
#' Get distributions in JAGS model code
#' Gets distributions in JAGS model code.
#' A distribution is any JAGS word between ~ and (.
#' Where a JAGS word must start with a letter
#' and can only contain letters, numbers, '.'
#' and '_'.
#' @param x string of JAGS model code
#' @return Sorted character vector of distributions
#' that occur one or more times.
#' @seealso \code{\link{juggler}}, 
#' \code{\link{jg_funcs}}, \code{\link{jg_vnodes}}
#' @export
jg_dists <- function (x) {
  x <- jg_rm_comments(x)
  matches <- gregexpr("(?<=~)\\s*[A-Za-z][\\w.]*(?=\\s*[(])", x, perl = TRUE)
  matches <- regmatches(x, matches)[[1]]
  matches <- gsub("\\s", "", matches)

#' Get functions in JAGS model code
#' Gets functions in JAGS model code
#' A function is any JAGS word followed by a '('
#' that is not preceeded by a '~'.
#' Where a JAGS word must start with a letter
#' and can only contain letters, numbers, '.'
#' and '_'.
#' @param x string of JAGS model code
#' @return Character vector of functions.
#' @seealso \code{\link{juggler}}, \code{\link{jg_dists}}, 
#' and \code{\link{jg_vnodes}}
#' @export
jg_funcs <- function (x) {
  x <- jg_rm_comments(x)
  matches <- gregexpr("((?<![\\s\\w.~])|(?<![~])\\s+)[A-Za-z][\\w.]*(?=\\s*[(])", x, perl = TRUE)
  matches <- regmatches(x, matches)[[1]]
  matches <- gsub("^\\s*", "", matches)

line_number <- function (x, nchar) {
  length(gregexpr("\n", substr(x, 1, nchar))[[1L]]) + 1

get_line <- function (x, line) {

#' Get variable nodes in JAGS model code
#' Gets names of variable (as opposed to constant) named nodes in JAGS model code
#' @param x string of JAGS model code
#' @param type string of node type. Must be 'stochastic', 'deterministic'
#' or 'both' (the default). A variable node is any word possibly 
#' @param indices flag of whether to retain indices
#' @param comment A string defining the regular expression to use to 
#' filter text from the comment for the node.
#' @return Character vector of unique sorted variable node names
#' @seealso \code{\link{juggler}}, \code{\link{jg_dists}}, 
#' and \code{\link{jg_funcs}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' model_code <- "data{
#'    Y ~ dpois(2) 
#' }
#' model {
#'  bLambda ~ dlnorm(0,10^-2) #$\\lamda_{beta}$
#'  for (i in 1:length(x)) { x[i]~dpois(bLambda) 
#'    b[i] ~dpois(1)
#'    bc[i] <- b[i]
#'  }
#'  bd <- dpois(1, 1)
#' }"
#' jg_vnodes(model_code)
jg_vnodes <- function (x, type = "both", indices = FALSE, comment = "[$][^\n]+[$]") {
  assert_that(is.flag(indices) && noNA(indices))
  x_with_comments <- x
  x <- jg_rm_comments(x)

  if(!type %in% c("both", "stochastic", "deterministic"))
    stop("type must be 'both', 'stochastic' or 'deterministic'")
  if(type == "stochastic") {
    matches <- gregexpr("[])\\w.)](?=\\s*[~])", x, perl = TRUE)[[1]]
  } else if(type == "deterministic") {
    matches <- gregexpr("[])\\w.)](?=\\s*[<][-])", x, perl = TRUE)[[1]]   
  } else
    matches <- gregexpr("[])\\w.)](?=\\s*([~]|([<][-])))", x, perl = TRUE)[[1]]
  if(matches[1] == -1)
    return (character(0))
  nodes <- character(0)
  for (match in matches) {
    index <- NULL
    i <- gregexpr("\\S\\s*[)]$", substr(x, 1, match), perl = TRUE)[[1]]
    if (i[1] != -1)
      match <- i
    if("]" == substr(x, match, match)) {
      match <- pass_brackets(x, match, forward = FALSE)
      index <- names(match)
      match <- match - 1
    i <- gregexpr("(^|(?<=[])(\\s]))[A-Za-z][\\w.]*(?=\\s*$)", substr(x, 1, match), perl = TRUE)[[1]]
    if(i[1] != -1) {
      node <- regmatches(substr(x, 1, match), i)
      line <- get_line(x_with_comments, line_number(x, match))
      reg <- paste0("(.*", node, ")", "(.*[#].*)(", comment, ").*") 
      if(grepl(reg, line, perl = TRUE)) {
        node_comment <- sub(reg, "\\3", line, perl = TRUE)
      } else 
        node_comment <- node
      if(indices && !is.null(index))
        node <- paste0(node, index)
      names(node) <- node_comment
      nodes <- c(nodes, node)
  nodes <- nodes[!duplicated(nodes)]
  nodes <- nodes[order(nodes)]
poissonconsulting/juggler documentation built on Feb. 18, 2021, 11:12 p.m.