
Defines functions calcDiffInvestCosts

#' Aggregated investment cost data for REMIND regions (based on IEA_WEO)
#' @description Disaggregated investment cost data is aggregated and technologies renamed to REMIND names 
#' @details REMIND does not have a classification of coal power plants e.g., sub-critical. Therefore, countries are given coal plant
#' costs assuming what type of coal plants are expected to develop there. For other technologies, certain assumptions are taken
#' to change to REMIND convention.
#' @param subtype Investment Costs, I&M Costs, and Efficiency
#' @return Magpie object with aggregated but diffrentiated investment costs for some technologies.
#' @author Aman Malik
#' @importFrom magclass new.magpie

calcDiffInvestCosts <- function(subtype){
  if (subtype=="Invest_Costs"){
    x       <- readSource("IEA_WEO",subtype="Invest_Costs")
    x_REN21 <- readSource("REN21",subtype="investmentCosts")
    x_IEA_PVPS <- readSource("IEA_PVPS", subtype="CAPEX")
  # x <- readSource("IEA_WEO")# reading data end of convert function
  x[,,] <- as.numeric(x[,,]) # convertng data values into numeric
  # Various mapping files used to get needed mappings, for e.g., South Asia
  countries <- toolGetMapping("regionmappingREMIND.csv",where = "mappingfolder",type = "regional")
  countries2 <- toolGetMapping("regionmappingMAgPIE.csv",where = "mappingfolder",type = "regional")
  countries3 <- toolGetMapping("regionmappingSSP.csv",where = "mappingfolder",type = "regional")
  # For countries in Africa and South Asia (except India) use subcritical plant investment costs as coal plant costs
      countries2$CountryCode[countries2$RegionCode=="SAS"][-4]),,c("Coal.Steam Coal - SUPERCRITICAL",
                                                                   "Coal.Steam Coal - ULTRASUPERCRITICAL")] <- 0
  # For countries in LAM, IND, FSU and MEA use supercritical plant investment costs as standard coal plant costs
      countries$CountryCode[countries$RegionCode=="MEA"]),,c("Coal.Steam Coal - SUBCRITICAL",
                                                             "Coal.Steam Coal - ULTRASUPERCRITICAL")] <- 0
  # For countries in OECD and CHN use ultrasupercritical investment costs                                                                                                                  ultrasupercritical plants for "Coal.Steam Coal - ULTRASUPERCRITICAL")] <- 0
  x[c("CHN","KOR","MAC","HKG", countries3$CountryCode[countries3$RegionCode=="OECD"]),,c("Coal.Steam Coal - SUBCRITICAL",
                                                                                         "Coal.Steam Coal - SUPERCRITICAL")] <- 0
  # For remaining countries not covered above, use subcritical plant investment costs
  years <- getYears(x)
  for (y in years){
    x[getRegions(x)[x[,y,"Coal.Steam Coal - SUBCRITICAL"]!=0 & 
                      x[,y,"Coal.Steam Coal - SUPERCRITICAL"]!=0 & 
                      x[,y,"Coal.Steam Coal - ULTRASUPERCRITICAL"]!=0],y,
      c("Coal.Steam Coal - SUPERCRITICAL",
        "Coal.Steam Coal - ULTRASUPERCRITICAL")] <- 0
  tech_mapping <- toolGetMapping("comparison.csv",where = "mappingfolder",type = "sectoral")
  techs <- unique(tech_mapping$tech[!is.na(tech_mapping$tech)]) # remove all names with no corresponding REMIND name
  # list of original technologies with a REMIND tech mapping
  techs2 <- unique(tech_mapping$IEA[!is.na(tech_mapping$tech)])
  # create new magpie object with names of corresponding REMIND technologies
  x_new <- new.magpie(getRegions(x),names = techs,years = getYears(x)) 
  x_new[is.na(x_new)] <- 0
  # for "pc" add all types of coal plants so each country has one value of "pc"
  x_new[,,"pc"] <- x[,,"Coal.Steam Coal - SUBCRITICAL"] + x[,,"Coal.Steam Coal - SUPERCRITICAL"] + 
    x[,,"Coal.Steam Coal - ULTRASUPERCRITICAL"]
  # for "spv" take 1/4 of costs from small-scale and 3/4 costs from large scale (utility scale)ildings
  x_new[,,"spv"] <- 0.75*x[,,"Renewables.Solar photovoltaics - Large scale"] + 0.25*x[,,"Renewables.Solar photovoltaics - Buildings"]
  # same for hydro - removed when hydro values are fed from "private" data source
  #x_new[,,"hydro"] <- 0.75*x[,,"Renewables.Hydropower - large-scale"] + 0.25*x[,,"Renewables.Hydropower - small-scale"]
  x_new[,,"hydro"] <- x[,,"Renewables.Hydropower - large-scale"] 
  # and Biomass CHP
  x_new[,,"biochp"] <- 0.75*x[,,"Renewables.Biomass CHP Medium"] + 0.25*x[,,"Renewables.Biomass CHP Small"]
  # for rest of technologies, simply match 
  x_new[,,techs[-c(1,13,15,16)]] <- as.numeric(x[,,getNames(x,dim=2)[getNames(x,dim=2) %in% techs2[-c(1:3,15,16,18:21)]]])
  x_new <- time_interpolate(x_new,c(2025,2035),integrate_interpolated_years = T)
  # overwrite investmetn costs vor renewables with data form REN21
  x_REN21_wa <- collapseNames(x_REN21[,,"wa"]) # use weighted average
  getNames(x_REN21_wa) <- gsub("hydropower","hydro",getNames(x_REN21_wa))
  getNames(x_REN21_wa) <- gsub("Solar PV","spv",getNames(x_REN21_wa))
  getNames(x_REN21_wa) <- gsub("wind-on","wind",getNames(x_REN21_wa))
  x_REN21_wa <- x_REN21_wa[,,c("Biopower","Geothermal Power", "wind-off", "csp"),invert=TRUE]
  # use REN21 data for all time steps for hydro
  # x_new[,,"hydro"] <- x_REN21_wa[,,"hydro"]
  # use REN21 data only for 2015 for spv,csp and wind; all other time steps are 0
  x_new[,,c("spv","wind")]     <- 0
  x_new[,2015,c("spv","wind")] <- x_REN21_wa[,,c("spv","wind")]
  x_new["JPN",2015,"wind"] <- x_REN21["JPN",,"wind-on.max"]
  x_new["JPN",2015,"spv"] <- 2000 # in USD/KW, source attached in input folder IEA_WEO
  # (National_Survey_Report_of_PV_Power_Applications_in_Japan_-_2017.pdf)
  x_new["JPN",2015,"hydro"] <- 2400 # in USD/KW, source is the 2016 WEO numbers - they seem more reliable here than the Oceania data of <2000USD/kW 
  # as Japan is not substantially expanding hydro even at high electricity prices
  ### Australia ###
  # for wind 2015: take average of Europe and USA from REN21 (not from "Oceania" as before)
  x_new["AUS",2015,c("wind")] <- setNames(dimSums(x_REN21[c("USA","FRA"), ,c("wind-on.wa")], dim = 1)/2, c("wind"))
  # for solar pv 2015: take IRENA number for large-scale solar investment cost by 2016 
  # (neglect that rooftop is a bit more expensive)
  # source: https://www.irena.org/-/media/Files/IRENA/Agency/Publication/2018/Jan/IRENA_2017_Power_Costs_2018.pdf
  x_new["AUS",2015,"spv"] <- 1400 # in USD/kW
  ### RP/FS: add PV investment cost for 2020
  # based on IEA PVPS data from 2018, 
  # some regions manually adjusted 

