
Defines functions Ops.mpobj combine.mppath addToPath.mppath addToPath.knot addToPath.direction addToPath.curl addToPath.tension addToPath.controlPoint addToPath combine.incompletePath addToIncompletePath.mppath addToIncompletePath.knot addToIncompletePath.direction addToIncompletePath.curl addToIncompletePath.tension addToIncompletePath.controlPoint addToIncompletePath combine.knot addToKnot.mppath addToKnot.knot addToKnot.direction addToKnot.curl addToKnot.tension addToKnot.controlPoint addToKnot combine.incompleteKnot addToIncompleteKnot.mppath addToIncompleteKnot.knot addToIncompleteKnot.direction addToIncompleteKnot.curl addToIncompleteKnot.tension addToIncompleteKnot.controlPoint addToIncompleteKnot combine print.mppath length.mppath path.matrix path.knot path knots curl checkCurl tension checkTension dir cpy cpx cp cycle print.knot length.knot knot

Documented in cp curl cycle dir knot tension

## Specify a MetaPost path via R functions and data structures

## There is a superclass for knots, paths, and connectors
## (so can write a single Ops method)

## Individual knots
knot <- function(x, y,
                 dir=NA, dir.left=dir, dir.right=dir,
                 cp.left.x=NA, cp.right.x=NA,
                 cp.left.y=NA, cp.right.y=NA,
                 curl.left=NA, curl.right=NA,
                 tension.left=NA, tension.right=NA)
    if (any(!is.na(dir.left) &
        stop("Invalid to specify both dir and curl at once")
    if (any(!is.na(dir.right) &
        stop("Invalid to specify both dir and curl at once")
    if (any(!(is.na(cp.left.x) | is.na(cp.left.y)) &
        stop("Invalid to specify both control point and tension at once")
    if (any(!(is.na(cp.right.x) | is.na(cp.right.y)) &
        stop("Invalid to specify both control point and tension at once")
    if (!is.unit(x))
        x <- unit(x, units)
    if (!is.unit(y))
        y <- unit(y, units)
    if (!is.unit(cp.left.x))
        cp.left.x <- unit(cp.left.x, units)
    if (!is.unit(cp.left.y))
        cp.left.y <- unit(cp.left.y, units)
    if (!is.unit(cp.right.x))
        cp.right.x <- unit(cp.right.x, units)
    if (!is.unit(cp.right.y))
        cp.right.y <- unit(cp.right.y, units)
    k <- list(x=x, y=y,
              dir.left=dir.left, dir.right=dir.right,
              cp.left.x=cp.left.x, cp.right.x=cp.right.x,
              cp.left.y=cp.left.y, cp.right.y=cp.right.y,
    class(k) <- c("knot", "mpobj")

length.knot <- function(x) {
    max(sapply(x, length))

print.knot <- function(x, ...) {
    cat(as.character(x, ...), sep="\n")

## Special cycle knot
cycle <- function() {
    x <- knot(NA, NA)
    class(x) <- c("cycle", "knot", "mpobj")

## Knot connectors
## Explicit control points
cp <- function(x, y, units=getOption("metapost.units")) {
    z <- list(x=x, y=y, units=units)
    class(z) <- c("controlPoint", "connector", "mpobj")

cpx <- function(cp) {
    if (!is.unit(cp$x))
        unit(cp$x, cp$units)

cpy <- function(cp) {
    if (!is.unit(cp$y))
        unit(cp$y, cp$units)

## Directions
## Possibilities are:
##   one value => angle
##   two values => x/y vector => angle
dir <- function(x, y=NULL) {
    if (is.null(y)) {
        d <- as.numeric(x)
    } else {
        d <- 180*atan2(y, x)/pi
    class(d) <- c("direction", "connector", "mpobj")

checkTension <- function(x) {
    x <- as.numeric(x)
    if (any(!is.na(x) & abs(x) < .75)) {
        stop("Tension values must be greater than 0.75")

tension <- function(x) {
    x <- checkTension(x)
    class(x) <- c("tension", "connector", "mpobj")

checkCurl <- function(x) {
    x <- as.numeric(x)
    if (any(!is.na(x) & x < 0)) {
        stop("Curl must be non-negative")

curl <- function(x) {
    x <- checkCurl(x)
    class(x) <- c("curl", "connector", "mpobj")

