
Defines functions calcCapacity

#' @title calc Capacity
#' @description provides historical capacity values in TW
#' @param subtype data subtype. Either "capacityByTech" or "capacityByPE"
#' @return magpie object of  capacity data
#' @author Renato Rodrigues
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ 
#' calcOutput("Capacity",subtype="capacityByTech")
#' }
#' @importFrom luscale rename_dimnames

calcCapacity <- function(subtype){
  if (subtype == "capacityByTech") {
    description <- "Historical capacity by technology."
    # Use IRENA data for world renewables capacity.
    # Year: 2000-2017
    # Technologies: "csp", "geohdr", "hydro", "spv", "wind"
    IRENAcap <- readSource(type="IRENA",subtype="Capacity") # Read IRENA renewables capacity data
    IRENAcap <- IRENAcap[,,c("Concentrated solar power", "Geothermal", "Hydropower", "Solar photovoltaic", "Wind")] # selecting data used on REMIND
    mapping <- data.frame( IRENA_techs=c("Concentrated solar power", "Geothermal", "Hydropower", "Solar photovoltaic", "Wind"),
                         REMIND_techs=c("csp", "geohdr", "hydro", "spv", "wind"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    IRENAcap <- rename_dimnames(IRENAcap, dim = 3, query = mapping, from = "IRENA_techs", to="REMIND_techs") # renaming technologies to REMIND naming convention
    IRENAcap <- IRENAcap * 1E-06 # converting MW to TW
    #overwriting Russia and Japan capacities for wind and spv to avoid REMIND convergence problems (this is a temporary solution that should be removed once the bounds in REMIND are reworked)
    IRENAcap["JPN",2010,"wind"] <- 0.0012
    IRENAcap["RUS",2010,"spv"] <- 5e-06 
    IRENAcap["RUS",2015,"wind"] <- 2e-05
    IRENAcap["RUS",2015,"spv"] <- 2e-05
    # Use Openmod capacity values updated by the LIMES team for the European countries.
    # Year: 2015
    # Technologies: "tnrs","ngcc","ngt","dot" 
    Openmodcap <- readSource(type="Openmod") # Read Openmod capacities
    Openmodcap <- Openmodcap[c("FIN","NOR","SWE","EST","LVA","LTU","DNK","GBR","IRL","NLD","POL","DEU","BEL","LUX","CZE","SVK","AUT","CHE","HUN","ROU","SVN","FRA","HRV","BGR","ITA","ESP","PRT","GRC"),,c("tnr","ngcc","ngt","oil")] # selecting data used on REMIND # "BAL" 
    mapping <- data.frame( Openmod_techs=c("tnr","ngcc","ngt","oil"),
                           REMIND_techs=c("tnrs","ngcc","ngt","dot"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    Openmodcap <- rename_dimnames(Openmodcap, dim = 3, query = mapping, from = "Openmod_techs", to="REMIND_techs") # renaming technologies to REMIND naming convention
    Openmodcap <- Openmodcap * 1E-03 # converting GW to TW
    # Use WEO 2017 data to additional countries: "USA","BRA","RUS","CHN","IND","JPN"
    # Year: 2015
    # Technologies: "tnrs","dot" 
    WEOcap <- readSource(type="IEA_WEO",subtype="Capacity") # Read IEA WEO capacities
    WEOcap <- WEOcap[c("USA","BRA","RUS","CHN","IND","JPN"),2015,c("Nuclear","Oil")] # selecting data used on REMIND
    mapping <- data.frame( WEO_techs=c("Nuclear","Oil"),
                           REMIND_techs=c("tnrs","dot"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    WEOcap <- rename_dimnames(WEOcap, dim = 3, query = mapping, from = "WEO_techs", to="REMIND_techs") # renaming technologies to REMIND naming convention
    WEOcap <- WEOcap * 1E-03 # converting GW to TW
    # merge IRENA, Openmod and WEO capacities data
    output <- new.magpie(cells_and_regions=unique(c(getRegions(IRENAcap),getRegions(Openmodcap),getRegions(WEOcap))),
                         years = unique(c(getYears(IRENAcap),getYears(Openmodcap),getYears(WEOcap))),
                         names = unique(c(getNames(IRENAcap),getNames(Openmodcap),getNames(WEOcap))),
    output[getRegions(IRENAcap),getYears(IRENAcap),getNames(IRENAcap)] <- IRENAcap[getRegions(IRENAcap),getYears(IRENAcap),getNames(IRENAcap)]  
    output[getRegions(Openmodcap),getYears(Openmodcap),getNames(Openmodcap)] <- Openmodcap[getRegions(Openmodcap),getYears(Openmodcap),getNames(Openmodcap)]  
    output[getRegions(WEOcap),getYears(WEOcap),getNames(WEOcap)] <- WEOcap[getRegions(WEOcap),getYears(WEOcap),getNames(WEOcap)]  
    output[is.na(output)] <- 0 #set NA to 0  
    output  <- toolCountryFill(output,fill=0,verbosity=0) # fill missing countries
  } else if (subtype == "capacityByPE") { # Pe -> peoil, pegas, pecoal, peur, pegeo, pehyd, pewin, pesol, pebiolc, pebios, pebioil
    description <- "Historical capacity by primary energy."
