
Defines functions readGasser

Documented in readGasser

#' @title Gasser
#' @description Read historic land-use change CARBON emissions
#' @param subtype subtype
#' @return magpie object containing data land-use change CARBON emissions
#' @author Abhijeet Mishra
#' @seealso \code{\link{readSource}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' a <- readSource("Gasser")
#' }
#' @importFrom madrat toolSubtypeSelect toolGetMapping
#' @importFrom ncdf4 nc_open ncvar_get
#' @importFrom magclass time_interpolate

readGasser <- function(subtype = "bookkeeping") {
  if (subtype == "regional") {
    file <- "Bookkeeping LULCC emissions (ELUC).csv"

    dataset <- read.csv(file = file, header = TRUE, skip = 7, sep = ";")
    x <- as.magpie(dataset, spatial = "Region")
    x <- x[, , grep(pattern = "U_", x = getNames(x), value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)]

    mappingFileGasser <- "GasserMapping.csv"
    mappingGasser <- read.csv(file = mappingFileGasser, header = TRUE, sep = ";")
    mappingMagpie <- toolGetMapping("regionmappingH12.csv", type = "regional", where = "madrat")
    colnames(mappingMagpie)[1] <- "ISOName"
    mapping <- merge(mappingGasser, mappingMagpie, all = FALSE)

    weight <- collapseNames(setYears(readSource("FRA2020", subtype = "forest_area",
                                                convert = TRUE)[, "y2010", "landArea"], NULL))

    out <- toolAggregate(x = x, rel = mapping, weight = weight[unique(mapping$CountryCode), , ],
                         from = "Region", to = "CountryCode", dim = 1)

    getSets(out) <- c("region", "year", "source")
    getNames(out) <- c("Gasser_2020", "LUH2_GCB_2019", "FRA_2015")
  } else if (subtype == "global") {
    file <- "Bookkeeping LULCC emissions (ELUC) Disaggregated.csv"

    dataset <- read.csv(file = file, header = TRUE, skip = 7, sep = ";")
    x <- as.magpie(dataset)
    x <- x[, , grep(pattern = "U_", x = getNames(x, dim = 2), value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)]
    out <- x
    getSets(out) <- c("region", "year", "variable", "source")
    getNames(out, dim = 2) <- c("Gasser_2020", "LUH2_GCB_2019", "FRA_2015")
  } else if (subtype == "bookkeeping") {
    file <- "Gasser_et_al_2020_best_guess.nc"
    dataset <- nc_open(file)
    elucRaw <- ncvar_get(dataset, "Eluc")
    dimnames(elucRaw)[[1]] <- dataset$var$Eluc$dim[[1]]$vals
    dimnames(elucRaw)[[2]] <- dataset$var$Eluc$dim[[2]]$vals
    dimnames(elucRaw)[[3]] <- dataset$var$Eluc$dim[[3]]$vals
    dimnames(elucRaw)[[4]] <- ncvar_get(dataset, attributes(dataset$var)$names[1])
    dimnames(elucRaw)[[5]] <- dataset$var$Eluc$dim[[5]]$vals

    names(dimnames(elucRaw))[1] <- "bio_pool"
    names(dimnames(elucRaw))[2] <- "bio_to"       ### Strangely this is bio to and not bio from
    names(dimnames(elucRaw))[3] <- "bio_from"     ### This dim is bio_from
    ## run elucRaw["Veg","Forest","Cropland",,"1709"] and check in netcdf file if
    ## Bio from    is set to cropland
    ## bio to      is set to Forest
    ## bio pool    is set to Veg
    ## Check year 1709
    names(dimnames(elucRaw))[4] <- "reg_land"
    names(dimnames(elucRaw))[5] <- "year"

    elucDf <- as.data.frame.table(elucRaw)

    eluc <- gasser <- as.magpie(elucDf, temporal = "year", spatial = "reg_land")

    ## From Gasser paper (https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-17-4075-2020)
    ## Category 1  corresponds to land cover change (LCC) where forest is replaced by cropland.
    ## Category 2 is LCC where forest is replaced by anything else (but forest).
    ## Category 3 is the opposite of 1 and 2: LCC where any type of land but forest is replaced by forest.
    ## Category 4 is LCC where non-forested natural land is replaced by any anthropogenic land.
    ## Category 5 is the opposite of 4.
    ## Category 6 is any LCC occurring among anthropogenic land (e.g., pasture to cropland).
    ## Category 7 is the sum of wood harvest and LCC occurring from any type of natural land to the same
    ## type of natural land (e.g., forest to forest).
    ## Note that the effects of shifting cultivation are included in their
    ## corresponding LCC categories due to the model’s structure.