## Matrix of knots
knots <- function(x, y,
                  dir.left=NA, dir.right=dir.left,
                  cp.left.x=NA, cp.right.x=NA,
                  cp.left.y=NA, cp.right.y=NA,
                  curl.left=NA, curl.right=NA,
                  tension.left=NA, tension.right=NA)

## Complete paths ...
path <- function(x, ..., cycle=FALSE) {

## ... made from individual knots
path.knot <- function(x, ..., cycle=FALSE) {
    knots <- list(x, ...)
    if (!all(sapply(knots, inherits, "knot")))
        stop("Path must contain only knots")
    p <- list(knots=knots)
    class(p) <- c("mppath", "mpobj")

## ... made from a matrix (one row per knot)
path.matrix <- function(x, ..., cycle=FALSE) {

length.mppath <- function(x) {

print.mppath <- function(x, ...) {
    cat(as.character(x, ...), sep="\n")

## Combining knots, paths, and connectors

## TODO:
## Disallow invalid combinations like knot(0,0) + cp(1,0) + tension(4)
## Disallow adding to cycle
combine <- function(x, y) {

addToIncompleteKnot <- function(x, knot) {

addToIncompleteKnot.controlPoint <- function(x, knot) {
    if (!is.null(knot$cp2))
        stop("Two control points have already been specified")
    knot$cp2 <- x
    class(knot) <- c("incompleteKnot", "knot", "mpobj")

addToIncompleteKnot.tension <- function(x, knot) {
    if (!is.null(knot$t2))
        stop("Two tensions have already been specified")
    knot$t2 <- x
    class(knot) <- c("incompleteKnot", "knot", "mpobj")

addToIncompleteKnot.curl <- function(x, knot) {
    if (!is.null(knot$c2))
        stop("Two curls have already been specified")
    knot$c2 <- x
    class(knot) <- c("incompleteKnot", "knot", "mpobj")

addToIncompleteKnot.direction <- function(x, knot) {
    if (!is.null(knot$d2))
        stop("Two directions have already been specified")
    knot$d2 <- x
    class(knot) <- c("incompleteKnot", "knot", "mpobj")

addToIncompleteKnot.knot <- function(x, knot) {
    ## Resolve incomplete knot
    ## Control points
    if (!is.null(knot$cp1)) {
        if (is.null(knot$cp2)) {
            knot$cp2 <- knot$cp1
        knot$cp.right.x <- cpx(knot$cp1)
        knot$cp.right.y <- cpy(knot$cp1)
        x$cp.left.x <- cpx(knot$cp2)
        x$cp.left.y <- cpy(knot$cp2)
        knot$cp1 <- NULL
        knot$cp2 <- NULL
    ## Tension
    if (!is.null(knot$t1)) {
        if (is.null(knot$t2)) {
            knot$t2 <- knot$t1
        knot$tension.right <- knot$t1
        x$tension.left <- knot$t2
        knot$t1 <- NULL
        knot$t2 <- NULL
    ## Curl
    if (!is.null(knot$c1)) {
        if (is.null(knot$c2)) {
            knot$c2 <- knot$c1
        knot$curl.right <- knot$c1
        x$curl.left <- knot$c2
        knot$c1 <- NULL
        knot$c2 <- NULL
    ## Direction
    ## NOTE: do NOT repeat direction by default
    ##       (unlike curl and tension and control points, 
    ##        direction applies to knot rather than edge[?])
    if (!is.null(knot$d1)) {
        knot$dir.right <- knot$d1
        if (!is.null(knot$d2)) {
            x$dir.left <- knot$d2
        knot$d1 <- NULL
        knot$d2 <- NULL
    path(knot, x)

