
Defines functions calcFossilExtraction

#' @title calc Fossil Extraction
#' @description provides coefficients for fossil fuels (oil, gas and coal) and uranium extraction cost equations.
#' @return magpie object of the coefficients for fossil fuels and uranium extraction cost equations
#' @author Renato Rodrigues, Felix Schreyer
#' @param subtype Either 'FossilExtraction' or 'UraniumExtraction'
#' @seealso \code{\link{calcOutput}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ 
#' calcOutput(type="FossilExtraction",subtype='FossilExtraction')
#' }
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% mutate select rename arrange
#' @importFrom stats lm coef

calcFossilExtraction <- function(subtype="FossilExtraction"){
  if (!((subtype=="FossilExtraction") || (subtype=="UraniumExtraction"))){
    stop("Not a valid subtype!")
  #setting the weight to the country reserves potential (same weight used on the convertREMIND_11Regi, fossilExtractionCoeff and uraniumExtractionCoeff subtypes)
  if (subtype == "FossilExtraction") {
    description <- "Coefficients for the 3rd-order polynomial Oil, Gas and Coal extraction costs."
    #loading coefficients data at country level
    output <- readSource("REMIND_11Regi", subtype="fossilExtractionCoeff")
    # upper bound
    upperBoundMaxExtraction <- readSource("REMIND_11Regi", subtype = "ffPolyCumEx")[,,"max"]
    # high cost curve -> empty list :the aggregation function will choose the coefficients even for regions with no extraction potential 
    highCostCurve = list()

    # FS: add specific Austrlian gas extraction cost curve based on Dylan McConnell/GSOO data
    AusRawData <- readSource("DylanAusGasCost")
    #AusRawData <- x_help

    s_GJ_2_twa <- 31.71e-12

    Data2 <- NULL
    Value <- NULL
    Res <- NULL
    Price <- NULL
    CumRes <- NULL

    RegrData <- as.data.frame(AusRawData["AUS",,]) %>%
                    select(Data2, Value) %>%
                    rename( Res = Data2, Price = Value) %>%
                    mutate( Price = as.numeric(Price), Res = as.numeric(as.character(Res)))

    RegrData <- RegrData %>%
                    # remove depleted sites (zero resources) %>%
                    filter( Res > 0) %>%
                    # add extraction between 2005 and 2015
                    # DIIS data: 2005-2015 natural gas production: 23EJ
                    # assume that 23 EJ were extracted at 1.5AUSD/GJ -> 0.9 USD
                    # (1.58 is lowest price in gas extraction data after 2015) -> 0.9 USD
                    rbind(data.frame(Res=23000, Price = 0.9)) %>%
                    # convert from PJ to TWa
                    mutate(Res = Res * 1e-15 / s_GJ_2_twa) %>%
                    # convert from 2005USD/GJ to tr 2005USD/Twa
                    mutate(Price = Price / s_GJ_2_twa / 1e12 ) %>%

    RegrData$CumRes <- cumsum(RegrData$Res)

    RegrData <- RegrData %>%
      # remove data points above 6 TWa Cumulative Extraaction, because then Extraction cost constant and would only be outliers to fit,
      # assume that we do not reach with extraction there anyways
      filter( CumRes < 6)

    # linear fit to extraction cost data
    linfit <- lm(Price ~ poly(CumRes,1, raw = T), data = RegrData)

    # subsitute Australia gas extraction polcy coef for medium Scenario with linear fit to Dylan's data
    output["AUS",,"medGas.0"] <- coef(linfit)[1]
    output["AUS",,"medGas.1"] <- coef(linfit)[2]
    output["AUS",,"medGas.2"] <- 0
    output["AUS",,"medGas.3"] <- 0
    # SB & NB edit 2019/09/11:
    # Shift SSP5 coal extraction cost curve down by 33% based on calibration with the SSP IAM project 2017
    output[,,c("highCoal.0","highCoal.1")] <- output[,,c("highCoal.0","highCoal.1")]*(1 - 0.33)
    # Shift SSP5 oil extraction cost curve for USA and CAZ down by 20% based on calibration with the SSP IAM project 2017
    output[c("USA","CAN","AUS","NZL","HMD","SPM"),,c("highOil.0","highOil.1")] <- 
      output[c("USA","CAN","AUS","NZL","HMD","SPM"),,c("highOil.0","highOil.1")] * (1 - 0.2)
    #SB & NB edit 2019/11/14:
    # Reduce SSP5 coal extraction costs for USA and CAZ by 25%
    output[c("USA","CAN","AUS","NZL","HMD","SPM"),,"highCoal.0"] <- output[c("USA","CAN","AUS","NZL","HMD","SPM"),,"highCoal.0"] * (1 - 0.25)
    # Reduce SSP5 gas extraction costs for all regions by 10%
    output[,,"highGas.0"] <- output[,,"highGas.0"] * (1 - 0.1)
  } else if (subtype == "UraniumExtraction"){
    description <- "Coefficients for the 3rd-order polynomial Uranium extraction costs."
    #loading coefficients data at country level
    data <- readSource("REMIND_11Regi", subtype="uraniumExtractionCoeff")
    # maxExtraction (upper limit for function estimation)
    BGRuranium <- readSource("BGR", subtype="uranium")[,,"Remaining_Potential"] # Remaining extraction potential per country 
    BGRuranium  <- toolCountryFill(BGRuranium,fill=0) 
    totalBGRuranium <- as.numeric(colSums(BGRuranium))
    upperBoundMaxExtraction <- 23* ( BGRuranium/totalBGRuranium ) # 23 -> from s31_max_disp_peur -> max global "maximum amount of cumulative uranium production in Megatonnes of metal uranium (U3O8, the stuff that is traded at 40-60US$/lb)."
    upperBoundMaxExtraction <- add_dimension(upperBoundMaxExtraction, dim = 3.1, add = "pe", nm = "peur")
    upperBoundMaxExtraction <- upperBoundMaxExtraction * 1.5 # adding a 50% more to the maximum extraction because the countries shares do not take into consideration the different marginal costs of each country
    output <- data
    #set high cost curve if all countries within a region have zero extraction capacity
    highCostCurve <- list("xi1" = 0.025, "xi2" = 1000, "xi3" = 0, "xi4" = 0)
  return(list(x=output, weight=NULL,
              unit="tr USD2005/TWa",
              aggregationArguments=list(xUpperBound=upperBoundMaxExtraction,steepCurve = highCostCurve)
pik-piam/moinput documentation built on June 9, 2020, 12:23 p.m.