  # add some manual adjustments to IEA PVPS data for 2020 PV investment cost input data
  regmapping <- toolGetMapping("regionmappingH12.csv",where = "mappingfolder",type = "regional")
  x_adj <- new.magpie(unique(regmapping$RegionCode), years = "y2020",fill = NA)
  # CAZ: The Australian utility-scale market saw a stong jump upwards in 2018. 
  # It is likely that the reported prices are a result of this jump, as in contrast, 
  # rooftop is already well-established and has prices around 1.25$/W. 
  # Accordingly, we expect that by 2020, the utility-scale solar market will be more 
  # in equilibrium and have prices below the current rooftop prices 
  x_adj["CAZ",,] <- 1200
  # IND: Other sources for Indian utility-scale prices (IRENA, WEO, REN21) are more in the range of ~800$/kW. 
  # Also, the reports around failed auctions and non-delivery of projects might indicate that 
  # the stated prices are below cost.
  x_adj["IND",,] <- 700
  # JPN: We assume that Japan prices will be downward-influenced by the low prices realized everywhere else in Asia.
  x_adj["JPN",,] <- 1500
  # LAM: IRENA states utility-scale prices in the range of ~1400-1500$/kW for LAM. 
  # Recent auctions in individual countries indicate lower prices, but it is unlikely that 
  # all the countries will immediately achieve the lowest prices realized in some auctions
  x_adj["LAM",,] <- 950
  # MEA: IRENA states utility-scale prices in the range of ~1250$/kW for MEA 
  # Recent auctions in individual countries indicate lower prices, 
  # but it is unlikely that all the countries will immediately achieve 
  # the lowest prices realized in some auctions
  x_adj["MEA",,] <- 850
  # REF: Very different costs in IRENA (2300) and REN21 (1300) - 
  # but unlikely to have higher capital costs than severly space-constrained Japan
  x_adj["REF",,] <- 1400
  # SSA: IRENA states prices of ~1600$/W, but very likely that prices are currently decreasing through learning
  # from the low prices in North African countries.
  x_adj["SSA",,] <- 1300
  # disaggregate adjustments to iso level
  x_adj_iso <- toolAggregate(x_adj, regmapping)
  # regions which have not been manually adjusted -> replace by original IEA PVPS data 
  x_adj_iso[which(is.na(x_adj_iso))] <- x_IEA_PVPS[which(is.na(x_adj_iso))]
  # add new 2020 values PV
  x_new[,"y2020","spv"] <- x_adj_iso

