
Defines functions plot.powerSim powerSim

Documented in powerSim

#' Estimate power by simulation.
#' Perform a power analysis for a mixed model.
#' @param fit a fitted model object (see \code{\link{doFit}}).
#' @param test specify the test to perform. By default, the first fixed effect in \code{fit} will be tested.
#'     (see: \link{tests}).
#' @param sim an object to simulate from. By default this is the same as \code{fit} (see \code{\link{doSim}}).
#' @param seed specify a random number generator seed, for reproducible results.
#' @param fitOpts extra arguments for \code{\link{doFit}}.
#' @param testOpts extra arguments for \code{\link{doTest}}.
#' @param simOpts extra arguments for \code{\link{doSim}}.
#' @param ... any additional arguments are passed on to \code{\link{simrOptions}}. Common options include:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{nsim}:}{the number of simulations to run (default is \code{1000}).}
#'   \item{\code{alpha}:}{the significance level for the statistical test (default is \code{0.05}).}
#'   \item{\code{progress}:}{use progress bars during calculations (default is \code{TRUE}).}
#'   }
#' @examples
#' fm1 <- lmer(y ~ x + (1|g), data=simdata)
#' powerSim(fm1, nsim=10)
#' @seealso \code{\link{print.powerSim}}, \code{\link{summary.powerSim}}, \code{\link{confint.powerSim}}
#' @export
powerSim <- function(

    test = fixed(getDefaultXname(fit)),
    sim = fit,

    fitOpts = list(),
    testOpts = list(),
    simOpts = list(),



    ) {

    opts <- simrOptions(...)

    nsim <- getSimrOption("nsim")
    alpha <- getSimrOption("alpha")
    nrow <- NA

    start <- proc.time()

    # setup
    if(!missing(seed)) set.seed(seed)

    # summarise the fitted models
    test <- wrapTest(test)
    #p <- maybe_laply(z, test, .text="Testing")

    f <- function() {

        # y <- doSim(sim, [opts])
        tag(y <- do.call(doSim, c(list(sim), simOpts)), tag="Simulating")

        # how many rows?
        ss <- fitOpts$subset
        nrow <<- length(if(is.null(ss)) y else y[ss])

        # fit <- doFit(y, fit, [opts])
        tag(z <- do.call(doFit, c(list(y, fit), fitOpts)), tag="Fitting")

        # doTest(fit, test, [opts])
        tag(pval <- do.call(doTest, c(list(z, test), testOpts)), tag="Testing")


    p <- maybe_raply(nsim, f(), .text="Simulating")

    timing <- proc.time() - start

    # structure the return value
    rval <- list()

    rval $ x <- sum(p$value < alpha, na.rm=TRUE)
    rval $ n <- nsim

    #rval $ xname <- xname
    #rval $ effect <- fixef(sim)[xname] # can't guarantee this is available?

    rval $ text <- attr(test, "text")(fit, sim)
    rval $ description <- attr(test, "description")(fit, sim)

    rval $ pval <- p$value

    rval $ alpha <- alpha
    rval $ nrow <- nrow

    rval $ warnings <- p$warnings
    rval $ errors <- p$errors

    rval $ timing <- timing
    rval $ simrTag <- observedPowerWarning(sim)

    class(rval) <- "powerSim"

    .simrLastResult $ lastResult <- rval


#' @export
plot.powerSim <- function(x, ...) stop("Not yet implemented.")
pitakakariki/simr documentation built on April 22, 2023, 12:07 a.m.