#' @title toolFertilizerDistribution
#' @description Disaggregates fertilizer usage, trying to best match a certain soil nitrogen uptake efficiency (SNUpE). Also used in magpie4 library
#' @param iteration_max maximum iteration for downscaling
#' @param max_snupe the maximum level of nue or snupe
#' @param mapping mapping used for disaggregation
#' @param from name of from column in mapping
#' @param to name of to column in mapping
#' @param fertilizer total inorganic fertilizer to be distributed on regional leve
#' @param SNUpE Nitrogen use efficiency or SNUPE on regional level which should be matched best possible
#' @param withdrawals nitrogen withdrawals on cell level
#' @param organicinputs non-inroganic fertilizer inputs on cell level
#' @param threshold threshold in Tg Nr until when the distribution counts as converged
#' @return magpie object with fertilizer usage on cell level
#' @author Benjamin Leon Bodirsky
#' @importFrom madrat toolAggregate
#' @importFrom magclass getRegions
#' @export
toolFertilizerDistribution<-function(iteration_max=50, max_snupe=0.85, mapping, from, to, fertilizer, SNUpE, withdrawals, organicinputs, threshold=0.5) {
if(length(setdiff(getYears(fertilizer),getYears(withdrawals)))>0) {stop("years have to be harmonized")}
if(length(setdiff(getYears(SNUpE),getYears(organicinputs)))>0) {stop("years have to be harmonized")}
if(length(setdiff(getYears(SNUpE),getYears(fertilizer)))>0) {stop("years have to be harmonized")}
withdrawals_reg = toolAggregate(withdrawals,dim = 1,rel = mapping,from=from,to=to,partrel = TRUE)
SNUpE = SNUpE[getRegions(withdrawals_reg),,]
fertilizer = fertilizer[getRegions(withdrawals_reg),,]
for (iteration in 1:iteration_max){
cat(paste0(" iteration: ",iteration)," ")
#cat(paste0(" NUE ",round(NUE["DEU",2010,],2))," ")
excessive_organic = organicinputs - requiredinputs
excessive_organic[excessive_organic<0] = 0
useable_organic = organicinputs - excessive_organic
# negative required fertilizers indicate that organic fertilizers are sufficent to satisfy the needs.
requiredfertilizer_nonnegative_country = toolAggregate(requiredfertilizer_nonnegative,rel=mapping,from=from,to=to,partrel=T)
' message(paste0(" surplus_fertilizer in 2010:",round(sum(abs(surplus_fertilizer)),2),";"))
cat(paste0("fert: ",fertilizer["SSA","y1995",]))
cat(paste0("req: ",requiredfertilizer_nonnegative_country["SSA","y1995",]))
cat(paste0("sur: ",surplus_fertilizer["SSA","y1995",]))
cat(paste0("snupe: ",SNUpE["SSA","y1995",]))
gap = sum(requiredinputs) - sum(useable_organic) - sum(fertilizer)
message(paste0(" surplus_fertilizer in 2010:",round(gap, 2),";"))
if (gap > threshold ){
useable_organic_reg = toolAggregate(useable_organic,dim = 1,rel = mapping,from=from,to=to,partrel = TRUE)
SNUpE = (
/(useable_organic_reg + fertilizer)
} else {
if(gap > threshold){
cat(1,"fertilizer distribution procedure found no equilibrium")
cat(1,paste0("remaining gap of ",round(gap,5)))
fert = requiredinputs - useable_organic
if(abs(sum(fertilizer)-sum(fert))>threshold*1.01){stop("something went wrong")}
if(abs(sum(fertilizer_check)-sum(fert))>threshold*1.05){vcat("Due to incomplete mapping of countries to cells, a lot of information got lost in fertilizer disaggregation")}
return (fert)
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