
Defines functions convertImageMacc

Documented in convertImageMacc

#' Convert subtypes of the ImageMacc data
#' Convert subtypes from ImageMacc to data on ISO country level.
#' Correct values for N2O of the subtype "baseline_sources" from N to N2O (factor: 44/28).
#' @param x MAgPIE object containing ImageMacc data mixed on region level
#' @param subtype data subtype. Either CH4_Energy_Industry", "CH4_Landuse",
#' "N2O_Energy_Industry", "N2O_Landuse", "HFC_tot", "SF6_tot", "PFC_tot" or
#' "baseline_sources"
#' @return ImageMacc data as MAgPIE object for all subtypes aggregated to
#' country level
#' @author Nele Steinmetz
#' @seealso [readSource()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' a <- readSource("ImageMacc", "CH4_Energy_Industry")
#' a <- readSource("ImageMacc", "CH4_Landuse")
#' a <- readSource("ImageMacc", "N2O_Energy_Industry")
#' a <- readSource("ImageMacc", "N2O_Landuse")
#' a <- readSource("ImageMacc", "HFC_tot")
#' a <- readSource("ImageMacc", "SF6_tot")
#' a <- readSource("ImageMacc", "PFC_tot")
#' a <- readSource("ImageMacc", "baseline_sources")
#' }
convertImageMacc <- function(x, subtype) {
  map <- "regionmappingImageMacc.csv"

  if (subtype %in% c(
  )) {

    return(toolAggregate(x, map))

  } else if (subtype == "baseline_sources") {
    # values for N2O have to be corrected by the factor 44/28 (N -> N2O)
    x[, , "N2O Transport"] <- x[, , "N2O Transport"] * (44 / 28)
    x[, , "N2O Adipic acid production"] <- x[, , "N2O Adipic acid production"] * (44 / 28)
    x[, , "N2O Nitric acid production"] <- x[, , "N2O Nitric acid production"] * (44 / 28)
    x[, , "N2O Fertilizer"] <- x[, , "N2O Fertilizer"] * (44 / 28)
    x[, , "N2O Animal waste"] <- x[, , "N2O Animal waste"] * (44 / 28)
    x[, , "N2O Domestic sewage"] <- x[, , "N2O Domestic sewage"] * (44 / 28)
    # weight
    cedsCH4 <- readSource("CEDS", subtype = "CH4")[, 2015, ]
    luMagpie <- calcOutput("MacBaseLandUse", subtype = "MAgPIE", aggregate = FALSE)[, 2015, ]
    emiMac <- calcOutput("EmiMac", aggregate = FALSE)
    fGases <- readSource("IMAGE")[, 2010, ]
    names <- c(
      "CH4 coal losses/leakages", "CH4 oil losses/leakages", "CH4 natural gas losses/leakages",
      "CH4 Landfills", "CH4 Domestic Sewage", "CH4 Wetland rice", "CH4 Animals", "CH4 Animal waste",
      "N2O Transport", "N2O Adipic acid production", "N2O Nitric acid production", "N2O Fertilizer",
      "N2O Animal waste", "N2O Domestic sewage", "HFC", "PFC", "SF6"
    w <- toolCountryFill(new.magpie(cells_and_regions = NULL, years = NULL, names = names), verbosity = 100)
    w[, , "CH4 coal losses/leakages"] <- cedsCH4[, , "1B1_Fugitive-solid-fuels"]
    w[, , "CH4 oil losses/leakages"] <- cedsCH4[, , "1B2_Fugitive-petr-and-gas"]
    w[, , "CH4 natural gas losses/leakages"] <- cedsCH4[, , "1B2_Fugitive-petr-and-gas"]
    w[, , "CH4 Landfills"] <- emiMac[, , "ch4wstl"]
    w[, , "CH4 Domestic Sewage"] <- emiMac[, , "ch4wsts"]
    w[, , "CH4 Wetland rice"] <- dimReduce(luMagpie[, , "ch4rice.SSP2.rcp26"])
    w[, , "CH4 Animals"] <- dimReduce(luMagpie[, , "ch4animals.SSP2.rcp26"])
    w[, , "CH4 Animal waste"] <- dimReduce(luMagpie[, , "ch4anmlwst.SSP2.rcp26"])
    w[, , "N2O Transport"] <- emiMac[, , "n2otrans"]
    w[, , "N2O Adipic acid production"] <- emiMac[, , "n2oacid"]
    w[, , "N2O Nitric acid production"] <- emiMac[, , "n2oacid"]
    w[, , "N2O Fertilizer"] <- dimSums(luMagpie[, , c(
    w[, , "N2O Animal waste"] <- dimSums(luMagpie[, , c(
    w[, , "N2O Domestic sewage"] <- emiMac[, , "n2owaste"]
    w[, , "HFC"] <- dimReduce(fGases[, , "SSP2-26-SPA0-V13.Emissions|HFC.kt HFC134a-equiv/yr"])
    w[, , "PFC"] <- dimReduce(fGases[, , "SSP2-26-SPA0-V13.Emissions|PFC.kt CF4-equiv/yr"])
    w[, , "SF6"] <- dimReduce(fGases[, , "SSP2-26-SPA0-V13.Emissions|SF6.kt SF6/yr"])

    return(toolAggregate(x, map, w))
  } else {
    stop("no convert script for this subtype")
pik-piam/mrcommons documentation built on Dec. 8, 2024, 7:23 a.m.