  return(list(x = x_new,weight= x_new ,unit="USD$/KW 2015",description="Investment costs data" ))

  else if (subtype=="O&M_Costs"){
    x <- readSource("IEA_WEO",subtype="Invest_Costs")
  } else if (subtype=="Efficiency"){
    x <- readSource("IEA_WEO",subtype="Efficiency")
    x[,,] <- as.numeric(x[,,]) # convertng data values into numeric
    # Various mapping files used to get needed mappings, for e.g., South Asia
    countries <- toolGetMapping("regionmappingREMIND.csv",where = "mappingfolder",type = "regional")
    countries2 <- toolGetMapping("regionmappingMAgPIE.csv",where = "mappingfolder",type = "regional")
    countries3 <- toolGetMapping("regionmappingSSP.csv",where = "mappingfolder",type = "regional")
    # For countries in Africa and South Asia (except India) use subcritical plant investment costs as coal plant costs
        countries2$CountryCode[countries2$RegionCode=="SAS"][-4]),,c("Coal.Steam Coal - SUPERCRITICAL",
                                                                     "Coal.Steam Coal - ULTRASUPERCRITICAL")] <- 0
    # For countries in LAM, IND, FSU and MEA use supercritical plant investment costs as standard coal plant costs
        countries$CountryCode[countries$RegionCode=="MEA"]),,c("Coal.Steam Coal - SUBCRITICAL",
                                                               "Coal.Steam Coal - ULTRASUPERCRITICAL")] <- 0
    # For countries in OECD and CHN use ultrasupercritical investment costs                                                                                                                  ultrasupercritical plants for "Coal.Steam Coal - ULTRASUPERCRITICAL")] <- 0
    x[c("CHN","KOR","MAC","HKG", countries3$CountryCode[countries3$RegionCode=="OECD"]),,c("Coal.Steam Coal - SUBCRITICAL",
                                                                                           "Coal.Steam Coal - SUPERCRITICAL")] <- 0
    # For remaining countries not covered above, use subcritical plant investment costs
    years <- getYears(x)
    for (y in years){
      x[getRegions(x)[x[,y,"Coal.Steam Coal - SUBCRITICAL"]!=0 & 
                        x[,y,"Coal.Steam Coal - SUPERCRITICAL"]!=0 & 
                        x[,y,"Coal.Steam Coal - ULTRASUPERCRITICAL"]!=0],y,
        c("Coal.Steam Coal - SUPERCRITICAL",
          "Coal.Steam Coal - ULTRASUPERCRITICAL")] <- 0
    tech_mapping <- toolGetMapping("comparison.csv",where = "mappingfolder",type = "sectoral")
    techs <- unique(tech_mapping$tech[!is.na(tech_mapping$tech)]) # remove all names with no corresponding REMIND name
    # list of original technologies with a REMIND tech mapping
    techs2 <- unique(tech_mapping$IEA[!is.na(tech_mapping$tech)])
    # create new magpie object with names of corresponding REMIND technologies
    x_new <- new.magpie(getRegions(x),names = techs,years = getYears(x)) 
    x_new[is.na(x_new)] <- 0
    # for "pc" add all types of coal plants so each country has one value of "pc"
    x_new[,,"pc"] <- x[,,"Coal.Steam Coal - SUBCRITICAL"] + x[,,"Coal.Steam Coal - SUPERCRITICAL"] + 
      x[,,"Coal.Steam Coal - ULTRASUPERCRITICAL"]
    # for rest of technologies, simply match 
    x_new[,,techs[-c(1,13,15,16)]] <- as.numeric(x[,,getNames(x,dim=2)[getNames(x,dim=2) %in% techs2[-c(1:3,15,16,18:21)]]])
    x_new <- time_interpolate(x_new,c(2025,2035),integrate_interpolated_years = T)
    return(list(x = x_new,weight= x_new ,unit="NA",description="Efficiency data" ))

  if (subtype=="Invest_Costs"|subtype=="O&M_Costs"){
  return(list(x = x_new,weight= x_new ,unit="USD$/KW 2015",description="Investment costs data" ))
pik-piam/moinput documentation built on June 9, 2020, 12:23 p.m.