get_filters: Fetch the filters attribute

View source: R/helper_fn.R

get_filtersR Documentation

Fetch the filters attribute


Retrieves the values in the filters attribute from an omicsData object.





An object of class pepData, proData, metabData, lipidData, or nmrData.


A list containing filter class objects. Each element in this list corresponds to a filter applied to the data. The filters will be listed in the order they were applied. A filter object contains two elements:

  • threshold – The threshold used to filter e_data. This value depends on the type of filter applied.

  • filtered – A vector containing the identifiers from the edata_cname column that will be filtered.

  • method – A character string indicating the type of method used to filter. This only applies when imdanova_filter is used.

pmartR/pmartRqc documentation built on Aug. 3, 2024, 8 a.m.