl_cropland_hr), getYears(lr), "crop")
  getCells(x_ini_hr) <- getCells(avl_cropland_hr)
  cropland_hr[, year_ini, ] <- x_ini_hr[, , "crop"]

  for (t in 2:nyears(cropland_hr)) {
    # calculate share of cropland pools in previous time step
    shr_prev_cropland_hr <- cropland_hr[, t - 1, "crop"] / (avl_cropland_hr[, t - 1, ])
    shr_prev_cropland_hr[is.na(shr_prev_cropland_hr) | is.infinite(shr_prev_cropland_hr)] <- 0
    # multiply shares of cropland pools in previous time step with available cropland in current time step
    cropland_hr[, t, "crop"] <- shr_prev_cropland_hr * avl_cropland_hr[, t, ]
    # account for small mismatches during multiplication
    inacc_hr <- cropland_hr[, t, "crop"] > avl_cropland_hr[, t, ]
    cropland_hr[, t, "crop"][inacc_hr] <- avl_cropland_hr[, t, ][inacc_hr]

    # sum temporary cropland land pool at low resolution to compare them with the land pools in x
    tmp_cropland_lr <- toolAggregate(cropland_hr[, t, "crop"], map, from = "cell", to = "cluster")
    tmp_cropland_lr_dagg <- toolAggregate(tmp_cropland_lr, map, from = "cluster", to = "cell")

    # calculate the residual difference that still needs to be allocated
    residual_diff_lr <- land_lr_dagg[, t, "crop"] - tmp_cropland_lr_dagg
    # calculate the residual land reduction (absolute)
    residual_reduc_lr <- residual_diff_lr
    residual_reduc_lr[residual_reduc_lr > 0] <- 0
    residual_reduc_lr <- abs(residual_reduc_lr)

    # calculate the allocation weight for the residual land reduction:
    # divide temporay cropland at high resolution by sum of the temporary at low resolution
    crop_reduc_weight <- cropland_hr[, t, "crop"] / (tmp_cropland_lr_dagg)
    crop_reduc_weight[is.na(crop_reduc_weight) | is.infinite(crop_reduc_weight)] <- 0

    # allocate the residual cropland reduction
    cropland_hr[, t, "crop"] <- cropland_hr[, t, "crop"] - residual_reduc_lr * crop_reduc_weight
    # account for small mismatches during multiplication with weight
    cropland_hr[, t, "crop"][cropland_hr[, t, "crop"] < 0] <- 0

    # calculate the residual land expansion
    residual_expan_lr <- residual_diff_lr
    residual_expan_lr[residual_expan_lr < 0] <- 0

    # calculate the remaining available land at high resolution
    cropland_remain_hr <- (avl_cropland_hr[, t, ] - cropland_hr[, t, "crop"])

    # sum remaining cropland in the current time step to calculate expansion weight
    tmp_remain_lr <- toolAggregate(cropland_remain_hr, map, from = "cell", to = "cluster")
    tmp_remain_lr_dagg <- toolAggregate(tmp_remain_lr, map, from = "cluster", to = "cell")

    # calculate the expansion weight for the residual expansion
    # divide the available land by the total area of the residual expansion at low resolution
    crop_expan_weight <- cropland_remain_hr / tmp_remain_lr_dagg
    crop_expan_weight[is.na(crop_expan_weight) | is.infinite(crop_expan_weight)] <- 0

    residual_expan_hr <- residual_expan_lr * crop_expan_weight
    # # account for small mismatches during multiplication
    inacc_hr <- residual_expan_hr > cropland_remain_hr
    residual_expan_hr[inacc_hr] <- cropland_remain_hr[inacc_hr]

    # allocate the residual cropland expansion
    cropland_hr[, t, "crop"] <- cropland_hr[, t, "crop"] + residual_expan_hr

  # ========================================================================
  # allocate non-cropland pools
  # ========================================================================

