mc1: Perform level 1 multiple-concentration processing

View source: R/mc1.R

mc1R Documentation

Perform level 1 multiple-concentration processing


mc1 loads level 0 data from the gtox database for the given id and performs level 1 multiple-concentration processing. The processed data is then loaded into the mc1 table and all subsequent data is deleted with gtoxCascade. See details for more information.

The individual processing functions are no longer exported, as it is typically more convenient and suggested to use the gtoxRun wrapper function.


mc1(ac, wr = FALSE)



Integer of length 1, assay component id (acid) for processing.


Logical, whether the processed data should be written to the gtox database


Level 1 processing includes defining the concentration and replicate index, cndx and repi, respectively.


A boolean of length 1, indicating the success of the processing, or when 'wr' is FALSE, a list where the first element is a boolean indiciating the success of processing and the second element is a data.table containing the processed data

See Also

Other multiple-concentration data processing functions: mc2, mc3, mc4, mc5, mc6

pmpsa-hpc/GladiaTOX documentation built on Sept. 1, 2023, 5:52 p.m.