    ## From table 5,
    ## category 1,2,4,6,7 are Gross LUC emissions in MAgPIE
    ## category 3,5 are regrowth emissions in MAgPIE

    category1 <- dimSums(gasser[, , "Cropland.Forest"], dim = 3)
    category2 <- dimSums(gasser[, , paste0(c("Non-Forest", "Pasture", "Urban"), ".Forest")], dim = 3)
    category3 <- dimSums(gasser[, , paste0("Forest.", c("Non-Forest", "Cropland", "Pasture", "Urban"))], dim = 3)
    category4 <- dimSums(gasser[, , paste0(c("Cropland", "Pasture", "Urban"), ".Non-Forest")], dim = 3)
    category5 <- dimSums(gasser[, , paste0("Non-Forest.", c("Cropland", "Pasture", "Urban"))], dim = 3)
    category6 <- dimSums(gasser[, , c("Cropland.Pasture", "Pasture.Cropland", "Cropland.Urban", "Urban.Cropland",
                                      "Pasture.Urban", "Urban.Pasture")], dim = 3)
    # not used at the moment: category7 <- dimSums(gasser[, , c("Forest.Forest", "Non-Forest.Non-Forest")], dim = 3)

    grossLuc    <- setNames(category1 + category2 + category4 + category6, "gross_luc_emis")
    regrowthLuc <- setNames(category3 + category5, "regrowth_luc_emis")

    eluc <- mbind(grossLuc, regrowthLuc)[, 1850:2018, ]

    mappingFileGasser <- "gasser_mapping_git.csv"
    mappingGasser <- read.csv(file = mappingFileGasser, header = TRUE, sep = ";")

    weight <- collapseNames(readSource("FRA2020", "forest_area")[, , "forestArea"])
    missingWeightYears <- setdiff(getYears(eluc), getYears(weight))
    weight <- time_interpolate(dataset = weight,
                               interpolated_year = missingWeightYears,
                               extrapolation_type = "linear",
                               integrate_interpolated_years = TRUE)
    weight[weight < 0] <- 0
    isoList <- intersect(getItems(weight, dim = 1.1), unique(mappingGasser$ISO.Alpha3))
    mappingGasser <- mappingGasser[mappingGasser$ISO.Alpha3 %in% isoList, ]
    regrowth <- toolAggregate(x = eluc[, , "regrowth_luc_emis"],
                              rel = mappingGasser,
                              weight = weight[isoList, getYears(eluc), ],
                              from = "GasserReg",
                              to = "ISO.Alpha3")

    weight <- collapseNames(readSource("FRA2020", "forest_area")[, , "landArea"])
    missingWeightYears <- setdiff(getYears(eluc), getYears(weight))
    weight <- time_interpolate(dataset = weight,
                               interpolated_year = missingWeightYears,
                               extrapolation_type = "constant",
                               integrate_interpolated_years = TRUE)
    isoList <- intersect(getItems(weight, dim = 1.1), unique(mappingGasser$ISO.Alpha3))
    mappingGasser <- mappingGasser[mappingGasser$ISO.Alpha3 %in% isoList, ]
    gross <- toolAggregate(x = eluc[, , "gross_luc_emis"],
                           rel = mappingGasser,
                           weight = weight[isoList, getYears(eluc), ],
                           from = "GasserReg",
                           to = "ISO.Alpha3")

    overall <- setNames(gross + regrowth, "overall") ## Regrowth are negative, gross are positive

    out <- mbind(gross, regrowth, overall)

  } else {
    stop("Invalid subtype.")
pik-piam/mrvalidation documentation built on Oct. 19, 2024, 11:47 a.m.