  # calculate non-cropland vegetation pool after disaggregation
  # sum urban and cropland
  if (is.magpie(urban_land_hr)) {
    if (as.integer(gsub("y", "", year_ini)) < getYears(urban_land_hr, as.integer = TRUE)[1]) {
      urban_land_hr <- add_columns(urban_land_hr, addnm = year_ini, dim = 2.1, fill = 0)
      urban_land_hr <- urban_land_hr[, sort(getYears(urban_land_hr, as.integer = TRUE)), ]
      urban_land_hr[, year_ini, ] <- urban_land_hr[, 2, ]

      land_tot_nocrop_veg_hr <- setNames(setYears(land_tot_hr - urban_land_hr[, getYears(cropland_hr), ] - cropland_hr, getYears(cropland_hr)), NULL)
  } else {
    land_tot_nocrop_veg_hr <- setNames(setYears(land_tot_hr - x_ini_hr[, , "urban"] - cropland_hr, getYears(cropland_hr)), NULL)

  land_tot_nocrop_veg_hr[land_tot_nocrop_veg_hr < 0] <- 0

  # define sets used during land allocation
  nocrop_pools <- getNames(x_ini_lr)[-which(getNames(x_ini_lr) == "crop")]
  secd_veg <- nocrop_pools[-which(nocrop_pools == "urban" | nocrop_pools == "primforest")]

  # create new magpie object
  land_nocrop_hr <- new.magpie(getCells(cropland_hr), getYears(cropland_hr), nocrop_pools)
  land_nocrop_hr[, year_ini, nocrop_pools] <- x_ini_hr[, , nocrop_pools]

  # allocate urban (exogenous, dataset read in from input data)
  if (is.magpie(urban_land_hr)) {
    land_nocrop_hr[, , "urban"] <- urban_land_hr[, getYears(land_nocrop_hr), "urban"]
  } else {
    land_nocrop_hr[, , "urban"] <- x_ini_hr[, , "urban"]

  # allocate primary forest

  for (t in 2:nyears(land_nocrop_hr)) {
    # check where there was cropland and urban expansion
    where_expan <- where(cropland_hr[, t, ] > cropland_hr[, t - 1, ] | land_nocrop_hr[, t, "urban"] > land_nocrop_hr[, t - 1, "urban"])[["true"]][["regions"]]
    # calculate share of primary forest in previous time step
    shr_prev_primforest_hr <- land_nocrop_hr[, t - 1, "primforest"] / (land_tot_nocrop_veg_hr[, t - 1, ])
    shr_prev_primforest_hr[is.na(shr_prev_primforest_hr) | is.infinite(shr_prev_primforest_hr)] <- 0
    # multiply share of primary forest in previous time step with available land in current time step
    # to allocate primary forest in cells with cropland expansion
    land_nocrop_hr[where_expan, t, "primforest"] <- shr_prev_primforest_hr[where_expan, , ] * land_tot_nocrop_veg_hr[where_expan, t, ]
    # account for small mismatches during multiplication
    inacc_hr <- land_nocrop_hr[where_expan, t, "primforest"] > land_tot_nocrop_veg_hr[where_expan, t, ]
    land_nocrop_hr[where_expan, t, "primforest"][inacc_hr] <- land_tot_nocrop_veg_hr[where_expan, t, ][inacc_hr]

    # check in which cells there was no cropland nor urban expansion
    where_noexpan <- where(cropland_hr[, t, ] > cropland_hr[, t - 1, ] | land_nocrop_hr[, t, "urban"] > land_nocrop_hr[, t - 1, "urban"])[["false"]][["regions"]]
    # allocate the area of primary forest in the previous time step to those cells
    land_nocrop_hr[where_noexpan, t, "primforest"] <- land_nocrop_hr[where_noexpan, t - 1, "primforest"]

