
truncate_flat_files <- function(tables = c('report_businessmetrics_memberbreakdown'

  # get table names (based on file names) from the data directory
  tables <- sub(pattern = '.feather'
                ,replacement = ''
                ,x = sub('Data//', '', Sys.glob("Data//*.feather"))

  # load the tables using the load_flat_files function

  # truncate all of the tables and write them back to the data directory
  for (i in tables) {

           ,lazy_eval(interp(~top_n(table_name, 0), table_name = as.name(i)))

    path <- paste0('Data//', i, '.feather')

    lazy_eval(interp(~write_feather(table_name, path), table_name = as.name(i)))

pocdata/oliveR documentation built on May 25, 2019, 10:23 a.m.