
Defines functions new_data

Documented in new_data

#' Generate New Data
#' Generates a new data frame (in the form of a tibble) with each variable
#' held constant or varying as a unique ordered sequence.
#' All possible unique combinations are included and the columns
#' are in the same order as those in `data`.
#' If an element of `ref` is a character vector and the corresponding
#' column is a data frame, then the ref element is assigned the same
#' factor levels as the column in the data. This is useful for choosing
#' a factor level without having to set the correct levels.
#' @param data The data frame to generate the new data from.
#' @param seq A character vector of the variables in `data` to generate
#' sequences for.
#' @param ref A named list of reference values for variables that are not in seq.
#' @param obs_only A list of character vectors indicating the sets of variables
#' to only allow observed combinations for.
#' If TRUE then obs_only is set to be seq.
#' @param length_out A count indicating the maximum length of sequences for all
#' types of variables except logical, character, factor and ordered factors.
#' @return A tibble of the new data.
#' @seealso [new_value()] and [new_seq()].
#' @examples
#' # an example data set
#' data <- tibble::tibble(
#'   vecint = c(1L, 3L),
#'   vecreal = c(1, 3),
#'   vecchar = c("b", "a"),
#'   vecdate = as.Date(c("2001-01-01", "2001-01-01"))
#' )
#' # vary count while holding other values constant
#' new_data(data, "vecint")
#' # vary continual
#' new_data(data, "vecreal")
#' new_data(data, c("vecchar", "vecint"))
#' @export
new_data <- function(
    seq = character(0),
    ref = list(),
    obs_only = list(character(0)),
    length_out = 30) {
  if (!missing(ref)) {
      "", "new_data(ref)",
      details = "Use `xnew_data(data, col_name = 'new_value')`"

  if (!missing(obs_only)) {
      "", "new_data(obs_only)",
      details = "Use `xnew_data(data, xobs_only(col_name))`"

  if (!missing(length_out)) {
      "", "new_data(length_out)",
      details = "Use `xnew_data(data, xnew_seq(col_name, length_out = 30))`"

  chk_range(length_out, c(2L, 1000L))
  if (isTRUE(obs_only)) obs_only <- list(seq)
  if (!all(map_lgl(obs_only, is.character))) {
    err("`obs_only` must be a list of character vectors")
  obs_only <- obs_only %>% unique()

  if (!all(has_name(data, seq))) {
    err("`data` missing names in `seq`")

  if (!all(has_name(data, names(ref)))) {
    err("`data` missing names in `ref`")

  if (!all(has_name(data, unique(unlist(obs_only))))) {
    err("`data` missing names in `obs_only`")

  if (length(ref)) {
    if (!is_named(ref)) err("`ref` must be a named list")

    ref <- ref[!names(ref) %in% seq]

    if (any(unique(unlist(obs_only)) %in% names(ref))) {
      err("variables must not be in `obs_only` and `ref`")
    ref <- ref %>%
      check_classes(data[names(ref)], x_name = "ref", y_name = "data")

  ops <- options(
    new_data.length_out_lgl = 2L,
    new_data.length_out_int = length_out,
    new_data.length_out_dbl = length_out,
    new_data.length_out_chr = Inf,
    new_data.obs_only = FALSE

  new_seqs <- lapply(data[names(data) %in% seq], new_seq)
  new_ref <- lapply(
    data[!names(data) %in% seq & !names(data) %in% names(ref)],

  new_data <- expand.grid(c(new_seqs, new_ref, ref),
    KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  for (obo in obs_only) {
    new_data <- new_data %>% obs_only(data, obo)
  new_data <- new_data[names(data)] %>% as_tibble()
poissonconsulting/newdata documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 2:31 p.m.