    # sum temporary primary forest pool at low resolution to compare it with the pool in x
    tmp_land_primforest_lr <- toolAggregate(land_nocrop_hr[, t, "primforest"], map, from = "cell", to = "cluster")
    tmp_land_primforest_lr_dagg <- toolAggregate(tmp_land_primforest_lr, map, from = "cluster", to = "cell")

    # calculate the residual difference that still needs to be allocated
    primf_residual_diff_lr <- land_lr_dagg[, t, "primforest"] - tmp_land_primforest_lr_dagg
    primf_residual_reduc_lr <- primf_residual_diff_lr
    primf_residual_reduc_lr[primf_residual_reduc_lr > 0] <- 0
    primf_residual_reduc_lr <- abs(primf_residual_reduc_lr)

    # calculate the allocation weight for the residual land reduction:
    # divide temporay primary forest pool at high resolution by sum of the temporary pool at low resolution
    primf_reduc_weight <- land_nocrop_hr[, t, "primforest"] / (tmp_land_primforest_lr_dagg)
    primf_reduc_weight[is.na(primf_reduc_weight) | is.infinite(primf_reduc_weight)] <- 0

    # allocate the residual primary forest reduction
    land_nocrop_hr[, t, "primforest"] <- land_nocrop_hr[, t, "primforest"] - primf_residual_reduc_lr * primf_reduc_weight
    # account for small mismatches during multiplication with weight
    land_nocrop_hr[, t, "primforest"][land_nocrop_hr[, t, "primforest"] < 0] <- 0

    # calculate the residual land expansion
    primf_residual_alloc_lr <- primf_residual_diff_lr
    primf_residual_alloc_lr[primf_residual_alloc_lr < 0] <- 0

    ## calculate the remaining available land for primary land at high resolution
    # primary forest cannot be bigger in the current time step than in the previous time step
    primf_avail_hr <- land_nocrop_hr[, t - 1, "primforest"] - land_nocrop_hr[, t, "primforest"]

    # Check if there is still  land available in this cell for the amount of forest required
    land_left_hr <- setNames(land_tot_hr - setYears(dimSums(land_nocrop_hr[, t, c("urban", "primforest")], dim = 3), NULL) -
      setNames(setYears(cropland_hr[, t, ], NULL), NULL), NULL)
    # weight by either gap between current tmp and previous time step, or by amount of land remaining
    primf_avail_hr_constr <- pmin(primf_avail_hr, land_left_hr)
    primf_avail_hr_constr[primf_avail_hr_constr < 0] <- 0

    # calculate the allocation weight for the residual primary forest land
    # divide the available land by the total area of the residual allocation at low resolution
    primf_alloc_weight <- primf_avail_hr_constr / (primf_residual_alloc_lr)
    primf_alloc_weight[is.na(primf_alloc_weight) | is.infinite(primf_alloc_weight)] <- 0

    primf_residual_alloc_hr <- primf_residual_alloc_lr * primf_alloc_weight
    # account for small mismatches during multiplication
    inacc_hr <- primf_residual_alloc_hr > primf_avail_hr_constr
    primf_residual_alloc_hr[inacc_hr] <- primf_avail_hr_constr[inacc_hr]

    # allocate residual primary forest
    land_nocrop_hr[, t, "primforest"] <- land_nocrop_hr[, t, "primforest"] + primf_residual_alloc_hr

  # calculate remaining secondary vegetation pool after allocation of cropland and primary forest
  land_tot_secd_veg_hr <- land_tot_nocrop_veg_hr - land_nocrop_hr[, , "primforest"]
  getNames(land_tot_secd_veg_hr) <- NULL

