
#' @title Warp basing on the grid of another file
#' @description The function apply [gdalwarp] to build rasters with the
#'  same projection, resolution and grid alignment of another raster.
#'  If not specified, the output format of each file is the same of the
#'  corresponding source file.
#' @param srcfiles A vector of input file paths (managed by GDAL).
#' @param dstfiles A vector of input file paths.
#' @param ref Path of the raster taken as reference.
#' @param of The output format (use the short format name). Default is
#'  the format of every input filename.
#' @param ... Additional parameters of [gdalwarp] (different from `s_srs`,
#'  `t_srs`, `te`, `tr`, `ts` and `of`).
#' @return NULL
#' @importFrom rgdal GDALinfo
#' @importFrom gdalUtils gdalwarp
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom reticulate py_to_r
#' @importFrom sf st_as_sfc
#' @author Luigi Ranghetti, phD (2017) \email{ranghetti.l@@irea.cnr.it}
#' @note License: GPL 3.0
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ex_sel <- c('/path/of/existing/input/file.tif',
#'             '/path/of/existing/input/anotherfile.jp2')
#' ex_ref <- '/path/of/the/reference/file.jp2'
#' ex_out <- c('/path/of/the/output/file.tif',
#'             '/path/of/the/output/anotherfile.jp2')
#' gdalwarp_grid(ex_sel, ex_out, ex_ref, dstnodata=0, overwrite=TRUE)
#' }

gdalwarp_grid <- function(srcfiles, dstfiles, ref, of = NULL, ...) {
    # import python modules
    py <- init_python()
    # read ref parameters
    ref_metadata <- suppressWarnings(GDALinfo(ref))
    ref_res <- ref_metadata[c("res.x", "res.y")]
    ref_min <- ref_metadata[c("ll.x", "ll.y")]
    ref_proj <- attr(ref_metadata, "projection")
    # check consistency between inputs and outputs
    if (length(srcfiles) != length(dstfiles)) {
        print_message(type = "error", "\"srcfiles\" (\"", paste(srcfiles, collapse = "\", \""), "\") and \"dstfiles\" (\"", paste(dstfiles, collapse = "\", \""), "\") must be of the same length.")
    # check output format
    if (!is.null(of)) {
        sel_driver <- py$gdal$GetDriverByName(of)
        if (is.null(py_to_r(sel_driver))) {
            print_message(type = "error", "Format \"", of, "\" is not recognised; ", "please use one of the formats supported by your GDAL installation.\n\n", "To list them, use the following command:\n", 
                "gdalUtils::gdalinfo(formats=TRUE)\n\n", "To search for a specific format, use:\n", "gdalinfo(formats=TRUE)[grep(\"yourformat\", gdalinfo(formats=TRUE))]")
    # cycle on each infiles
    for (i in seq_along(srcfiles)) {
        srcfile <- srcfiles[i]
        dstfile <- dstfiles[i]
        # read infile parameters
        sel_metadata <- suppressWarnings(GDALinfo(srcfile))
        sel_res <- sel_metadata[c("res.x", "res.y")]
        sel_proj <- attr(sel_metadata, "projection")
        sel_bbox <- c(sel_metadata[c("ll.x", "ll.y")], sel_metadata[c("ll.x", "ll.y")] + sel_metadata[c("rows", "columns")] * sel_res)
        names(sel_bbox) <- c("xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax")
        sel_bbox <- st_bbox(sel_bbox, crs = sel_proj)
        of <- ifelse(is.null(of), attr(sel_metadata, "driver"), of)
        # get reprojected extent
        out_bbox <- matrix(st_bbox(st_transform(st_as_sfc(sel_bbox), ref_proj)), nrow = 2, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(c("x", "y"), c("min", "max")))
        # allineate out_extent to ref grid
        out_bbox_mod <- round((out_bbox - ref_min)/ref_res) * ref_res + ref_min
        # warp (using gdalwarp() instead of calling gdalwarp from system() is a bit slower, but it easily allows to pass additional parameters)
        gdalwarp(srcfile = srcfile, dstfile = dstfile, s_srs = sel_proj, t_srs = ref_proj, te = c(out_bbox_mod), tr = ref_res, of = of, ...)
pobsteta/theia2r documentation built on May 25, 2019, 2:21 p.m.