    # Secondary Energy Electricity capacities by primary energy source
    ## Use Openmod capacity values updated by the LIMES team for the European countries.
    ## Year: 2015
    ## Primary Energies: "peur", "pecoal", "pecoal", "pegas", "pegas", "pehyd", "pewin", "pewin", "pesol", "pehyd", "pebiolc", "pesol", "peoil"
    EU_regi <- c("AUT","BEL","BGR","CZE","DEU","DNK","ESP","EST","FIN","FRA","GBR","GRC","HRV","HUN","IRL","ITA","LTU","LUX","LVA","NLD","POL","PRT","ROU","SVK","SVN","SWE")
    Openmodcap <- readSource(type="Openmod")[EU_regi,,] # Read Openmod capacities
    mapping <- data.frame( Openmod_techs=c("tnr", "pc", "lpc", "ngcc", "ngt", "hydro", "windon", "windoff", "spv", "psp", "biolcigcc", "csp", "oil"), #, "waste", "others"
                           REMIND_PE=c("peur", "pecoal", "pecoal", "pegas", "pegas", "pehyd", "pewin", "pewin", "pesol", "pehyd", "pebiolc", "pesol", "peoil"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 
    Openmodcap <- toolAggregate(Openmodcap[,,mapping$Openmod_techs], rel=mapping, from="Openmod_techs", to="REMIND_PE",dim=3.1) # aggregating primary energies to REMIND naming convention
    Openmodcap <- Openmodcap * 1E-03 # converting GW to TW
    # for now we are only using the Openmod capacities to European countries, non renewables capacities and hydro: "pecoal", "pegas", "pebiolc", "peoil" (calcCapacityNuclear handles "peur"), "pehyd"
    Openmodcap <- Openmodcap[,,c("pecoal", "pebiolc", "peoil", "pehyd")] #pegas is handled at technology level
    ## Use WEO 2017 capacity values to additional countries: "USA","BRA","RUS","CHN","IND","JPN" and regions LAM and OAS  
    ## Year: 2015
    ## Primary Energies: "peur", "pecoal", "pecoal", "pegas", "pegas", "pehyd", "pewin", "pewin", "pesol", "pehyd", "pebiolc", "pesol", "peoil"
    WEOcap <- readSource(type="IEA_WEO",subtype="Capacity") # Read IEA WEO capacities.
    WEOcap <- WEOcap[,,c("Coal","Bioenergy","Gas")] # for now we are only using the WEO capacities for pecoal, pebiolc and pegas.
    mapping <- data.frame( WEO_PE=c("Coal", "Oil", "Gas", "Nuclear", "Hydro", "Wind", "Geothermal", "Solar PV", "CSP", "Bioenergy"), #, "Marine"
                           REMIND_PE=c("pecoal", "peoil", "pegas", "peur", "pehyd", "pewin", "pegeo", "pesol", "pesol", "pebiolc"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 
    WEOcap <- toolAggregate(WEOcap, rel=mapping[which(mapping$WEO_PE %in% getNames(WEOcap)),], from="WEO_PE", to="REMIND_PE",dim=3.1) # aggregating primary energies to REMIND naming convention
    WEOcap <- WEOcap * 1E-03 # converting GW to TW
    # merge Openmod and WEO capacities data
    out <- new.magpie(cells_and_regions=unique(c(getRegions(Openmodcap),getRegions(WEOcap))),
                         years = unique(c(getYears(Openmodcap),getYears(WEOcap))),
                         names = unique(c(getNames(Openmodcap),getNames(WEOcap))),
    out[getRegions(WEOcap),getYears(WEOcap),getNames(WEOcap)] <- WEOcap[getRegions(WEOcap),getYears(WEOcap),getNames(WEOcap)]  
    out[getRegions(Openmodcap),getYears(Openmodcap),getNames(Openmodcap)] <- Openmodcap[getRegions(Openmodcap),getYears(Openmodcap),getNames(Openmodcap)]  
    #filtering results -> for now we are only using capacities for all countries for c("pecoal", "pegas", "pebiolc"), and additionaly for european countries and china for c("pehyd")
    output <- new.magpie(cells_and_regions=c(getRegions(out)), years = c(2010,2015), names = c("pecoal","pegas","pebiolc","pehyd"), fill=0)
    output[,2015,c("pecoal", "pegas", "pebiolc")] <- out[,2015,c("pecoal", "pegas", "pebiolc")]
    output[EU_regi,2010,c("pecoal", "pegas", "pebiolc")] <- out[EU_regi,2010,c("pecoal", "pegas", "pebiolc")]
    output[EU_regi,c(2010,2015),c("pecoal", "pegas", "pebiolc","pehyd")] <- out[EU_regi,c(2010,2015),c("pecoal", "pegas", "pebiolc","pehyd")]
    output["CHN",2015,"pehyd"] <- 0.319 # WEO data says ~319 GW in 2015 
    output[is.na(output)] <- 0 #set NA to 0  
    output  <- toolCountryFill(output,fill=0,verbosity=0) # fill missing countries
    output <- add_dimension(output, dim = 3.2, add = "enty", nm = "seel") # add secondary energy dimension
    # estimating lower bound coal capacity to remaining countries assuming (1) capacity factors are given by REMIND pc capacity factor in 2015, (2) generation is given by IEA 2015 generation values, (3) all 2015 coal capacity is provided by the pc technology.
    coalGen <- calcOutput("IO",subtype="input",aggregate=FALSE)[,,"pecoal.seel.pc"]
    capFac <- calcOutput("CapacityFactor", round=6,aggregate=FALSE)[,,"pc"]
    capacity2015 <- coalGen[,2015,]/capFac[,2015,]* 1E-02
    emptReg <- getRegions(output)[as.vector(output[,2015,"pecoal"]==0)]
    output[emptReg,2015,"pecoal"] <- capacity2015[emptReg,2015,"pecoal.seel.pc"]
  } else {
    stop("Not a valid subtype!")
  #Returning capacity values
  return(list(x=output, weight=NULL,
pik-piam/moinput documentation built on June 9, 2020, 12:23 p.m.