#' @title s2_list
#' @param spatial_extent Spatial extent
#' @param tile Tiles
#' @param orbit Orbit
#' @param time_interval Time interval
#' @param time_period Time period
#' @param level Level
#' @param platform Plateform
#' @param maxcloud Max cloud cover
#' @param collection Collection
#' @param path_to_download Path to the project
#' @return List of products
#' @export
#' @importFrom theiaR TheiaCollection
s2_list <- function(session,
spatial_extent = NULL,
tiles = NULL,
orbit = NULL, # spatial parameters
time_interval = NULL,
time_period = "full", # temporal parameters
level = "L2A",
platform = "SENTINEL2A",
maxcloud = 101,
collection = "SENTINEL",
path_to_download = "~",
download = TRUE,
project_name = NULL,
progress_bar = TRUE) {
i18n <- Translator$new(translation_json_path = "./inst/translations/translation.json")
# search theiaR path
# myauth, ce fichier contient deux lignes, la premiere est l'ID pour
# se connecter et la deuxieme, le mot de passe. inscription sur
# https://sso.theia-land.fr/theia/register/register.xhtml
theia_download <- find.package("theiaR")
myauth <- file.path(theia_download, "auth_theia.txt")
if (is.null(spatial_extent)) {
if (progress_bar) {
title = i18n$t("Spatial_extent is NULL !"),
text = paste(
i18n$t("Please select a gpkg polygon!")
type = "error",
btn_labels = "Ok"
} else {
type = "message",
i18n$t("Spatial_extent is NULL !")
} else {
spatext <- spatial_extent %>%
sf::st_geometry() %>%
# pass lat,lon if the bounding box is a point or line; latmin,latmax,lonmin,lonmax if it is a rectangle
if (spatext["xmin"] == spatext["xmax"] || spatext["ymin"] == spatext["ymax"]) {
lon <- mean(spatext["xmin"], spatext["xmax"])
lat <- mean(spatext["ymin"], spatext["ymax"])
lonmi <- lonma <- latmi <- latma <- NULL
} else {
lonmi <- spatext["xmin"]
lonma <- spatext["xmax"]
latmi <- spatext["ymin"]
latma <- spatext["ymax"]
lon <- lat <- NULL
# checks on dates
# TODO add checks on format
if (length(time_interval) == 1) {
time_interval <- rep(time_interval, 2)
# split time_interval in case of seasonal download
time_intervals <- if (time_period == "full") {
"start" = strftime(time_interval[1], "%Y-%m-%d"),
"end" = strftime(time_interval[2], "%Y-%m-%d"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
} else if (time_period == "seasonal") {
"start" = strftime(seq(time_interval[1], time_interval[2], by = "year"), "%Y-%m-%d"),
"end" = strftime(rev(seq(time_interval[2], time_interval[1], by = "-1 year")), "%Y-%m-%d"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# convert orbits to integer
if (is.null(orbit)) {
orb <- list(NULL)
} else {
orb <- as.integer(gsub(".(...)$", "\\1", orbit))
if (anyNA(orbit)) {
orb <- list(NULL)
# set level
lev <- switch(level,
l1c = "LEVEL1C",
l2a = "LEVEL2A",
l3a = "LEVEL3A",
# set collection
col <- switch(collection,
landsat = "LANDSAT",
spotworldheritage = "SpotWorldHeritage",
sentinel2 = "SENTINEL2",
snow = "Snow",
venus = "VENUS",
# set platform
pla <- switch(platform,
landsat5 = "LANDSAT5",
landsat7 = "LANDSAT7",
landsat8 = "LANDSAT8",
spot1 = "SPOT1",
spot2 = "SPOT2",
spot3 = "SPOT3",
spot4 = "SPOT4",
spot5 = "SPOT5",
s2a = "SENTINEL2A",
s2b = "SENTINEL2B",
venus = "VENUS",
# create a list containing the query
if (level == "l3a") {
myquery <- list(
collection = col,
level = lev,
latmin = latmi,
latmax = latma,
lonmin = lonmi,
lonmax = lonma,
start.date = time_intervals$start,
end.date = time_intervals$end
} else {
myquery <- list(
collection = col,
platform = pla,
level = lev,
latmin = latmi,
latmax = latma,
lonmin = lonmi,
lonmax = lonma,
start.date = time_intervals$start,
end.date = time_intervals$end
if (progress_bar) {
# Add a progress bar while importing
withProgress(message = i18n$t("Connect to THEIA server..."), value = 0, {
# connexion au serveur THEIA
mycollection <- tryCatch(theiaR::TheiaCollection$new(
query = myquery,
dir.path = file.path(path_to_download, "data"),
check = TRUE
error = function(e) print(i18n$t("No tiles matching search criteria!"))
setProgress(value = 1)
} else {
# connexion au serveur THEIA
mycollection <- tryCatch(theiaR::TheiaCollection$new(
query = myquery,
dir.path = file.path(path_to_download, "data"),
check = TRUE
error = function(e) print("No tiles matching search criteria!")
if (class(mycollection)[1] == "TheiaCollection") {
# filter mycollection with tiles
out <- mycollection$status %>%
filter(grepl(paste(tiles, collapse = "|"), tile))
} else {
if (progress_bar) {
title = i18n$t("THEIA search"),
text = paste(
i18n$t("No tiles matching search criteria!")
type = "error",
btn_labels = "Ok"
} else {
type = "message",
i18n$t("No tiles matching search criteria!")
if (download) {
# telechargement des dalles si elles ne sont pas encore telechargees
files <- out
w <- getOption("warn")
on.exit(options("warn" = w))
options("warn" = -1)
if (progress_bar) {
# Add a progress bar while importing
withProgress(message = i18n$t("Loading tiles..."), value = 0, {
for (f in seq(1:nrow(files))) {
if (files$correct[f] == TRUE) {
# Increment the progress bar, and update the detail text.
incProgress(1 / nrow(files), detail = paste(files$tile[f], i18n$t(".zip is already downloaded ! ("), f, "/", nrow(files), ")"))
} else {
# Increment the progress bar, and update the detail text.
incProgress(1 / nrow(files), detail = paste(files$tile[f], i18n$t(".zip is being downloaded...("), f, "/", nrow(files), ")"))
tryCatch(mycollection$download(auth = myauth),
error = function(e) print(paste(files$tile[f], i18n$t("did not downloaded ! ("), f, "/", nrow(files), ")"))
} # end for
}) # end withprogress
} else {
for (f in seq(1:nrow(files))) {
if (files$correct[f] == TRUE) {
message(paste(files$tile[f], ".zip is already downloaded ! ("), f, "/", nrow(files), ")")
} else {
message(paste(files$tile[f], ".zip is being downloaded...("), f, "/", nrow(files), ")")
tryCatch(mycollection$download(auth = myauth),
error = function(e) print(paste(files$tile[f], "did not downloaded ! ("), f, "/", nrow(files), ")")
} # end for
} # endif
# affichage du statut des dalles a telecharger
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