
Defines functions openDevice

Documented in openDevice

##' Opens a graphics device based on the filename extension
##' Based on the filename extension, will open plotting device  using one of the
##' following graphics functions:
##' \code{\link{postscript}}, \code{\link{pdf}}, \code{\link{jpeg}},
##' \code{\link{tiff}}, \code{\link{png}}, or \code{\link{bmp}}.
##' @export
##' @param fileName Character string giving the filename for the graphics
##' output. The following are acceptable filename extensions:
##' \code{ps}, \code{pdf}, \code{jpg}, \code{jpeg}, \code{tif}, \code{png}, or
##' \code{bmp}.
##' @param \dots Named arguments to the device functions listed above.  Arguments
##' that do not match are silently ignored.
##' @return The graphics device is opened and the filename is invisibly
##' returned.
##' @author Landon Sego
##' @keywords misc
##' @examples
##' # Open 3 example devices
##' openDevice("ex1.pdf", height=6, width=12)
##' plot(1:10, 1:10)
##' openDevice("ex1.jpg")
##' plot(1:10, 1:10)
##' openDevice("ex1.png")
##' plot(1:10, 1:10)
##' # List the devices and their filenames
##' dev.list()
##' dir(pattern = "ex1")
##' # Turn each of the 3 devices off
##' for (i in 1:3) {
##'   dev.off(dev.list()[length(dev.list())])
##' }
##' # Delete the created files
##' unlink(c("ex1.pdf","ex1.png","ex1.jpg"))
##' # List the current devices
##' dev.list()
openDevice <- function(fileName, ...) {

  stopifnotMsg(is.character(fileName) & (length(fileName) == 1),
               "'fileName' must be a character string of a valid filename")
  fileName <- path.expand(fileName)

  ext <- tolower(getExtension(fileName))

  supported.extensions <- c("ps", "pdf", "jpg", "jpeg", "tif", "png", "bmp")

  if (!(ext %in% supported.extensions)) {
    stop("Filename must have one of the following extensions: '",
         paste(supported.extensions, collapse="', '"), "'.\n")

  # Assign the function to be used
  fname <- switch(ext,
                  ps = "postscript",
                  pdf = "pdf",
                  jpg = "jpeg",
                  jpeg = "jpeg",
                  tif = "tiff",
                  png = "png",
                  bmp = "bmp")

  # Get the argument names of the function that will be called
  argNames <- names(formals(fname))

  # Add the appropriate first argument name to our list
  vList <- list(fileName, ...)
  names(vList)[1] <- argNames[1]

  # In the call, drop any arguments from our list that are not in the arguments
  # of the desired function and open the device
  do.call(fname, vList[intersect(names(vList), argNames)])

  # invisibly return the filename

} # openDevice
pnnl/Smisc documentation built on Oct. 18, 2020, 6:18 p.m.