
# Geonames function workings

# Aim: import geonames country files from the web into R as tables and allow selections by country or multiple countries

# ----obtain page text, parse zip and txt file names----
# there are a mixture of file names and a readme txt (with repetition of file name & extension) on the dump page. Separate into dump_files and dump_text and then into dump_names. Date of modification and file size not retrieved.

# # prepare the geonames data

prepare_geoname <- function(dump){
  dump <- xml2::read_html("http://download.geonames.org/export/dump/")

  dump_files <- rvest::html_nodes(dump, "pre:nth-child(4)") %>%

  dump_readme <- rvest::html_nodes(dump, "pre:nth-child(5)") %>%

  # country and other data files are in zip. Descriptors are in .txt. I may want to create a data frame from this instead with Name, Last Modified, Size, Description.

  dump_zip <- stringr::str_extract_all(dump_files, "\\b[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\\.zip") %>% unlist()
  # this misses out shapes_simplified_low.json.zip

  dump_txt <- stringr::str_extract_all(dump_files, "\\b[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\\.txt") %>% unlist()
  #misses modifications-2017-08-31.txt

  dump_names <- tibble::tibble(file = c(dump_zip, dump_txt)) %>% separate(., file, c("iso", "type"), sep = "[.]", remove = FALSE)
  # note that not quite complete

  # ----Create countryinfo names table----

  # The table is extracted from countryInfo.txt, column names to lower, other characters and spaces replaced with `_`.

  countryinfo <- readr::read_delim("data/geonames_countrytable.txt", "\t", escape_double = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE)
  names(countryinfo) <- tolower(names(countryinfo))
  names(countryinfo) <- stringr::str_replace(names(countryinfo), "#", "")
  names(countryinfo) <- stringr::str_replace(names(countryinfo), "-", "_")
  names(countryinfo) <- stringr::str_replace_all(names(countryinfo), "[(]", "_")
  names(countryinfo) <- stringr::str_replace_all(names(countryinfo), "[)]", "")
  names(countryinfo) <- stringr::str_replace_all(names(countryinfo), " ", "_")

  save(countryinfo, file = "data/countryinfo.rda")

  # join
  country_data <- left_join(dump_names, countryinfo, by = "iso")

  # create tibble with urls
  baseurl <- "http://download.geonames.org/export/dump/"
  dump_code <- paste0(baseurl, country_data$file)
  country_data$url <- dump_code

  save(country_data, file = "data/country_data.rda")

#----  import direct function----

import_geonames2 <- function(countrycode = NULL, countryname = NULL, path = NULL){
  #countrycode_col <- enquo(countrycode)
  #groupvars <- rlang::syms(names(country_data))

  # To do. Add official name column from countrycode package

  if (!is.null(countrycode)) {
   url <- country_data[country_data$iso %in% countrycode, ] %>% dplyr::select(., url)

  if (!is.null(countryname)) {
    url <- country_data[country$country %in% countryname, ] %>% dplyr::select(., url)


  # if (is.null(countrycode) && is.null(countryname)){
  #    stop("Needs either a country code or a country name")
  #  }

    df <- purrr::map(url$url, readr::read_delim, "\t", escape_double = FALSE, col_names = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE #, col_types = cols(
   #       X1 = col_integer(),
   #       X2 = col_character(),
   #       X3 = col_character(),
   #       X4 = col_character(),
   #       X5 = col_double(),
   #       X6 = col_double(),
   #       X7 = col_character(),
   #       X8 = col_character(),
   #       X9 = col_character(),
   #       X10 = col_character(),
   #       X11 = col_character(),
   #       X12 = col_character(),
   #       X13 = col_character(),
   #       X14 = col_character(),
   #       X15 = col_integer(),
   #       X16 = col_integer(),
   #       X17 = col_integer(),
   #       X18 = col_character(),
   #       X19 = col_date(format = "")
  # ) %>% bind_rows() %>%
  #       dplyr::rename_(., "geonameid" = "X1", "name" = "X2", "asciiname" = "X3", "alternatenames" = "X4", "latitude" = "X5", "longitude" = "X6", "feature_class" = "X7", "feature_code" = "X8", "country_code" = "X9", "cc2" = "X10", "admin1_code" = "X11", "admin2_code" = "X12", "admin3_code" = "X13", "admin4_code" = "X14", "population" = "X15", "elevation" = "X16", "dem" = "X17", "timezone" = "X18", "modification_date" = "X19")
  #     #df <- df %>% left_join(., countrydata, by = "country_code")


 import_geonames <- function(path){
   # tibble for txt for paste
   geofiles <- dir(path) %>%
     tibble() %>%
     rename_(., "file" = ".") # update
   geofiles$txt <-
     stringr::str_detect(geofiles$file, "[.]txt")
   geofiles <- geofiles %>%
     dplyr::filter(., txt == TRUE) %>%
     select_(., "file")
#   # create country_code field
   geofiles$country_code <- stringr::str_replace_all(geofiles$file, ".txt", "")

   # add country_name from countrycode package

   countrydata <- countrycode::countrycode_data %>%
     select_(., "iso2c", "country.name.en") %>%
     rename_(., "country_code" = "iso2c")

   geofiles <- left_join(geofiles, countrydata, by = "country_code")
   geofiles <- geofiles %>% rename_(., "country_name" = "country.name.en")
#   # generate path for read_delim
   geofiles$path <- paste0(path, "/", geofiles$file)
# # As a list of dfs maybe use set_names. Really want the names from the
   df <- purrr::map(geofiles$path, readr::read_delim, "\t", escape_double = FALSE, col_names = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE, col_types = cols(
     X1 = col_integer(),
     X2 = col_character(),
     X3 = col_character(),
     X4 = col_character(),
     X5 = col_double(),
     X6 = col_double(),
     X7 = col_character(),
     X8 = col_character(),
     X9 = col_character(),
     X10 = col_character(),
     X11 = col_character(),
     X12 = col_character(),
     X13 = col_character(),
     X14 = col_character(),
     X15 = col_integer(),
     X16 = col_integer(),
     X17 = col_integer(),
     X18 = col_character(),
     X19 = col_date(format = "")
   ) %>% bind_rows() %>%
     dplyr::rename_(., "geonameid" = "X1", "name" = "X2", "asciiname" = "X3", "alternatenames" = "X4", "latitude" = "X5", "longitude" = "X6", "feature_class" = "X7", "feature_code" = "X8", "country_code" = "X9", "cc2" = "X10", "admin1_code" = "X11", "admin2_code" = "X12", "admin3_code" = "X13", "admin4_code" = "X14", "population" = "X15", "elevation" = "X16", "dem" = "X17", "timezone" = "X18", "modification_date" = "X19")
#   df <- df %>% left_join(., countrydata, by = "country_code")
poldham/oldhammisc documentation built on May 25, 2019, 11:23 a.m.