  # allocate secondary vegetation land pools

  for (t in 2:nyears(land_nocrop_hr)) {
    # calculate share of non-cropland vegetation pools in previous time step
    shr_prev_nocrop_veg_hr <- land_nocrop_hr[, t - 1, secd_veg] / (land_tot_secd_veg_hr[, t - 1, ])
    shr_prev_nocrop_veg_hr[is.na(shr_prev_nocrop_veg_hr) | is.infinite(shr_prev_nocrop_veg_hr)] <- 0
    # account for small mismatches during division
    shr_prev_nocrop_veg_hr[shr_prev_nocrop_veg_hr > 1] <- 1
    # multiply shares of non-cropland pools in previous time step with available land in current time step
    land_nocrop_hr[, t, secd_veg] <- shr_prev_nocrop_veg_hr * land_tot_secd_veg_hr[, t, ]

    # sum temporary non-cropland land pool at low resolution to compare them with the land pools in x
    tmp_land_nocrop_lr <- toolAggregate(land_nocrop_hr[, t, secd_veg], map, from = "cell", to = "cluster")
    tmp_land_nocrop_lr_dagg <- toolAggregate(tmp_land_nocrop_lr, map, from = "cluster", to = "cell")

    # calculate the residual difference that still needs to be allocated
    residual_diff_lr <- land_lr_dagg[, t, secd_veg] - tmp_land_nocrop_lr_dagg
    # calculate the residual land reduction (absolute)
    residual_reduc_lr <- residual_diff_lr
    residual_reduc_lr[residual_reduc_lr > 0] <- 0
    residual_reduc_lr <- abs(residual_reduc_lr)

    # calculate the allocation weight for the residual land reduction:
    # divide temporay non-croplad pools at high resolution by sum of the temporary at low resolution
    nocrop_reduc_weight <- land_nocrop_hr[, t, secd_veg] / (tmp_land_nocrop_lr_dagg)
    nocrop_reduc_weight[is.na(nocrop_reduc_weight) | is.infinite(nocrop_reduc_weight)] <- 0

    # allocate the residual non-cropland pool reduction
    land_nocrop_hr[, t, secd_veg] <- land_nocrop_hr[, t, secd_veg] - residual_reduc_lr * nocrop_reduc_weight
    # account for small mismatches during multiplication with weight
    land_nocrop_hr[, t, secd_veg][land_nocrop_hr[, t, secd_veg] < 0] <- 0

    # calculate the residual land expansion
    residual_expan_lr <- residual_diff_lr
    residual_expan_lr[residual_expan_lr < 0] <- 0

    # calculate the remaining available land at high resolution
    nocrop_avail_hr <- (land_tot_secd_veg_hr[, t, ] - dimSums(land_nocrop_hr[, t, secd_veg], dim = 3)) * (residual_expan_lr / dimSums(residual_expan_lr, dim = 3))

    # calculate the expansion weight for the residual expansion
    # divide the available land by the total area of the residual expansion at low resolution
    nocrop_expan_weight <- nocrop_avail_hr / (residual_expan_lr)
    nocrop_expan_weight[is.na(nocrop_expan_weight) | is.infinite(nocrop_expan_weight)] <- 0

    # allocate the residual non-cropland pool expansion
    land_nocrop_hr[, t, secd_veg] <- land_nocrop_hr[, t, secd_veg] + residual_expan_lr * nocrop_expan_weight

  # ========================================================================
  # return output
  # ========================================================================

  # combine output
  hr <- mbind(cropland_hr, land_nocrop_hr)
  # correct for small negative deviations
  hr[hr < 0] <- 0

  if (unit == "share") {
    # divide land pools by total amount of land per grid cell
    out <- hr / dimSums(hr, dim = 3)
    # cell GRL.13164 has a total land area of 0
    out <- toolConditionalReplace(out, "is.na()", replaceby = 0)
  } else if (unit == "Mha") {
    out <- hr / unit_scaler
  } else if (unit == "ha") {
    out <- hr / (unit_scaler / 1e+6)

  if (length(getCells(out)) == "67420") getSets(out, fulldim = FALSE)[1] <- "x.y.iso"

pik-piam/luscale documentation built on April 27, 2024, 2:11 p.m.