
Defines functions calcCapital

calcCapital <- function() {

  # compute macroeconomic capital stock based on capital intensities from PWT and ssp scenarios
  # t.b.d.: correct for capital stock part that enters energy sectors
  capital <- readSource("PWT")[, , "rkna"]
  getNames(capital) <- "kap"
  capital[is.na(capital)] <- 0
  gdpppp_hist <- calcOutput("GDPPast", GDPPast = "PWT", aggregate = FALSE)
  cap_intensity <- capital / setNames(gdpppp_hist, NULL)

  # use initial gdp as in REMIND which differs from PWT
  gdpppp_hist <- calcOutput("GDPPast", aggregate = FALSE)
  gdpppp <- calcOutput("GDP", aggregate = FALSE, years = seq(2005, 2150, 5))
  my_scen <- c("gdp_SSP1", "gdp_SSP2", "gdp_SSP3", "gdp_SSP4", "gdp_SSP5", "gdp_SSP2EU",
               "gdp_SDP", "gdp_SDP_EI", "gdp_SDP_RC", "gdp_SDP_MC")
  gdpppp <- mselect(gdpppp, variable = my_scen)

  p41 <- setYears(cap_intensity[, rep(1, 32), ], seq(1995, 2150, 5))
  p41 <- add_dimension(p41, dim = 3.1, add = "ssp", nm = my_scen)
  cap_intensity_future <- p41
  convtime <- p41
  gdp_weight <- p41

  # ssp variation
  convtime[, , "gdp_SSP1"]   <- 150
  convtime[, , "gdp_SSP2"]   <- 250
  convtime[, , "gdp_SSP3"]   <- 500
  convtime[, , "gdp_SSP4"]   <- 300
  convtime[, , "gdp_SSP5"]   <- 150
  convtime[, , "gdp_SDP"]    <- 150
  convtime[, , "gdp_SDP_EI"] <- 150
  convtime[, , "gdp_SDP_RC"] <- 150
  convtime[, , "gdp_SDP_MC"] <- 150
  convtime[, , "gdp_SSP2EU"]   <- 250

  for (t in c("y1995", "y2000", "y2005")) {
    cap_intensity_future[, t, ] <- cap_intensity[, t, ]
    gdp_weight[, t, ] <- gdpppp_hist[, t, ]
  cap_intensity_ref <- cap_intensity["JPN", "y2010"]
  getRegions(cap_intensity_ref) <- "GLO"
  lambda <- 0
  for (t in getYears(gdpppp)) {
      cap_intensity_future[, t, ] <- ((convtime[, t, ] - lambda) * collapseNames(setYears(cap_intensity[, "y2010", ])) +
                                        lambda * setNames(setYears(cap_intensity_ref, NULL), NULL)) / convtime[, t, ]
      lambda <- lambda + 5
      gdp_weight[, t, ] <- gdpppp[, t, ]
  cap_intensity_future[is.na(cap_intensity_future)] <- 0
  cap_int_new <- cap_intensity_future
  for (t in getYears(cap_intensity_future)) {
    for (r in getRegions(cap_intensity_future)) {
      if (cap_intensity_future[r, t, "gdp_SSP2"] == 0) {
        # get current mapping
        map <- toolGetMapping(type = "regional", name = getConfig("regionmapping"), where = "mappingfolder")
        # get list of countries that belong to the same region as r
        regi   <- map$RegionCode[map$CountryCode == r]
        c_regi <- map$CountryCode[map$RegionCode == regi]
        # filter out the regions that are 0
        c_regi <- c_regi[!cap_intensity_future[c_regi, t, "gdp_SSP2"] == 0]
        # generate mapping for the aggregation
        mapping            <- map[which(map$CountryCode %in% c_regi), ]
        mapping$RegionCode <- r
        # store calculated data in separate file
        cap_int_new[r, t, ] <- toolAggregate(cap_intensity_future[c_regi, t, ],
                                             weight = gdp_weight[c_regi, t, ])

  cap_future <- cap_int_new * gdp_weight * 1e-6

  # add industry subsectors energy efficiency capital stocks ----

  kap <- cap_future %>%
    `[`(, 2015, "gdp_SSP2EU.kap") %>%
    quitte::magclass_to_tibble(c("iso3c", NA, NA, NA, "kap")) %>%
    dplyr::select("iso3c", "kap")

  EEK <- calcOutput("Industry_EEK", kap = kap, supplementary = FALSE,
                    aggregate = FALSE, years = getYears(cap_future))

  # tie outputs together ----
  output <- list(
    x = mbind(cap_future, EEK),
    weight = NULL,
    unit = "trillion 2005US$",
    description = "Capital stock at constant 2005 national prices"

pik-piam/mrremind documentation built on May 1, 2024, 2:12 a.m.