
Defines functions stopifnotMsg

Documented in stopifnotMsg

##' Check multiple conditions and return coresponding error messages
##' A more flexible version of \code{\link{stopifnot}} that allows you to control the error message returned by
##' each condition that doesn't test true
##' @export
##' @param \dots Pairs of logical conditions and error messages. See Examples.
##' @param level Whole number indicating how far back in the call stack the error should be attributed to.
##' \code{level = 1} goes back to the calling function, \code{level = 2} goes back 2 levels, etc.
##' See examples.
##' @return A call to \code{\link{stop}} with the error messages from each condition that was \code{FALSE}.  If all
##' conditions are \code{TRUE}, returns \code{NULL}.
##' @author Landon Sego
##' @examples
##' # A simple function
##' aFunction <- function(x, a = 10, b = "text") {
##'   # Check the arguments of the function
##'   stopifnotMsg(is.numeric(x),   "'x' must be numeric",
##'                is.numeric(a),   "'a' must be numeric",
##'                a > 9,           "'a' must be 10 or more",
##'                is.character(b), "'b' must be character")
##'   return(paste(x, a, b, sep = " -- "))
##' }
##' # This should run without error
##' aFunction(12, a = 13, b = "new")
##' \dontrun{
##' # This should produce an error with 3 messages:
##' aFunction("new", a = 7, b = 5)
##' # And this should produce an error with 1 message:
##' aFunction(33, a = "bad")
##' }
##' ### This illustrates how the 'level' argument works
##' # A check function that will be called within another
##' check <- function(a, lev) {
##'   stopifnotMsg(is.numeric(a), "a must be numeric", level = lev)
##' }
##' # A function that uses the check.
##' f <- function(a, lev = 1) {
##'   check(a, lev)
##'   return(a + 10)
##' }
##' \dontrun{
##' # Note how the error is attributed to 'check'
##' f("a")
##' # But if we change the level to 2, the error will be attributed to 'f'
##' f("a", lev = 2)
##' }

stopifnotMsg <- function(..., level = 1) {

  levelGood <- if (is.numeric(level)) {
                 (level > 0) & (level %% 1 == 0)
               } else FALSE

  if (!levelGood) {
    stop("'level' must be a whole number: 1, 2, 3, ...")

  # Gather inputs to a list
  inputs <- list(...)
  n <- length(inputs)

  # The length of the list should be even
  if ((n %% 2) != 0) {
    stop("The inputs must consist of pairs of logical conditions and a corresponding error text string, ",
         "and therefore the total number of inputs must be an even number.")

  # Split the conditions and the text strings into two lists
  cond <- inputs[seq(1, n, by = 2)]
  msgs <- inputs[seq(2, n, by = 2)]

  # Verify that cond are all logical
  if (!all(unlist(lapply(cond, is.logical)))) {
    stop("All the odd numbered inputs must resolve to logicals (TRUE/FALSE)")

  # Verify that msgs are all character
  if (!all(unlist(lapply(msgs, is.character)))) {
    stop("All the even numbered inputs must resolve to character strings")      

  # Identify which elements of cond are false
  failedIndexes <- which(!unlist(cond))

  if (length(failedIndexes)) {

    # Get the call to the function from which stopifnotMsg() was called
    fn <- deparse(sys.calls()[[max(1, sys.nframe() - level)]])

    # Gather a messages for the stop
    msg <- paste(c(fn, unlist(msgs)[failedIndexes]), collapse = "\n")
    # Issue the stop()
    stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
  else {
} # stopifnotMsg()
pnnl/Smisc documentation built on Oct. 18, 2020, 6:18 p.m.