
#' @title Check GDAL installation
#' @description The function check that GDAL is installed and updated to
#'  the minimum required version (2.1.3, since previous versions do not
#'  manage SAFE format).
#' @param abort Logical parameter: if TRUE (default), the function aborts
#'  in case no GDAL installation is found; if FALSE, a warning is shown
#'  and FALSE is returned.
#' @param force (optional) Logical: if TRUE, install even if it is already 
#'  installed (default is FALSE).
#' @return Logical (invisible): TRUE in case the installation is ok, FALSE 
#'  if GDAL is missing and abort=FALSE (otherwise, the function stops).
#' @author Luigi Ranghetti, phD (2017) \email{ranghetti.l@@irea.cnr.it}
#' @note License: GPL 3.0
#' @importFrom gdalUtils gdal_setInstallation gdal_chooseInstallation
#' @importFrom rgdal getGDALVersionInfo
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Remove previous GDAL information
#' options('gdalUtils_gdalPath' = NULL)
#' getOption('gdalUtils_gdalPath')
#' # Use function
#' check_gdal()
#' getOption('gdalUtils_gdalPath')
#' }

# TODO check also python and GDAL outside install_s2download (one could be interested only in preprocessing and not in downloading)

check_gdal <- function(abort = TRUE, force = FALSE) {
    # set minimum GDAL version
    gdal_minversion <- package_version("2.1.3")
    # load the saved GDAL path, if exists
    binpaths <- load_binpaths()
    if (force != TRUE & !is.null(binpaths$gdalinfo)) {
        # print_message( type = 'message', 'GDAL is already set; to reconfigure it, set force = TRUE.'  )
        gdal_setInstallation(search_path = dirname(binpaths$gdalinfo), rescan = TRUE)
    # If GDAL is not found, search for it
    print_message(type = "message", "Searching for a valid GDAL installation...")
    gdal_check_fastpath <- tryCatch(gdal_setInstallation(ignore.full_scan = TRUE, verbose = TRUE), error = print)
    # Check if this found version supports OpenJPEG
    gdal_check_jp2 <- tryCatch(gdal_chooseInstallation(hasDrivers = c("JP2OpenJPEG")), error = print)
    # If GDAL is not found, or if found version does not support JP2, perform a full search
    if (is.null(getOption("gdalUtils_gdalPath")) | is(gdal_check_jp2, "error") | is(gdal_check_fastpath, "error")) {
        print_message(type = "message", "GDAL was not found in the system PATH, search in the full ", "system (this could take some time, please wait)...")
        gdal_setInstallation(ignore.full_scan = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)
    # Check again if this found version supports OpenJPEG
    gdal_check_jp2 <- tryCatch(gdal_chooseInstallation(hasDrivers = c("JP2OpenJPEG")), error = print)
    # set message method
    message_type <- ifelse(abort == TRUE, "error", "warning")
    # If GDAL is not found, return FALSE (this should not happen, since GDAL is required by rgdal)
    if (is.null(getOption("gdalUtils_gdalPath")) | is(gdal_check_jp2, "error")) {
        print_message(type = message_type, "GDAL was not found, please install it.")
    # check requisites (minimum version)
    gdal_version <- package_version(gsub("^GDAL ([0-9.]*)[0-9A-Za-z/., ]*", "\\1", rgdal::getGDALVersionInfo(str = "--version")))
    if (gdal_version < gdal_minversion) {
        print_message(type = message_type, "GDAL version must be at least ", gdal_minversion, ". Please update it.")
    # check requisites (JP2 support)
    gdal_JP2support <- length(grep("JP2OpenJPEG", gdalUtils::gdalinfo(formats = TRUE))) > 0
    if (!gdal_JP2support) {
        print_message(type = message_type, "Your local GDAL installation does not support JPEG2000 (JP2OpenJPEG) format. ", "Please install JP2OpenJPEG support and recompile GDAL.", 
            if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows" & message_type == "error") {
                paste0("\nWe recommend to use the OSGeo4W installer ", "(http://download.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/osgeo4w-setup-x86", if (Sys.info()["machine"] == "x86-64") {
                }, ".exe), ", "to choose the \"Advanced install\" and ", "to check the packages \"gdal-python\" and \"openjpeg\".")
    # set this version to be used with gdalUtils
    gdal_chooseInstallation(hasDrivers = c("JP2OpenJPEG"))
    # save the path for use with external calls
    bin_ext <- ifelse(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows", ".exe", "")
    gdal_dir <- getOption("gdalUtils_gdalPath")[[1]]$path
    binpaths$gdalbuildvrt <- normalize_path(file.path(gdal_dir, paste0("gdalbuildvrt", bin_ext)))
    binpaths$gdal_translate <- normalize_path(file.path(gdal_dir, paste0("gdal_translate", bin_ext)))
    binpaths$gdalwarp <- normalize_path(file.path(gdal_dir, paste0("gdalwarp", bin_ext)))
    binpaths$gdal_calc <- if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") {
        binpaths$python <- normalize_path(file.path(gdal_dir, paste0("python", bin_ext)))
        paste0(binpaths$python, " ", normalize_path(file.path(gdal_dir, "gdal_calc.py")))
    } else {
        normalize_path(file.path(gdal_dir, "gdal_calc.py"))
    binpaths$gdal_polygonize <- if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") {
        binpaths$python <- normalize_path(file.path(gdal_dir, paste0("python", bin_ext)))
        paste0(binpaths$python, " ", normalize_path(file.path(gdal_dir, "gdal_polygonize.py")))
    } else {
        normalize_path(file.path(gdal_dir, "gdal_polygonize.py"))
    binpaths$gdaldem <- normalize_path(file.path(gdal_dir, paste0("gdaldem", bin_ext)))
    binpaths$gdalinfo <- normalize_path(file.path(gdal_dir, paste0("gdalinfo", bin_ext)))
    binpaths$ogrinfo <- normalize_path(file.path(gdal_dir, paste0("ogrinfo", bin_ext)))
    lapply(c("gdalbuildvrt", "gdal_translate", "gdalwarp", "gdaldem", "gdalinfo", "ogrinfo"), function(x) {
        binpaths[[x]] <- normalize_path(binpaths[[x]])
    writeLines(jsonlite::toJSON(binpaths, pretty = TRUE), attr(binpaths, "path"))
    print_message(type = "message", "GDAL version in use: ", as.character(gdal_version))
pobsteta/theia2r documentation built on May 25, 2019, 2:21 p.m.