
Defines functions sum_total_ sum_total

Documented in sum_total sum_total_

#' Sum over one dimension of a data frame
#' `sum_total()` is a short-hand function to calculate and insert the
#' (weighted) sum of a extensive (intensive) category in a data frame.
#' @param data a data frame
#' @param group column for which the sum is to be calculated
#' @param value column of the numbers to be summed
#' @param name entry in column `group` for the sum; defaults to
#'        `"Total"`
#' @param na.rm `logical.` Should missing values (including NaN) be removed
#'        (default)?
#' @param weight column of the weights to be applied, if any
#' @return a data frame
#' @author Michaja Pehl
#' @examples
#' require(dplyr)
#' (d <- expand.grid(
#'     UPPER  = LETTERS[1:2],
#'     lower  = letters[24:26],
#'     number = 1:2
#' ) %>%
#'         arrange(UPPER, lower, number) %>%
#'         mutate(value = c(1:6, NA, 8:12)))
#' sum_total(d, UPPER)
#' sum_total(d, lower, name = 'sum over lower', na.rm = FALSE)
#' (e <- tibble(
#'     item = c('large', 'medium', 'small'),
#'     specific.value = c(1, 10, 100),
#'     size = c(1000, 100, 1)))
#' sum_total(e, item, value = specific.value, name = 'Average', weight = size)
#' @export
sum_total <- function(data, group, value = NA, name = "Total", na.rm = TRUE,
                      weight = NA) {

    if (!is.null(group <- substitute(group)) && !is.logical(group))
        group <- deparse(group)

    if (!is.null(value <- substitute(value)) && !is.logical(value))
        value <- deparse(value)

    if (!is.null(weight <- substitute(weight)) && !is.logical(weight))
        weight <- deparse(weight)

    sum_total_(data, group, value, name, na.rm, weight)

#' @export
#' @rdname sum_total
sum_total_ <- function(data, group, value = NA, name = "Total", na.rm = TRUE,
                       weight = NA) {

    if (is.na(value))
        value = "value"

    # guardians
    if (!is.data.frame(data))
        stop("only works with data frames")

    if (!(group %in% colnames(data)))
        stop("No column '", group, "' in data frame")

    if (!(value %in% colnames(data)))
        stop("No column '", value, "' in data frame")

    if (!is.na(weight) && !weight %in% colnames(data))
        stop('No column \'', weight, '\' in data frame')

    .colnames <- colnames(data)
    .groups <- setdiff(.colnames, c(group, value, weight))

    # preserve groups
    .groups.old <- group_vars(data)

    # do not create duplicates
    data <- data %>%
        filter(!!sym(group) != name)

    sum_data <- data %>%
        group_by(!!!syms(.groups), .add = TRUE)

    if (is.na(weight)) {
        sum_data <- sum_data %>%
            summarise(!!sym(value) := sum(!!sym(value), na.rm = na.rm),
                      .groups = 'keep')
    } else {
        sum_data <- sum_data %>%
            summarise(!!sym(value) := sum(!!sym(value) * !!sym(weight),
                                          na.rm = na.rm)
                                    / sum(!!sym(weight), na.rm = na.rm),
                      !!sym(weight) := sum(!!sym(weight), na.rm = na.rm),
                      .groups = 'keep')

    # The parameter name is erroneously masked if there happens to be a column
    # named name.  Work around this by supplying the name parameter through a
    # function.
    just_return_the_name <- function() {

    sum_data <- sum_data %>%
        ungroup() %>%
        mutate(!!sym(group) := just_return_the_name()) %>%

    .data <- rbind(
        data %>%

    ) %>%
        arrange(!!!syms(c(.groups, group)))

    if (length(groups(data)) > 0)
        .data <- .data %>%

pik-piam/quitte documentation built on April 5, 2024, 12:23 a.m.