#' Convert MAgPIE data
#' Convert MAgPIE data to country-level.
#' @param x input MAgPIE data on region-level
#' @param subtype Either "EmiAirPoll", "macBase", "co2tax", "supplyCurve_magpie_40", "abatparam_co2"
#' @importFrom madrat regionscode
#' @return magpie object
#' @author David Klein, Felix Schreyer
#' @export
#' @importFrom magclass as.magpie dimReduce
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% mutate select rename left_join
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom quitte as.quitte
convertMAgPIE <- function(x, subtype) {
if (subtype == "EmiAirPoll") {
# read CEDS emissions data from sources (only airpollutants)
bc <- readSource("CEDS", subtype = "BC")
ch4 <- readSource("CEDS", subtype = "CH4")
co <- readSource("CEDS", subtype = "CO")
nh3 <- readSource("CEDS", subtype = "NH3")
nox <- readSource("CEDS", subtype = "NOx")
nmvoc <- readSource("CEDS", subtype = "NMVOC")
oc <- readSource("CEDS", subtype = "OC")
so2 <- readSource("CEDS", subtype = "SO2")
y <- "y2005"
ap <- mbind(bc[, y, ], ch4[, y, ], co[, y, ], nh3[, y, ], nox[, y, ], nmvoc[, y, ], oc[, y, ], so2[, y, ])
# convert to sectoral mapping
map <- toolGetMapping(type = "sectoral", name = "mappingCEDS59toSectors.csv", where = "mappingfolder")
ap <- toolAggregate(ap, map, dim = 3.1, from = "CEDS59", to = "Sectors")
weight <- dimSums(ap[, , c("agriculture", "luc")], dim = 3)
mappingfile <- toolGetMapping(type = "regional", name = "regionmappingMAgPIE.csv",
returnPathOnly = TRUE, where = "mappingfolder")
mapping <- read.csv2(mappingfile)
} else if (subtype == "macBase") {
mappingfile <- toolGetMapping(type = "regional", name = "regionmappingMAgPIE.csv",
returnPathOnly = TRUE, where = "mappingfolder")
mapping <- read.csv2(mappingfile)
primap <- readSource("PRIMAPhist", subtype = "hist")
weight <- dimSums(primap[, "y2005", c("CAT4", "CAT5")][, , c("n2o_n", "ch4")], dim = 3)
} else if (subtype %in% c("co2tax", "macBaseCO2luc")) {
mapping <- toolGetMapping(type = "regional", name = "regionmappingH12.csv",
returnPathOnly = TRUE, where = "mappingfolder")
# use total land area as weight
weight <- calcOutput("LanduseInitialisation", aggregate = FALSE)[, 2005, ]
# sum over 3.dimension
weight <- dimSums(weight, dim = 3)
getYears(weight) <- NULL
} else if (subtype == "supplyCurve_magpie_40") {
# FS: Disaggregation of MAgPIE biomass supply curves to iso-countries:
# We assume that countries that are part of a MAgPIE region have the same fix cost to produce the first unit of
# biomass (same offset parameter). For the slope parameter, we assume that biomass can be produced at lower cost in
# countries that currently have a large agricultural area. We therefore divide the slope parameter of the MAgPIE
# region by the share in agricultural area of the iso country relative to the MAgPIE region to obtain the
# disaggregated slope parameter of the iso-country. Note: This disaggregation does not work if iso-countries cover
# more than one MAgPIE region. For this case, this needs to be reworked!
# regionmapping of input MAgPIE data, needs to be changed if MAgPIE data changes regionmapping
mapping <- toolGetMapping(type = "regional", name = "regionmappingH12.csv", where = "mappingfolder")
# aggregate to from regions to iso-countries -> just copies regional values to countries
y <- toolAggregate(x, mapping, weight = NULL)
# calculate share in agricultural land area of countries relative to MAgPIE regions
# get agricultural land for iso-countries in 2010 from FAO
# 6610 = "6610|Agricultural area.area" or "6610|Agricultural land.Area_(1000_ha)"
agrLandIso <- calcOutput("FAOLand", aggregate = FALSE)[, "y2010", ][, , "6610", pmatch = TRUE]
# aggregate agricultural land to regions in regionmapping
agrLandReg <- toolAggregate(agrLandIso, mapping)
# calculate share of agricultural land area for each iso-country relative to the MAgPIE region it is in
agrLandShare <- as.quitte(agrLandIso) %>%
select(.data$region, .data$value) %>%
rename(CountryCode = .data$region) %>%
left_join(mapping, by = "CountryCode") %>%
left_join((as.quitte(agrLandReg) %>%
select(.data$region, .data$value) %>%
rename(RegionCode = .data$region, Total = .data$value)), by = "RegionCode") %>%
mutate(value = .data$value / .data$Total) %>%
# if no agricultural area at all -> assume very low share of 1e-5
mutate(value = ifelse(.data$value == 0, 1e-5, .data$value)) %>%
select("CountryCode", "value") %>%
as.magpie(spatial = 1, datacol = 2) %>%
suppressWarnings() %>%
# divide slope parameter b by agricultural land share
y[, , "b"] <- y[, , "b"] / agrLandShare
x <- y
} else if (subtype == "MAgPIEReport_extensive") {
# remove GLO values because they cannot be handled by the disaggregation to ISO countries below
x <- x["GLO", , , invert = TRUE]
# currently the MAgPIE data is only available in H12 resolution
mapping <- toolGetMapping(type = "regional", name = "regionmappingH12.csv",
returnPathOnly = TRUE, where = "mappingfolder")
# use total land area as weight for regional disaggregation
weight <- calcOutput("LanduseInitialisation", aggregate = FALSE)[, 2005, ]
# sum over 3.dimension
weight <- dimSums(weight, dim = 3)
getYears(weight) <- NULL
# supplyCurve_magpie_40 disaggregated above
if (!(subtype %in% c("abatparam_co2", "supplyCurve_magpie_40"))) {
y <- toolAggregate(x, mapping, weight = weight)
y <- toolCountryFill(y, fill = 0)
} else if (subtype %in% c("abatparam_co2")) {
# abatparam_co2
y <- x
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