addToIncompleteKnot.mppath <- function(x, knot) {
    ## Resolve incomplete knot
    ## Control points
    if (!is.null(knot$cp1)) {
        if (is.null(knot$cp2)) {
            knot$cp2 <- knot$cp1
        knot$cp.right.x <- cpx(knot$cp1)
        knot$cp.right.y <- cpy(knot$cp1)
        x$knots[[1]]$cp.left.x <- cpx(knot$cp2)
        x$knots[[1]]$cp.left.y <- cpy(knot$cp2)
        knot$cp1 <- NULL
        knot$cp2 <- NULL
    ## Tension
    if (!is.null(knot$t1)) {
        if (is.null(knot$t2)) {
            knot$t2 <- knot$t1
        knot$tension.right <- knot$t1
        x$knots[[1]]$tension.left <- knot$t2
        knot$t1 <- NULL
        knot$t2 <- NULL
    ## Curl
    if (!is.null(knot$c1)) {
        if (is.null(knot$c2)) {
            knot$c2 <- knot$c1
        knot$curl.right <- knot$c1
        x$knots[[1]]$curl.left <- knot$c2
        knot$c1 <- NULL
        knot$c2 <- NULL
    ## Direction
    ## NOTE: do NOT repeat direction by default
    ##       (unlike curl and tension and control points, 
    ##        direction applies to knot rather than edge[?])
    if (!is.null(knot$d1)) {
        knot$dir.right <- knot$d1
        if (!is.null(knot$d2)) {
            x$knots[[1]]$dir.left <- knot$d2
        knot$d1 <- NULL
        knot$d2 <- NULL
    do.call(path, c(list(knot), x))

combine.incompleteKnot <- function(x, y) {
    addToIncompleteKnot(y, x)

addToKnot <- function(x, knot) {

addToKnot.controlPoint <- function(x, knot) {
    knot$cp1 <- x
    class(knot) <- c("incompleteKnot", "knot", "mpobj")

addToKnot.tension <- function(x, knot) {
    knot$t1 <- x
    class(knot) <- c("incompleteKnot", "knot", "mpobj")

addToKnot.curl <- function(x, knot) {
    knot$c1 <- x
    class(knot) <- c("incompleteKnot", "knot", "mpobj")

addToKnot.direction <- function(x, knot) {
    knot$d1 <- x
    class(knot) <- c("incompleteKnot", "knot", "mpobj")

addToKnot.knot <- function(x, knot) {
    path(knot, x)

addToKnot.mppath <- function(x, knot) {
    do.call(path, c(list(knot), x))

combine.knot <- function(x, y) {
    addToKnot(y, x)

addToIncompletePath <- function(x, p) {

addToIncompletePath.controlPoint <- function(x, p) {
    if (!is.null(p$cp2))
        stop("Two control points have already been specified")
    p$cp2 <- x
    class(p) <- c("incompletePath", "mppath", "mpobj")

addToIncompletePath.tension <- function(x, p) {
    if (!is.null(p$t2))
        stop("Two tensions have already been specified")
    p$t2 <- x
    class(p) <- c("incompletePath", "mppath", "mpobj")

addToIncompletePath.curl <- function(x, p) {
    if (!is.null(p$c2))
        stop("Two curls have already been specified")
    p$c2 <- x
    class(p) <- c("incompletePath", "mppath", "mpobj")

addToIncompletePath.direction <- function(x, p) {
    if (!is.null(p$d2))
        stop("Two directions have already been specified")
    p$d2 <- x
    class(p) <- c("incompletePath", "mppath", "mpobj")

addToIncompletePath.knot <- function(x, p) {
    ## Resolve incomplete path
    n <- length(p)
    ## Control points
    if (!is.null(p$cp1)) {
        if (is.null(p$cp2)) {
            p$cp2 <- p$cp1
        p$knots[[n]]$cp.right.x <- cpx(p$cp1)
        p$knots[[n]]$cp.right.y <- cpy(p$cp1)
        x$cp.left.x <- cpx(p$cp2)
        x$cp.left.y <- cpy(p$cp2)
    ## Tension
    if (!is.null(p$t1)) {
        if (is.null(p$t2)) {
            p$t2 <- p$t1
        p$knots[[n]]$tension.right <- p$t1
        x$tension.left <- p$t2
    ## Curl
    if (!is.null(p$c1)) {
        if (is.null(p$c2)) {
            p$c2 <- p$c1
        p$knots[[n]]$curl.right <- p$c1
        x$curl.left <- p$c2
    ## Direction
    ## NOTE: do NOT repeat direction by default
    ##       (unlike curl and tension and control points, 
    ##        direction applies to knot rather than edge[?])
    if (!is.null(p$d1)) {
        p$knots[[n]]$dir.right <- p$d1
        if (!is.null(p$d2)) {
            x$dir.left <- p$d2
    do.call(path, c(p$knots, list(x)))

