
# pre-process data to greatly speed up analysis

# if starting from SCRATCH with just regions, de novos, this is the first thing that should be run.
# it may take a while, but will greatly speed up later analysis

# requirements:
  # 1. de novo mutations file (TSV) with chr, pos, pp_dnmm, coding column names required
  # 2. genomic regions with chr, start, stop, region_id (if planning to test for enrichment later - i.e. the closest gene)

# output files:
  # de novos filtered down to include only those that lie in regions provided, with pp_dnm > 0.1
  # regions annotated with n_snp (from de novo file), p_null (prior prob of mutation from null model)
  # if ADD_GENCODE == TRUE, $closest_gene will be added to regions file

# filenames:
  # de_novo_filtered.txt
  # regions_annotated.txt


# files will be saved to rupit/data unless location is changed/specified:
OUT_PATH = "/Users/ps14/code/rupit/data"


GENCODE_PATH = "/Users/ps14/code/rupit/data/all_gencode_genes_v19_+strand.txt"
DENOVOS_PATH = "/Users/ps14/code/rupit/data/de_novos.ddd_4k.noncoding_included.txt"
REGIONS_PATH = "/Users/ps14/code/rupit/data/DDD_TRRs.annotated.highcov.sequence.txt"  # generated by python script - see github repo!

de_novo_full <- read.table(DENOVOS_PATH, sep="\t", header=TRUE)
well_covered_regions <- read.table(REGIONS_PATH, sep="\t", header=TRUE)

# call filter functions from rupit_core
de_novo_filtered = filter_de_novos(well_covered_regions, de_novo_full)

# count de novo snps and indels
counts = mapply(count_denovos, well_covered_regions$chr, well_covered_regions$start, well_covered_regions$stop, MoreArgs = list(de_novo_filtered))
well_covered_regions$n_snp = counts[1,]
well_covered_regions$n_indel = counts[2,]

# add region_id chr.start.stop
well_covered_regions$region_id = paste(well_covered_regions$chr, well_covered_regions$start, well_covered_regions$stop, sep = ".")

# calculate probability of de novo snp (poisson) in each region based on sequence context
well_covered_regions$p_snp_null = 2 * generate_snp_null(well_covered_regions) # multiply by two to account for diploidy

# get global mutation parameters and calculate p_indel_null
de_novo_noncoding = de_novo_full[de_novo_full$coding == FALSE,]
counts = table(de_novo_noncoding$var_type)
indel2snp = counts["DENOVO-INDEL"]/counts["DENOVO-SNP"]
global_mut_rate = sum(well_covered_regions$p_snp_null)

well_covered_regions$p_indel_null = generate_indel_null(well_covered_regions, indel2snp, global_mut_rate)

# add closest gene annotation using gencode
  all_gencode <- read.table(GENCODE_PATH, sep="\t", header=TRUE)
  well_covered_regions$closest_gene = regions_to_gencode(well_covered_regions, all_gencode)

# WARNING - this takes a ridiculous amount of time. default is ADD_DHS = FALSE. Better to slice well_covered_regions and run on relevant parts.
if (ADD_DHS == TRUE){
  encode_high_conf = read.table("../data/DHS_gene_correlations_ENCODE.p05.txt", sep="\t", header=TRUE)
  wcr = expanded_regions(well_covered_regions, encode_high_conf)
  write.table(wcr, file = paste0(OUT_PATH,"/regions_annotated_with_dhs.txt"), sep = "\t")

# save pre-processed data for later use
write.table(de_novo_filtered, file = paste0(OUT_PATH,"/de_novo_filtered.txt"), sep = "\t")
write.table(well_covered_regions, file = paste0(OUT_PATH,"/regions_annotated.txt"), sep = "\t")
pjshort/rupit documentation built on May 25, 2019, 8:19 a.m.