addToIncompletePath.mppath <- function(x, p) {
    ## Resolve incomplete path
    n <- length(p)
    ## Control points
    if (!is.null(p$cp1)) {
        if (is.null(p$cp2)) {
            p$cp2 <- p$cp1
        p$knots[[n]]$cp.right.x <- cpx(p$cp1)
        p$knots[[n]]$cp.right.y <- cpy(p$cp1)
        x$knots[[1]]$cp.left.x <- cpx(p$cp2)
        x$knots[[1]]$cp.left.y <- cpy(p$cp2)
    ## Tension
    if (!is.null(p$t1)) {
        if (is.null(p$t2)) {
            p$t2 <- p$t1
        p$knots[[n]]$tension.right <- p$t1
        x$knots[[1]]$tension.left <- p$t2
    ## Curl
    if (!is.null(p$c1)) {
        if (is.null(p$c2)) {
            p$c2 <- p$c1
        p$knots[[n]]$curl.right <- p$c1
        x$knots[[1]]$curl.left <- p$c2
    ## Direction
    ## NOTE: do NOT repeat direction by default
    ##       (unlike curl and tension and control points, 
    ##        direction applies to knot rather than edge[?])
    if (!is.null(p$d1)) {
        p$knots[[n]]$dir.right <- p$d1
        if (!is.null(p$d2)) {
            x$knots[[1]]$dir.left <- p$d2
    do.call(path, c(p$knots, x$knots))

combine.incompletePath <- function(x, y) {
    addToIncompletePath(y, x)

addToPath <- function(x, p) {

addToPath.controlPoint <- function(x, p) {
    p$cp1 <- x
    class(p) <- c("incompletePath", "mppath", "mpobj")

addToPath.tension <- function(x, p) {
    p$t1 <- x
    class(p) <- c("incompletePath", "mppath", "mpobj")

addToPath.curl <- function(x, p) {
    p$c1 <- x
    class(p) <- c("incompletePath", "mppath", "mpobj")

addToPath.direction <- function(x, p) {
    p$d1 <- x
    class(p) <- c("incompletePath", "mppath", "mpobj")

addToPath.knot <- function(x, p) {
    do.call(path, c(p$knots, list(x)))

addToPath.mppath <- function(x, p) {
    do.call(path, c(p$knots, x$knots))

combine.mppath <- function(x, y) {
    addToPath(y, x)

## Operations for building up paths

## e1 + e2 is equivalent to e1..e2
## e1 - e2 is equivalent to e1--e2
## e1 %+% e2 is equivalent to e1...e2
## e1 %-% e2 is equivalent to e1---e2

## Page 129 of The MetaFont Book
## http://www.ctex.org/documents/shredder/src/mfbook.pdf
## says ...

## -- is an abbreviation for '{curl 1}..{curl 1}'
## ... is an abbreviation for '..tension atleast 1..'
## --- is an abbreviation for '..tension infinity..'

## What about adding a connector to a path ?
## What about adding a path to a path ?
## Need a superclass above all of paths, knots, and connectors ?
Ops.mpobj <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (nargs() < 2) {
        stop("Unary operations not valid on knots")
    if (!(.Generic %in% c("+", "-"))) {
        stop("Invalid operation on knots")
    if (.Generic == "-") {
        if ((inherits(e1, "knot") || inherits(e1, "mppath")) &&
            (inherits(e2, "knot") || inherits(e2, "mppath"))) {
            e1 + curl(1) + curl(1) + e2
        } else {
            stop("It is only valid to use '-' between knots and paths")
    } else {
        if (inherits(e1, "knot") || inherits(e1, "mppath")) {
            combine(e1, e2)
        } else {
            stop("It is only valid to combine a connector with a knot or path")

"%+%" <- function(e1, e2) {
    if ((inherits(e1, "knot") || inherits(e1, "mppath")) &&
        (inherits(e2, "knot") || inherits(e2, "mppath"))) {
        e1 + tension(-1) + e2
    } else {
        stop("It is only valid to use '%+%' between knots and paths")

"%-%" <- function(e1, e2) {
    if ((inherits(e1, "knot") || inherits(e1, "mppath")) &&
        (inherits(e2, "knot") || inherits(e2, "mppath"))) {
        e1 + tension(Inf) + e2
    } else {
        stop("It is only valid to use '%+%' between knots and paths")
pmur002/metapost documentation built on May 9, 2020, 2:56 a.m.